Friday, April 10, 2020

This migraine won't quit

It is so bad I have tears leaking down my face and I never cry.  I am utterly miserable and just waiting for it to end.

I am fairly queasy as well and have a bucket at hand.  I am going back to bed.

Oh, that wasn't fun: vomiting in a bucket while fixing Ron dinner. 


Anonymous said...

start eating healthy and cut out all the soda.

Unknown said...

Of course, you have a migraine you're under a lot of stress, and you're losing it, Heather. I'm beginning to think, it's not Ron that needs to go into a nursing home. I think you should get some kind of home care for him so that you can self commit to get the physicological help and rest you need before you crack completely. I'm not saying this to be mean, I'm serious you are not doing well.

You and Ron have such an unhealthy relationship you need to get away from each other for a while. Yes, he is abusive to you but you are also abusive towards him. You say things to him that I wouldn't say to my worse enemy. You both try to outdo each other to see who can hurt the other the most. I don't see any love between you, only bitterness bordering on hate. Very, very sad.

Heidi said...

You have been under a whole lot of stress! I am so very sorry you are struggling . It has been a while since you wrote about a headache this bad! Get better soon i hope you are able to rest

Heather Knits said...

It's better now, no head pain but still weak, wobbly, and nauseous.

Everyone in my family was praising my level head the day of the seizure but it did catch up with me. That, and I believe the flea topicals I applied to the cats.

But this is Ron's first seizure ever so won't have a repeat of the first. I feel so foolish admitting now I kept shaking him and trying to get him to "wake up" during the seizure. With predictable results.

Anonymous said...

praying for you and Ron.

Heidi said...

They go into a postictal state after a seizure and it is pretty scary when they will not respond . You did great anyone can say anything about how you handled this Heather but you did the best thing you could have done in the moment and as I said before the hospitals are running every test rapidly and getting folks the hell out of there as fast as possible it is not optimal but it is necessary.

It is exhausting from my end that is for sure I spend anytime I am not at work in my apartment trying not to contract or infect anyone . Please follow up as they directed Ron may resist but it would be the best thing you could do as his wife is to take charge and get hem there.

Much love and energy your way . Not that I have much energy to share LOL