Wednesday, April 15, 2020

I had my appointment

First I went out in the yard and sat in my chair, in the sun, for a while.  I think that is important for immunity and mood, talked to my aunt, brought my knitting but didn't do it.  I spent about an hour out there. 

Pretty bad headache today so I finally took something.  I don't like to but sometimes it is necessary. 

Doc called - early, which I thought was funny as Ron's doc called him late.  I told him he really thought ahead with the designer face masks, he was talking about 10 years ago.  He said he missed the interaction and the chocolate I always bring to our visits.  We talked, I told him everything and also mentioned I had bought a 6 pack of beer 2 weeks ago and drunk one bottle. 

He said alcohol wasn't great, not necessarily for mood but dehydration can happen quickly and that's bad.  I thought that was interesting. 

He said alcohol would be OK in very modest amounts "at the rate you are doing now 1 every 2 weeks" which I said would be fine. 

I asked for 90 days refills and he said that was fine.  He put it in, I should get it tomorrow or Friday at the latest. 

I hung up, checked on Ron (fine) who suggested I smoke a hemp for my headache.  I said that was a good idea and he asked me not to do it in the house, I said of course. 

[I should have told Doc about Ron saying my incense caused his seizure]

I went outside and did that, it did help.  I plan to take a nap later. 

Mood is OK considering. 


Anonymous said...

Once again, CBD cream to rub on your forehead for headache.

Anonymous said...

CBD cream rubbed on the forehead for a migraine was like peeing on a Forrest fire when I tried it sorry but it did nothing and this was really good quality . Migraines are vascular and nothing about CBD can help that . It can relax you I am sure but not everyone gets benefit from it topically they usually do better easier smoking it (sadly ) or eating it