Saturday, April 18, 2020

Nothing works on the bathtub grime

I guess I am going to prison, I tried all the cleansers on it.  I did clean the rest of the house, I need to sweep but other than that done, litter boxes and everything. 

I even tried the stuff with bleach.  No luck. 

About taking help, I am swinging around to where I might take it.  It depends how it is offered and how much information we have to give but I will consider it. 

I had a pretty good nap after I did the laundry.  Ron and I decided not to mend the old pants, it would have been an obvious seam and they are old, $12 pants.  I can just go to Wallyworld on Tuesday.  I know what he likes, I can just get that without taking him. 

He also mentioned getting some plants for a small garden, which I can do.  I am putting the tomatoes in the back, though.  I could use some more towels for the "washing up Ron" basket. 

Things I can't talk about, things I can.  Ron needed some help he fell getting in his wheelchair, he called, I went running back.  I had my Youtube music streaming and it was playing "Lean on me" and then went to "Get on up" which I found absolutely hysterical.  I didn't laugh because Ron might have thought I was laughing AT him but I was just laughing at the whole scenario this man trying to get up and the music going 'GET ON UP" 

I thought it was funny, it's up to you if you think so too.  I did get Ron up and he is fine, it wasn't a hard fall. 

I got my masks, finally.  They sent them first class which explains the delay.  But I got them, 6, nice soft fabric, washable, I made a video. 

You can hear me and Ron talking.  When I talk about "kicking" Baby Girl (we also call her Varmint), I mean stretching his foot out in bed and bumping her.  He would never "kick" her, but in this case he sneezed and that's what spooked her. 

So here it is. 


Anonymous said...

Did you try using a vinegar/baking soda/dawn dish soap type mixture for cleaning? I have to use that on my tub and sinks and let it sit in there too. We have hard water. Regular cleaners don’t seem to work. I also use Iron Out Even just vinegar. It cleans everything.

Anonymous said...

My bathtub is very old and the enamel on the floor of the tub has worn off, the sides are fine. Like you I have tried everything to clean what looks like dirt and smudges nothing worked. I decided to try Mr Clean eraser sponge, the result is amazing, it does a great job! Give it a try, it might help to clean the tub.

Heather Knits said...

I went ahead and threw some magic erasers in my grocery delivery for tomorrow. I have some baking soda I can use now.

Anonymous said...

My daughter runs a hotel, they use magic eraser.

Anonymous said...

I second Mr. Clean Magic Erasers as well. They are really good about removing things! Sometimes a little too good. -star_tigress

Heather Knits said...

Now I'm really glad I got them.