Saturday, April 4, 2020

Saturday morning

Last night I woke up sometime around 10 (I go to bed very early ideally), I had been having a nightmare about Ron.  I woke up and laid in bed, and within a minute I heard Ron shouting my name and telling me to stop, he was having a nightmare.  What are the odds?

I got up and got on the computer for over an hour.  I made a cherry limeade.  Ron listened to coast to coast.  I went back to bed and he must have been pretty quiet because here I am, 8 hours later.  It is a little cool but he is under the blanket, I am glad I bought that for him, it is very soft and luxurious, very warm, not too heavy, and a nice color for me to look at.

As I said if we do get those stipend checks coming we can do the repairs/improvements to his room.  I will be so glad to get rid of the carpet.  Ron says sometimes he is "lazy and rushed about lining up because he waited too long" to pee and that is what I am seeing on the bed/floor.  I am just glad I got those rubber sheets because it is easy to strip, wipe down the rubber, and place a new fitted sheet.

I am pretty depressed today, no headache for a change, thank God, so I will do our monthly report tomorrow.  I just calculate total sales, etc. and put it into a spreadsheet online.  I also need to calculate how much we owe in sales tax (not much).

But that can wait for tomorrow as I said I am pretty depressed.  I took everything (including some kratom which I have found helpful with the depression) a little while ago so that will be onboard as well.

I am eating better, too, I got some sugar snap peas and ate a big bowl of them, raw, with some ranch dressing.  They are very tasty and nice and green, full of life and tasty, too.  I didn't look at the price when I put them in the cart.  Some things get bought regardless and I make it work, "health foods" are one of them.

I also bought some sandwich bags so I can make some soy nut/sunflower butter and jelly sandwiches on multi grain bread and freeze most of them.  Peanut butter is a migraine trigger again so it is off the menu, but the sun/soy butters are pretty good and do not hurt me.

Nothing like an easy "peanut" butter sandwich when I'm depressed, a couple of them and a glass of milk I can take my pills.  That's my big goal for the day aside from taking a shower and getting dressed.

I was laying in bed last night trying to sleep and it seemed the alcohol was affecting my sleep.  So, if I drink, it won't be at night.  I need my sleep.  And if I do drink it won't be more than one a day.

Ron is starting to make noise he is waking up.  We don't have any plans for today or tomorrow, we need to go to work on Monday though.  Tuesday I am hoping we can take that big bag of change to the bank to cover sales tax.  Then we will be rid of it in the room.  It is pretty large, and heavy, but we can put the legs on Ron's wheelchair.

I am not allowed to bring weapons to work which I understand.  But I can bring a leg for the wheelchair, which would work in a pinch, I recently concluded, so I always have at least one leg to the wheelchair in the bag on the back of the wheelchair.  As a rule Ron does not like wheelchair legs but sometimes (like when he is carrying a big bag of change) he cannot hold his legs up.

My aunt once concluded Ron must have really good abs from holding his legs up all the time.

I woke up to 3 cats in my bed, Torbie, Biscuit, and Cleo.  They all had plenty of room around me and I felt very loved.  Cleo is getting to be a little butter ball I think someone else is feeding her.  She is a very pretty cat so I could see that.  She can still clean herself and wrestle with her brother so I'm not overly worried.

I also need to catch up on some laundry and dress Torbie's wound but that's it for now.

Got Torbie medicated and gave her treats.  Once I had the treats in my hand everyone else showed up. 

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