Wednesday, April 8, 2020

This has been the worst depression in a while

As you may know, I was sleeping on a cot with a couple of sleeping bags.  I put the cot in the garage, eventually, and the sleeping bags in a contractor trash bag that I tied up and left outside near the pet door. 

This morning I heard a cat fight, I woke up and turned on the light to find the orange tom (he wants to be our cat) fighting with a long haired (I think) black and white cat right outside the door.  They saw me and ran off. 

Today I decided to bring in the trash bag with sleeping bags, only to realize it has a distinctly pissy aroma.  I got the bedding out of the bag but the bag had been sprayed.  Contents were clean but not the exterior, which I touched, so now I HAVE to take a shower and do laundry so I don't walk around smelling like tomcat. 


So I am off to get that started. 

OK, shower done.  Yesterday I was so depressed I got out my 'good" castille lavender soap.  I am using that, I smell like me again no pissy.  Clothes are agitating in the wash. 

And I learned my lesson about putting things outside. 

Ron is having some pain today but has the pain pills, they are helping somewhat but he seems OK.  Not great but he can take it. 

We ran the AC last night and no leak.  So we got our $400 worth, let me tell you the last month we have paid over $1,100 on various repairs.  During one of our worst months for sales.  And you wonder why I can't fix Ron's room? 

Speaking of, his dresser has collapsed, we need to toss it and get him another.  I am going to put my aunt on that hunt.  I may work on cleaning up the mess over in that corner of his room after my nap today, I'm not up for it now.  But I am sure she can find a decent 3 drawer dresser. 

I did put some scent beads in the washer with the clothes, just to be safe.  I had planned to put my wool blanket outside but not with tom cats around.  Or pissers, whatever sex they are. 

I am not a fan of pissy cats.  Mine are delightful and always use their box, in fact they won't even toilet outside, only inside.  I am sure the neighbors enjoy that. 

Ron does not have Baby Girl today she wanted to roam, but Torbie stepped in.  Torbie is just about healed.  Biscuit has a small owie but it looks OK.  I really need to fence off that catio, get some new shelves built, etc. 

The guy we hired did an OK job structurally (the bones) but the rest of the work is pretty shoddy.  It should have lasted a lot longer than a couple of years.  I will not be hiring him again.  Home advisor got me Carlos so I will use them for a handyman.  When I'm ready. 

I think I will have to do Ron's room, first. 

He heard an ad for a carpet cleaner and I had to explain his carpet is not salvageable.  "It needs to be taken out and burned, by someone in a Haz Mat suit" being my precise term. 

We were supposed to go to work today but he had such a poor sleep he cancelled it.  I didn't sleep very well, either, so I just turned off my alarm.  He did it in plenty of time so he didn't get a penalty mark. 

He confided he has been worried about catching the virus, he knew his odds, but is feeling better now they have a treatment.  Being a DNR, disabled, and mixed race are all strikes against him when it comes time to ration the vents.  But he is feeling better. 

He woke me up to tell me a comet was going to hit the earth?  And the pope quit?  He was really struck by that. 

When I got up I bought some Bible Promise books, oddly enough my case of them was stolen - what a peculiar thing to take.  I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried, but a couple of boxes clearly marked TP remain... anyway I should get the books tomorrow. 

That is the LAST of the Bible money.  I got tired of having it in my account anyway, because no way am I going to spend it, of course.  So that's all spent now. 

I can hand them out to drivers and everyday people.  Not at Walmart because I think they sell it. 

His back is pretty bad today but he is singing along, badly, with country music and lying in bed.  He moved Torbie out of his bed, hoping Baby Girl would come lie with him, but now he has no cats.  Now he's mad at Baby Girl because she won't sleep with him. 

He shouldn't have moved Torbie.  He is like the middle aged guy with the plump, faithful, sort of plain wife, always chasing after the young 20 year old blonde with fake breasts.  He won't know what he had with Torbie until she's gone. 

I did give Torbie some treats after her eviction. 


Anonymous said...

I really gave a hard time feeling sorry for you since you put the sleeping bags outside instead if in the garage or your closet and refuse to patch the holes in the catio to prevent stuff like this.

Heather Knits said...

OH, the sleeping bags were fine, I had them tied up really good... but that exterior plastic trash bag reeked, and got on me.

But I was going to do the slug thing and not shower today so I guess that was God's way of shoving me in the shower.

Did you see the thing about us paying out over $1100 in repairs the last month? I don't have money to fix it right now.

Anonymous said...

Again the point is you should have been saving money all al9ng. Even the December leak should have been a wake up call for both of you to make a budget. Chicken wire and regular wire are fairly cheap and you could use that to patch the catio for now until you can fix it properly. Now biscuit is injured and it's only a matter of time before one gets gravely injured or killed. But don't listen to me what do I know. Tons dresser is not a priority in a piss covered floor. He has a closet use it. If there is no room in the closet it's time to purge stuff. Plus you have a 3rd bedroom that can be used for storage so why you would store things in the catio makes no sense at all.

Anonymous said...

By us you mean you paid out $1100 in repairs. Ron only buys vodka.

Anonymous said...

They do not have a treatment for COVID. please educate yourself. People are dying from it. People who smoke (smoke anything, hemp included) are at risk for death. People who abuse alcohol are at high risk as well. stop going out every damn day.

Anonymous said...

What are you talking about, there is no cure for the virus. If there was, so many people wouldn't still be dying.

You had months and the money to repair the catio, you just refused to do it. The vet bill you paid probably would have been enough to pay for repairs.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and BTW Houston is getting hit hard.

Anonymous said...

Close. The. Cat. Door. PROBLEM SOLVED

Heather Knits said...

The hydro-whatever + z pack, + zinc is very effective. Chicken wire will not hold the cats, I need metal fencing, they already ripped a hole in the goat fencing. I can only hope chain link does the job but that will not be cheap.

I never had the money to make repairs the little I got from insurance went to fixing GIANT HOLES IN MY WALLS and NO FLOORING.

Someone who is already in poor physical shape is not going to do well with the virus, even with a good treatment.

Heather Knits said...

I really like all the "shoulds" and "oughts". Do you run your personal relationships like that, always telling people what they did wrong? If so I don't imagine you have a very happy life.

See, I can make a statement without turning it into a vicious personal attack. Might want to try it sometime.

Heather Knits said...

@ close it, you don't have to live with them!

Anonymous said...

Please tell everyone what happened to Gravy and then give everyone another reason why you refuse to close the catio, and leave the cats inside until you can get it fixed. BTW Gravy was the reason you built the catio and why you didn't want the cats roaming loose.

Anonymous said...

I don't get it. What would happen if you just locked the cat door?

Would the cats band together and assassinate you and Ron?

Would they use tiny spoons to tunnel out through a wall?

Would they start shooting heroin? Knife fights?

Heather Knits said...

Probably all of the above... but most likely very loud meowing and clawing at the door all night.

Gravy got hurt (I am thinking it was likely a coyote) and we had to put him down. The vacant lot housing the coyote pack has been cleared and converted to a flood pond.

Anonymous said...

Gravy was killed because you let him roam free. Torbie and biscuit have already gotten injured from being outside. Why are you insisting on letting them roam free? And it was a blind man who noticed torbie was injured enough to need to go to the vet not you a sighted person who seems to be acting irrationally.

Heather Knits said...

I don't know where they got injured, Biscuit likes to get in the drywall. Ron is the one who paid for the vet, I had noticed it... and I told him to be careful petting her which led to the whole discussion and the trip to the vet.

Anonymous said...

Again the drunk blind man is more reasonable at this point than you are. More than likely the injuries happened outside. I really don't know what your problem is lately. It seem like since the water leak in December you have not been right and are making poor decisions and choices.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand why you aren't putting a stop to things that are obviously dangerous to your cats. Two steps could keep them protected until you can afford to fix the catio and drywall.

Close the cat door.

Move Ron into the orange room and then close off his old room with the holes in the wall so the cats can't get in there.

Use the time you would have spent creating instagram accounts for your cats to accomplish this.

Heather Knits said...

Ron has a lot of trouble getting from his room to the bathroom, etc. It would be very confusing for him to move and I am not looking forward to it when we do make repairs.

Anonymous said...

"The hydro whatever" ha. If it was so safe and worked don't you think the doctors and nurses that caught the virus would be begging to take it? They're not, think about it.

Heather Knits said...

We don't know what is going on behind the scenes.

Like Ron always says, all the specialists I saw and none of them saw I was bipolar? RIIIGHT they wanted the money that came from me being "emotionally disturbed with a Bad Mommy" and not the once a quarter visit with a psychiatrist.

From what I have seen if Ron gets sick I will ask he be given it.

Anonymous said...

What have you seen?

Anonymous said...

They won’t be giving it if your hospital doesn’t even have it. I can’t EVEN WITH YOU.

Heather Knits said...

I have seen several articles and personal accounts of people at death's door improving in several hours. That is good enough for me.

He doesn't want a vent but he would take this, we have discussed it.

Anonymous said...

links please, Heather

Anonymous said...

Heather as a nurse that isn’t a cure. At most it helps with symptoms. It literally cannot be a cure. You are talking drugs that deal with parasites curing a virus. You can’t cure a virus besides a vaccine.

Wherever you are hearing this is 100% wrong. I don’t care who said it. It’s wrong.

There is currently no cure.

Heather Knits said...

Why does a metal help with my moods? How does it work? 100 years later they still don't know.

You are all big people and can find your own links. But if Ron or I gets sick we are asking for it.

Anonymous said...

Heather... nurse once more.

I’ll try to explain the way I did for my parents.

First off: Lithium.

We don’t quite know why it works. Strengthens nerve endings? But our body takes in lots of things and uses them for different purposes. It’s crazy how complex it all is.

Bipolar disorder is an error in your brain. Taking an element fixes that.

Once again, your illness is innate. Isn’t your fault. We all have problems, and-I think you are coping fine based on all the insanity going on.

I just want you to realize why this isn’t a cure.
Onto the “cure”

The study was disproven.

If it helped people A: they were getting better anyway and B: I think it could help with symptoms—you may feel better, but not the virus.

Now bear with me. We get sick in multiple ways.

Body parts fail us. Kidney failure.

Eyes don’t work, depression. Innate flaws.


None of that is a virus.

What is a virus? It’s a creepy chunk of non living gunk that hijacks cells and then makes them have babies that have the virus inside. The virus makes the cells not work right.

There isn’t a cure for viruses. AIDS, Rabies, etc. some have specific cures.

But a virus needs our body’s own defense to fight it off.

That’s where vaccines come in.

The drugs in this “cure” treat parasites and bacteria. Living things that invade us. A virus isn’t either. They literally can’t help. It’s IMPOSSIBLE.

Because something cures a bacteria doesn’t man it cures a virus just because both make you sick anymore than a pill for a snake would help your cat because they both are alive.

Heather, I love your blog and love you. Don’t think there’s a cure. I am in the field. There isn’t. Keep safe please.

Dr Heather MD said...

Also you can’t get prescribed something your hospital doesn’t have. Do you honestly believe we would all be locked down like this if there was a miracle drug that wiped THe virus away in HOURS? GET A GRIP

Anonymous 10:01, very well explained but sadly heather knows all and won’t believe you.

Heather Knits said...

Oh, that looks good... Dr Heather. But there is a real doctor Heather out there teed off you took "her" name.

Anyway, no one is sick. So it is irrelevant now. I am deeply limiting Ron's public exposure.

I am only making one trip out a week for errands if at all possible (not my fault Walmart wouldn't accept my bill pay money). I am being smart about washing my hands and usually wear a face mask.

Anonymous said...

Another reason not to let the cats outside-fleas! Now your house is infested and the cats will most likely have tapeworms.

Heather Knits said...

It's been my experience if I have fleas a topical treatment for the cats erases the problem.

Anonymous said...

If the cats had fleas the possibility of now having tape worms is high. So, just be aware and check their stool and them often. Fleas are so nasty, I hate them.

Anonymous said...

No her vet said the cats don't have worms. LOL.

Heather Knits said...

Actually the lab said they were worm free.

I haven't seen anything of note in the litter. Even the mushy stool issue firmed up if you will pardon the pun.

Anonymous said...

But, that was prior to the fleas now. This would be a new infestation of worms because of the recent introduction of fleas so, I'm just saying be watchful. You may not see them now, but the cycle will not be apparent immediately.