Friday, April 3, 2020

I didn't see that one coming

Horrible migraine all day yesterday, through the night, into this morning. 

At one point Ron told me he does not want to eat meat anymore, he heard a show on meat animal production and he didn't want to be a party to that.  He has a big heart for animals, so I wasn't surprised, but I didn't see that coming. 

And I have a freezer full of meat products.  So I have to figure out vegetarian options for him now.  Looks like Walmart has a good collection of meatless and DOUBTFUL there will be a big run on it, either.  I can get him some black bean patties, etc.  I will give him whatever he asks for meat or not. 

I do think it is commendable he feels bad for the meat animals.  It shows he has compassion and empathy.  Things I forget sometimes.  It will be a little inconvenient for me but I had to go to the store anyway, to get him more headphones.  I am going to do that a little later. 

It will be funny if Ron goes full blown meatless, or even most of the time, as my stepsister and her husband are vegans. 


Anonymous said...

I was a vegetarian for years. Rice, beans, lentils, nuts, vegetables are things you probably have already. You don't need to go out shopping at all. Amazon has headphones (ebay also) and you have food in the house. Stop going out and exposing yourself and Ron (and everyone else) unnecessarily.

Waiting to virtually meditate thought i would comment said...

So I would hold on to your manic side when it comes to accommodating Ron and ask him about trying “ meatless Mondays “ first? He is older and doesn’t do change easyas you have said..dont jump hoops yet or you will spend money needlessly, tomorrow he may want a breakfast bowl or corn dog baby steps. I have been vegetarian most of my life now i am a conscious opportunAvor. Besides you think you are fighting to get protein in him now? Much love stay healthy wear a jacket and scarf over your mouth and nose that you leave outside with your shoes or keep a “ hot zone “ fir anything coming into your house. Yes i am paranoid but for goid reason

Anonymous said...

I would tell ron you have a freezer with meat in it. Meat you specifically bought for him to eat. When that is done then he can decide to be a vegetarian and eat meatless foods all he wants. Unless he wants to pay you back for an entire freezer full of food.

Him going vegetarian is a BAD idea simply because of his drinking and the fact that he does not eat much now anyway and will not get enough vitamins from these meatless products that are very high in sodium. Buy a package of meatless burgers and give him one to see if he likes it. This way you don't waste even more money on something he won't eat.

As if you don't have enough on your plate now you have to worry about him not eating meat. Give me a break. This man is not an invalid. Stop treating him like a child.

Anonymous said...

He will forget all about saving animals in a few hours. But you’ve jumped at the chance to go shopping

Heather Knits said...

I go once a week anyway, very good about staying home otherwise.

Anonymous said...

You absolutely don’t go once a week

Heather Knits said...

Vet on Tuesday, WM today, that's it aside from work.

You would rather I let Torbie get infected? Or go hungry? (I bought cat food and treats today in addition to human supplies)

Anonymous said...

The only thing you bought today that couldn't be delivered was booze. You didn't need to go out.

Stop endangering yourself and Ron and everyone else in Houston.

Heather Knits said...

Booze was actually delivered from what I understand there are a couple of ways to do that. However, my bank is near the Walmart and I did go to the bank to make the deposit, as well. Can't make a cash deposit with any app I know of. :p

I wore a mask, as I did last week.