Friday, April 3, 2020

Oh, I am furious

We get a vendor payout once a year.  It is about a month or two of pay for us. 

In the past, Ron has had mixed results with it.  Sometimes he has been wise and used it for intelligent things like home repairs and paying insurance.  Sometimes he has been STUPID. 

This is one of those times.  Today he was telling me he wanted to make an alcohol delivery, and to give him some money out of savings.  I told him I would not use our EMERGENCY money to buy ALCOHOL. 

I mean, can you think of anything else that screams "desperate alcoholic" more than using emergency money to buy alcohol?  Because, after all, going dry would be an emergency. 

I had a severe headache when I woke up from my nap and had just about licked it, until that.  Needless to say my blood pressure went up I was shouting at him, etc. 

He decided to use inventory money to buy the alcohol, assuming he can even get alcohol.   And this isn't setting off red flags with him at all.  If I had told him this would happen even 20 years ago he would be aghast. 

I am so glad I did not tell him I had bought a six pack of Newcastle Brown Ale from Walmart today.  He never looks in the crisper drawers so I put it in there.  I have a bottle opener.  I used to love that and will have some after the driver leaves. 

He kept saying he had given me $100 of the emergency money, I don't know how he thought I spent it but I put it in my little cash hideaway emergency money.  It has been depleted with recent events but I would like to have a couple months of expenses, cash, on hand, for when Ron hits the wall or manages to kill himself. 

I need to take care of me because he will not.  I did not take it, it was given.  But I am glad to have it on hand considering recent events. 

I tried smoking some of my CBD bud, that was pretty harsh.  It helped until he made the remark about taking it out of savings.  The headache came back, I had one of my hemp menthols, that was a better smoke but the headache is still around.  I don't want to fry my lungs so will lay off on the hemp, I already took some Excedrin as well + very cold diet sodas.  I even tried a small honeybun, sometimes that helps. 

But, ugh. 


Anonymous said...

Tell him to cancel the damn order. Plain and simple. Or just be pathetic and allow him to again get away with it.

Anonymous said...

Yeah you will never get the drywall fixed in his room because he will never save the money for it or allow you to save the money.

Anonymous said...

You had a headache you think was made worse by high blood pressure from being angry at Ron for his addictive behavior. You smoked some bud, them smoked a hemp menthol, added some Excedrin, some caffeinated diet soda and a sugary honey bun. You're planning to wash it all down with some brown ale you bought today and hid in your crisper drawer.

How is your impulsive, addictive behavior better than Ron's impulsive, addictive behavior?

Portion Cups said...

Really? You went to the liquor store yourself and stocked up for the pandemic you forgot all about and even got yourself some so you can become an alcoholic too. So what’s the problem? All money should be treated like emergency money right now.

Go drink the booze you bought and watch it interact with your pills.

Heather Knits said...

Not up for beer tonight... but I have determined one serving of alcohol does not affect my medication.

Actually I got into the sugar snap peas with some ranch dressing, I think the potassium helped.

Heather Knits said...

RE: emergency money things can always get worse, save emergency money for insurance payment, hot water heater, roof, etc.

If we do get the subsidy payments from our program (not federal) then we will probably use that to fix Ron's room and get a new toilet, the rest can go for insurance payment and then savings.

Piss Portion Cups said...

Instead of pumping your body with chemicals (not your meds) why not eat healthy since you claim your migraines are caused by what you eat? Chemical laden soda, nasty CBD, excedrin, beer, sugar treats, being overweight are all WHY you have migraines.

Anonymous said...

Still doesn't take care of the fact that he is using business money for alcohol. And funny you expect us to believe he has been relatively sober the past few weeks. Not a chance. Why isn't his $500 a week spending on vodka cutting it anymore? Not to mention having these cab drivers bring the vodka to the house is endangering you and him because of ALL the people they pick up and drive around all day. I doubt they are sanitizing anything. But this will go in one ear and out the other like it always does. I think you live for the drama.

Heather Knits said...

Well, some of it is diet. I will get a week long vomiting migraine if I eat chocolate, for instance.

I had plenty of migraines when I weighed 120. So I don't think weight is a factor. Hemp/cbd actually helps. Soda etc. can help at times when I do have a headache so there's that.

Anonymous said...

No comment on his excessive spending.

Heather Knits said...

He got enough for 2 weeks, which, considering his addiction and the times, was a good decision actually. He literally got gallons of the stuff so he won't run out for probably 2 and a half weeks.

I got a six pack of craft beer and drank one, will probably last the same amount of time LOL. Newcastle Brown Ale if I didn't say already. As good as I remembered.

Anonymous said...

So he got 14 big bottles of vodka? I’d love to see a photo of that stock pile.

Will you tell your psych doctor you drink now?

Heather Knits said...

No, not that much. 4 two liters and 3 smaller ones, a flavored whiskey. He still had at least part of one bottle before he made the order so that should last him a while.

I will tell the doctor i am having ONE drink on occasion, but tbh my aunt seems more concerned about the hemp.

Anonymous said...

You should also tell your doctor that you are self medicating with cbd, hemp, kratom, caffeine and food. Of course, you should also tell him you are drinking now as well.

You are also creating increasingly ridiculous fantasies about your neighbors.

You crave victim status. You are eager to slander anyone to further your narrative. You are not stable and you need to be honest with your doctor. He can only help you if you tell him the truth.

Heather Knits said...

He already knows about the hemp but I will remind him. Plan so far:
0. Insurance paid up and got the house repaired, stuff bad, did a big purge so very reasonable contents on my house now.
1. Am drinking one drink on occasion but not every day, not around pill time either.
2. Sleeping OK now that I have my bed.
3. Work is going OK but struggling.
4. Currently depressed - moods are moving but still able to work, take care of self, Ron, and cats.
5. Using hemp for headaches as a cigarette.
6. Will get blood test.

Pretty sure that will cover the bases for him.

Anonymous said...

If he is thrilled with that list then he is not a good doctor

Heather Knits said...

He is a realist current events are whacking all his patients and I doubt any of them are doing well. Domestic abuse is up, for instance, and people with mental illness don't do well in times like this, confined, scared, financial, all of us it has got to be HELL for him as a doctor. He thought the hurricane was bad I am sure many patients are going down in flames.

We are a lot more fragile than we like to admit.

I think he will be happy to hear I am functional and if the alcohol is a real issue he will tell me. I was drinking a little years ago and he said that was OK. I intend to watch it very carefully.

Anonymous said...

"No, not that much. 4 two liters and 3 smaller ones, a flavored whiskey." You said he drinks a fifth of vodka daily. This order would NOT cover 2 weeks for him. How much did it cost? Don't forget to include the cab and tips too.

Anonymous said...

Please don't use the current events as an excuse for your downward spiral. Your money is only like this because you are still letting ron spend it all away and you are doing the same on home decor.

Heather Knits said...

Current events are NOT helping my mood. That is a fact.

What am I spending on home decor? I bought two pillow covers this week fro $13. The week before I bought two pillow forms for $10. I spent more than that on soda both weeks.

I think he has dialed back the alcohol level. I have told him he has to be careful about falls because he does NOT want to be in an ambulance or emergency room right now.

Anonymous said...

Yeah right.

Heather Knits said...

I didn't spend $400 on a dumpster to fill my house up with crap again. I hate small, cluttered, houses, my in laws had one and I always swore I would not stuff my house when I got one.