Friday, April 24, 2020

Friday morning

Well, the HOA fixed the online payment and my payment is in ahead of the due date.  NEXT month I am going to try to pay a week or two in advance in case there is another issue. 

I got up at 7.  A nasty comment was left about Ron's headphones.  The headphones were not lost, they never were.  He breaks them at an alarming rate, that is the ongoing headphone issue.  I just collected all the good ones and put them in a bag for him. 

He loses the radio, I found it, that's all.  He really likes one radio in particular.  I just found that again. 

Sunday probably I will help him clean the room. 

Anyway, Ron was making some noise looking for batteries this morning but I was already up so I didn't care. 

I got on the computer for a while, took a shower, etc.  For some reason my workout clothes are missing.  That is a really odd thing to lose and I know I didn't throw them away... I will just have to go to Academy when the quarantine is over and buy a couple bike shorts.  They have them in plus sizes. 

I think I am a 2 X but not positive so I will need to try them on at the store. 

I cleaned the litter boxes and got that done.  I swept the kitchen and will sweep the whole house and probably mop as well, when I get up from my nap. 

I went outside and sat for over an hour, talked to my aunt for some of it.  The cats came to visit and Baby Girl brought me a twig with about half a dozen leaves on it, then killed it again in front of me as I praised her.  The other cats came and went but someone always with me, I understood when I saw the tomcat.  He was roaming around but didn't go near my yard. 

He really looks remarkably like Spotty and must be his father.  He is clearly an owned pet so I don't worry about him. 

I came in and paid the assessment, that went well.  Good, due date was tomorrow! 

Ron and I and Jack talked and will do the supply run tomorrow.  Glad when that is done. 

Ron is happy in bed and I will try to get the bath going later.  I think I can get him set up and then do the sweep/mop while he takes care of that.  He just needs help getting started and back in his wheelchair. 

Happily he has not been anywhere near demanding lately.  I imagine a lot of relationships are very strained cooped up together but I think we are doing pretty well. 

I look forward to going out and sitting in my yard, in the sun, every day.  It is invigorating and very good for my mood. 

And on that note I am going to take my nap. 


Anonymous said...

“ I imagine a lot of relationships are very strained cooped up together but I think we are doing pretty well. ”

Yeah because you guys haven’t been cooped up lol

Anonymous said...

"Ron lost his radio again so I will look on Amazon. I tore up his room and couldn't find it. Ron had me looking for his radio again (laughing) so I put him in his wheelchair and actually found it. I also threw away some trash and put all his
headphones together in a bag."

What the heck was nasty about saying that you were going to just go out and buy him another radio or headphones or whatever and didn't have to because you actually looked in his room and found them instead of wasting more money to replace them? Post the original comment and let your readers decide.

Anonymous said...

Plus you said, "Ron lost his radio again so I will look on Amazon. I tore up his room and couldn't find it."

So sorry but next time it will be the headphones he loses.

Anonymous said...

Plus the point is you said you were going to buy him another radio on amazon. And obviously he doesn't break ALL his headphones because you found a bunch that weren't broken that you put in a bag for him. This after you keep replacing them when he loses them and now you have a bag full of working headphones. How big is his room that he can lose anything in it or how clutter is it?

Anonymous said...

"For some reason my workout clothes are missing." Just like ron you are also trapped in a cycle of losing/misplacing your stuff. Buying more to replace it and then finding what you lost. All very wasteful. How many clothes do you have that you can lose or not find any of them?

Heather Knits said...

Workout clothes have been missing since the pipe break and must have "walked off" with the canned food, Bibles, jewelry, etc. They were in fine shape I had them hanging up so it wasn't a salvage issue.

Ron's radio is very important to him especially with his cable down. I would like to have a backup.

He breaks headphones at a pretty good clip about one a month. So we only do the cheap ones.

The tone was a lot nastier than just now so I deleted it.

I have maybe half a dozen each shorts and jeans, about 2 dozen tshirts and that is pretty much all the clothes right there.

Anonymous said...

I highly doubt anyone would steal any of these things from you. Who wants an old woman’s workout clothes.

Heather Knits said...

I think they lost them... I don't care what you think about my age. :p

Happily Academy does have nice stuff for cheap in my size so I can just replace it. Now, it would have been a real crisis had they not brought back Spotty's scratcher, he loves that thing and was so happy to see it again.

Anonymous said...

Yep keep losing stuff and replacing it. It is an endless cycle with both you and ron and so wasteful. I just don't understand why you both are so wasteful.

Anonymous said...

He breaks his things because he gets drunk. No other reason. I would not keep replacing his things that he breaks for that very reason. Let him go without.

Heather Knits said...

I didn't lose it, the MOVERS did. Terrible company and I will never use again.

Anonymous said...

If Heather wants to "waste" her money, it's no one else's business but hers.

Anonymous said...

If Heather wants to "waste" her money, it's no one else's business but hers.

Anonymous said...

I can only imagine the comments you do not post . Whatever I am completely bored with their obvious obsession with everything you do. They obviously have no other targets to attack right now. It is a little stalkeresque so be careful. You did great a lot has gotten done and I am so happy you are being open to the idea of a social worker . I think a “media bag” for him might be a good idea like a an over the shoulder bag he can hang on the side of the bed then you can just have him keep his radio, earphones batteries in there ? You probably have already thought of this . Hang in there !

Heather Knits said...

Oh, yeah, some of them are a little unreasonable.

He has a bag he just forgets to put things in it.

Anonymous said...

It’s a little suspect that you also lose or cannot find any of Ron’s things either.

If they lost your stuff (used to be that they STOLE IT) you should contact the company to report it because that is terrible to lose so much of someone’s belongings.

Anonymous said...

"He has a bag he just forgets to put things in it." Translation he is too wasted to remember to put things in it. Since he is so forgetful there is no reason you can't go in and clean his room. He won't remember anyway.

Heather Knits said...

They took it away, it didn't come back, that't the end of the story. Did they keep it? Lose it? God knows. Most of it I don't miss but the jewelry and the workout clothes. I figure the Bibles went where needed. But I can replace the clothes pretty cheap.

Anonymous said...

Did you look in Ron’s room for the missing stuff? The garage?

Anonymous said...

Maybe it’s out on the catio

Heather Knits said...

It's not in Ron's room, I only had a few things there. Catio has some flooring scraps, etc. out there but nothing else.

Question I come back to is it worth raising a stink? And I keep coming back no.

Anonymous said...

Yes it is. They were negligent. They lost your stuff and you said the jewelry had a high dollar value. Maybe they will give you money for the lost items.

The fact that you won’t tells me that you know it didn’t actually happen but you want to tell everyone it did.

Heather Knits said...

It's gone but I am not punitive. I am more angry I left a good review for the movers on Google. I never would have if I had known.

Anonymous said...

They stole your stuff. You have every right to demand compensation for it. Especially since they were paid a lot of money to move your stuff. Almost 1,000 in jewelry is not small change. Why do you throw away money like this?

Anonymous said...

Didn't your insurance company pay this moving company thousands of dollars for this service?

I would contact the moving company and the insurance company with a list of the missing items. You should be compensated and your insurance company should know they are contracting with a company that employs thieves.