Friday, April 17, 2020

So, my day

I didn't sleep well last night.  THANK YOU for that.  Neither did Ron, and he has seizures when sleep deprived, so thank you VERY MUCH for that.  He is sleeping now. 

Got up, got ready.  We went to Sam's Club.  They had about 20 people in line in front of us and probably another 40 behind us by the time they opened.  It takes 2 hands to push the wheelchair so I took Ron in, parked him (he had a mask) and got a flatbed. 

People were rude, in the store.  One woman slowly snailed her way down each aisle, gaping at every item for extended periods.  She just had a couple large boxes of cereal in her cart. 

A lot of people buying paper goods and they apparently had some wet wipes, but they weren't the kind Ron likes so I didn't get them - we still have a fair amount.  I bought virtually everything we needed. 

We had a long wait on Jack, my fault, I wasn't sure how long it would take.  Checkout did take a while and I wasn't happy about that, or the people who kept trying to cut when they saw I had a loaded cart.  Not Happy about that. 

We went to work and stocked, came home.  I took a nap and woke up with a bad headache.  It took me a while to beat that back. 

I called the social worker, the voicemail said it was full, and hung up on me.  Great.  I hunted up the office online and called that.  They referred me to someone else who referred me to someone else.  Apparently they are quarantining.  I apologized for the case(s) wasting their time and did leave a voicemail for one person who hopefully will call us back. 

I need to calculate sales tax this weekend, and get started organizing Ron's room.  I checked the mail and got a flyer from a HVAC company that ripped us off 20 years ago.  They said we needed a $7K duct job when it turns out someone had thrown a loose 2x4 over one of the ducts.  Once that was removed by the honest AC guys the front room was fine.  So we never use the first company. 

I fed the cats a large can of mixed grill, they are enjoying that.  I got some footage of Biscuit on my computer being adorably presumptious.  As I said Ron is asleep the prostate pill knocks him out, which is great. 

I remember a guy at work - I believe he is ADHD and schizophrenic, bragged about going to the VA and getting sleeping pills, handing them out to all his friends, who kept saying how strong and "good" they were.  He apparently did not get the memo about never sharing your medication.  But I am sure he will not take the medication he does need.  He is pretty tiresome as he tells the same half dozen stories over and over again.  Or the stories about "How he told the plant manager what's what and MADE him listen".  He keeps threatening to retire but doesn't. 

Then I had a couple people telling me stupid crap like "your machines are empty".  Ron is blind, I am not.  One guy shouted at me because I "jacked up prices on the candy bars".  I told him they have been $1.25 for months now, and if I had them out at $1 anywhere he had better tell me so I could "fix" it.  Next time I will remind him a full sized candy bar costs $2 at the gas station and challenge him to beat the price of $1.25. 

We are there to make a profit, the average worker makes at least $50K.  We make far less than that.  We are not there as a charity to them.  The same guy was asking me "How do I get into this?" meaning the vending business.  I told him if he wanted OUR job he would have to go blind first and be vetted by our program.  And very few people have what it takes to do well in vending. 

For one, so much of the money goes right out again, you get to see it, you don't get to keep it.  We paid hundreds in repairs, hundreds in inventory, Ron paid hundreds in payroll, and hundreds in sales tax just in the last month.  And, if he's lucky, he will get some dozens out of that, not hundreds.  But we get to "see" it.  Most people can't keep their hands out of it, or they get lazy and they want to delegate everything to a hired lackey.  Which you can do but I can't TELL you how many times other vendors have laid someone off and then told me they were stealing. 

So, not easy work. 

I plan to go to bed early tonight I am super thirsty for some reason so I will get into my cold 2 liter bottle of water (tap, in the fridge, in a soda bottle) and make myself a lemonade or something. 

That's it for now. 


Anonymous said...

He's had one seizure. I would think not drinking daily would be better advice for not getting a seizure than lack of sleep.

Heather Knits said...

Actually, from what I read, stopping suddenly would cause more. I am certain SOMEONE in the last week has done a tox screen and found alcohol; not to me mention Ron himself told the medical assistant "Yes, lots of alcohol" during the phone appointment. So they know he's drinking a couple times over.

I can handle personal attacks on me; I haven't had a lot of people rushing to uplift me in my life. But I can get very angry when people go after Ron, he calls it "the pit bull" and it frustrates him and he finds it amusing at the same time that someone is so passionate in his defense.

I am actually pretty calm today I did everything I needed to on my end. And I am pretty sure the poster who spitefully said they wished us ill, in colorful terms, is the one who made the report. Of course it is easy and safe to be hateful when you are "anonymous" and something tells me it is my half sister doing this. Probably thought she could split me from Ron, I would look her up and move in with her to be HER buttwiper. That isn't happening and that is probably why they made comments so vile I deleted them. I probably should have kept them to show the social worker. I will if more are made.

The sad thing, if things really do go to hell for me and you see me decompensating someone has already cried wolf and APS will tell you to shove it. That's the sad part.

Anonymous said...

"I can handle personal attacks on me; I haven't had a lot of people rushing to uplift me in my life. But I can get very angry when people go after Ron..."

No different than when an abused wife or girlfriend who calls the cops or someone calls the cops during an attack and then the abused wife/girlfriend goes after the cops to protect the abuser. Another reason why domestic violence calls are the most dangerous type of call for a police officer to respond to because you never know what the victim will do to defend her abuser.

Anonymous said...

The social worker is a trained professional and will see through any bs you try to give her. Like another poster said, just be honest.

So Ron and any other alcoholic for that matter have no hope of ever getting off of it because they will die from detox? I think you’ve made an excuse to keep him addicted - it’s that codependency thing

Heather Knits said...

No, I don't think he will die, but he will have to have his detox done medically. Especially since he has seizures. I would be delighted if he quit and stayed quit.

Anonymous said...

Don't get your hopes up. My dad detoxed twice and went right back to it. As the bible says a fool to his folly like a dog to his vomit.

Heather Knits said...

It's going to take something special to get him off the alcohol. He is deeply addicted. It's not going to be anything I do gets him to stop.