Saturday, April 25, 2020

I didn't plan on it but not sorry I went

I went to run an errand and happened to be right next to the Joe V's grocery store.  So I thought might as well take a look. 

Huge selection of everything including bleach and cup of noodles, two things I have not had luck finding.  I did some shopping, found some really good deals, got a ton of food for a very reasonable price. 

One thing they didn't have a lot of was dry beans, but the lentils they had were cheaper than Walmart by about 10 cents a pound. 

I got a bag of Douget's rice they are local and always a good deal.  I can eat rice all sorts of ways. 

I am not a big bread eater and actually had to throw out some bread today because it got moldy.  But I never leave rice. 

Apparently it is an old southern thing to put rice and sugar and milk together.  I don't do a lot of milk, I like it I just don't often have a taste for it unless I am eating biscuits. 

Oh, and they also had the 5 pound bags of the cornbread mix, I have used that and it is good, it has everything except fat, milk and eggs.  It is really good but you have to have eggs and milk on hand. 

I don't generally have eggs and milk on hand. 

But I bought a huge block of cheese and 5 pounds of shred cheese.  I do love my cheese. 

The Uber came quick - no way I could have taken all that on the bus, much less walked it home half a mile. 

One nice thing the store is doing free delivery for seniors up to 25 items; very nice.  Also the food bank, Walmart, and metrolift all teamed up to deliver care packages (including household items) to metrolift (read: elderly + disabled) clients.  Very nice. 

It makes me happy to live in Houston. 

As I told the social worker, back in 1993, I have enough to eat so I am not worried about signing Ron up.  He is very happy with his diet. 

Oh, and the store had a lot of generic brand TP which is better than nothing.  I am partial to the red Charmin but am grimly working my way through another one I got some time ago, they are mega rolls but you have to (I do, at least) use twice as much so not a bargain.  That will teach me to cheat on my Charmin. 

I woke up with a migraine actually and cancelled work today, no way I could go.  I went back to bed and that managed to lick it. 

I got up and took some Excedrin and ran my errands.  Now I don't need to go anywhere tomorrow. 

I got some neckbones so I will be doing those in the crock pot I have a real taste for neckbones.  I took them with a little bit of canned tomato.  The only hard part is picking out the bones but once that is done, over some rice, yum. 

Ron loathes them and will not touch them says only poor ghetto people eat them.   And I am the white person.  More for me! 

I hear the meat supply could have problems so I got some more meat.  I will get more canned meat at the Walmart next time I go. 

Oh, and I got more bacon bits.  Ron loves that corn and beans mix with bacon bits so I got 2 more bags of the bits. 

I am glad I got home when I did it is raining now.  Ron is getting a liquor delivery. 

Incoming rain is probably the reason for today's headache, hormonally it is all wrong. 


Anonymous said...

"Ron loathes them and will not touch them says only poor ghetto people eat them." Well news flash he is poor and has lived in MANY ghettos. So he should love the neck bones.

Anonymous said...

"Ron is getting a liquor delivery." And the wastefulness continues.

Heather Knits said...

Well, it's his choice. If he wants to eat (mostly) veg rather than good meat that's his business. I am happy to eat them all.

Anonymous said...

Neck bones are great in some greens. Turnip greens with turnips and some pepper sauce and good ole cornbread. It's a southern thing not just a ghetto thing. I also grew up eating the sugar rice for breakfast too.

Anonymous said...

Nice to see Ron has his priorities in order with buying more vodka. Really you should save him money and just buy it from the store for him. Since you are drinking now also it is not a big deal anymore. Plus it is probably cheaper at Walmart than the liquor store anyway. So it would be a win-win for both of you. Less money wasted on having a cab driver pick it up. He's not going to stop drinking until he is dead. At least this way you aren't letting some greedy cab driver profit from it.

Anonymous said...

“I only go grocery shopping once a week”