Sunday, April 12, 2020

That was unpleasant

Normally I am pretty easygoing. 

But I saw a picture on FB that upset me, and the caption upset me even more.  It was a tortured man being dragged by a mob, who happened to be African.  Then a hateful caption about "those apes".  Excuse me, my husband is black, I know a lot of black people including my neighbors, drivers, and customers.  They are not "apes". 

I reported it, and would do that again.  1.  I don't believe in torture porn.  I am sure the man's family would rather not see that or have it exposed to the world.  2.  You can't classify all of one race.  There are good and bad of all races.  If we grew up in Somalia we would be just as hateful.  They have a horrible time over there. 

I really thought better of this woman I never saw her as a racist, she is an older white lady, supposed to be a Christian.  But apparently not, maybe she needs her account suspended for a while to get it. 

And as to "maybe she didn't read the caption" 1.  The photo was bad enough - why anyone would spread that I don't understand.  2.  If you are going to put something on your wall you need to read the whole thing.  She was clearly OK with the phrasing.  Which tells me she is a hateful person at heart. 

Someone does America wrong say that - lately there have been a whole rash of posts about Somali immigrants and the Blackhawk down incident.  I understand.  That is important history between US and Somalia.  But they didn't have PICTURES and didn't use hate speech. 

That was just awful.  I am going to go unfriend her while I am thinking about it.  She's gone. 

It just goes to show, you don't know what is in someone's heart.  IF she was really agitated about Somalis she could have just written something with a link to an article or something.  No need for torture porn or hate speech. 

She is in for a VERY rude shock when the FB team gets a look at that. 


Anonymous said...

Don’t hold your breath about the FB team looking at it. I report nasty horrible things I see on Instagram and since COVID started they have a message saying they basically don’t have the resources to deal with the reports. And Instagram is owned by FB. And even before that it really takes a lot for them to do anything about a “bad” photo or post.

Heather Knits said...

Well, my guess it will get a little more attention being racial. But I at least did what I could.

I am really surprised because I have known her for 20 years.

Anonymous said...

They aren’t doing anything about people soliciting to sell sex videos for money, so I highly doubt it.