Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Finally beat back the headache

I got the pizza and cheesy bread, ate, took my pills, had a nap.  Woke up headache was pretty bad.  I took some Excedrin.  That seemed to do the trick along with some very cold iced tea.  I am keeping a 2 liter full of tap water in the fridge and use that to make drinks, it is very refreshing. 

About my fridge, it is a very old GE that came with the house, upright, 2 door (one over the other).  It had an ice maker but that broke a few years ago, we spent some money trying to get that fixed and were basically told to buy a new fridge. 

I successfully fought to keep the old fridge, which, after all, does a very good job of keeping the food cold.  It just doesn't make ice.  We turned off the spigot for that.  But we have very little freezer space. 

It is pretty small in the freezer portion, and we have considered getting a chest freezer for the garage when we get our "support check" from the state program.  I hear we may have some troubles with getting meat supply in the coming months so it might be nice to buy a fair amount and freeze it now. 

We are thinking about it. 

When the fridge finally does go I think Ron would like an icemaker, if he does then I might get one with the water on the front so I can get cold water on demand.  But we will see. 

I am a huge fan of GE appliances, they have all proven very reliable for me.  And when the built in microwave died it was well over 10 years old which is a very good run. 

The pharmacy has half my prescriptions but the clerk says the rest will be in tomorrow.  I can go get them after I get Ron home from his EEG.  But I still have a week of everything so not overly worried. 

I did ask, nicely, for 90 day refills so I got that.  I would rather just have a nice big bottle at home.  Remember, that's my sanity. 

I really need it these days. 


Anonymous said...

Why do you need a freezer for meat? You are always eating junk food and frozen meals and very rarely cook actual real foods. Don't bother buying a fridge that meets rons needs. He is not going to be around much longer. That money needs to go to fix the damn drywall and get rid of piss mans carpet.

Heather Knits said...

I am more liable to cook if I have ingredients at hand.

He said he wants me to cut out the soiled carpet and dispose of it. At least until we can afford to replace it.

Anonymous said...

Refrigerators with water lines connected = leaks and many are not discovered until black mold is on the wall

Anonymous said...

How will you cook the meat? Your stove has been covered with boxes for months. Probably a year

Heather Knits said...

I have some pots and pans on the stove but that's it.

I don't think a lot of you really grasp just how much I dumped last month.

I hear you on the leaks - the fridge space is pretty narrow so we will always be able to move the fridge, but why connect it if you don't have to? We just don't use that much ice.

The only time it might have been a problem we came home and a guy was drunk in our driveway (we know him) came in, wanted ice for the liquor he had bought at the store, annoyed we didn't have it and acted as though we were third world.

Now a specifically built garage freezer would be very nice. I could put his sausages, TV dinners, etc. in there.

Anonymous said...

Then do a photo or video tour I’d love to see the progress you’ve made