Tuesday, April 28, 2020


Blogger changed on me I get my stats every time I load the page.  21K hits so far this month. 

If it matters. 

I didn't sleep well and when I woke up Ron was in a lot of pain.  He couldn't work, he was screaming and curled up in a ball.  And this is with pain management. 

I left him and took a Uber to Sam's.  I got there around 7:45, they were open, for seniors and disabled. 

And I had left my disabled senior at home.  [rolleyes]  I waited I was able to grab a cart, a flatbed, and sit on it as I watched fake disabled wander into the store.  If you get out of your car and walk briskly to the store, stop and read the sign that only seniors and disabled are allowed, everyone else has to wait an hour - suddenly start limping and hunch over, I saw it at least a dozen times.  Some people could clearly barely walk or stand upright and I didn't begrudge them. 

Even though, I found out, they had bought up all the bleach.  I am OK for bleach but I would have liked that pink hospital disinfectant/cleanser.  But it didn't happen. 

They didn't have about half the sodas and I heard a manager on his cell phone saying sodas "looked really good".  We have different terms on that.  To me "Good" would be having orange soda, Hawaiian punch, etc.  I did get what I could, checked out, and waited on Jack. 

Jack came and we went to work.  I almost forgot to pay him but went back.  He was happy to see it. 

I checked the machines, all working but not a lot of action on sodas, so I focused on snacks, did them up right and then put the leftovers away.  I filled up the soda fridge so the drinks will be nice and chilly for the bottled vendor on Thursday. 

I went outside and took a Uber home. 

I never know what I will find when I open the door, some stuff on the floor in the kitchen but that could have been Biscuit.  Ron was in bed and uninjured but still hurting.  He still is now. 

I got the money to pay myself back for the Uber I don't know if I will go tomorrow or another day.  I think I am OK waiting until I get paid. 

I took a nap for a little bit, had a pretty good one.  I got up, Ron is still hurting.  I took out the trash.  It is supposed to rain and I wanted to get it out vs slog in the mud later. 

I will check the mail in about half an hour hopefully I got something fun.  We don't have anything planned for tomorrow and it will be raining so I will likely just do some accounting. 

Mood is mixed but OK.  I need to figure out dinner, leftovers from last night (it wasn't bad but wasn't lick your plate either), a protein shake, what? 

I will keep you posted. 


Anonymous said...

Bear in mind, some of us have invisible disabilities.
I have a kidney disease and asthma so am in the vulnerable population. I am tired of getting dirty looks whenever I utilize something meant for the disabled.

Heather Knits said...

Oh, that's no fun, I hear the kidney diet/drink intake is very restrictive. I drink a couple gallons a day as lithium is diuretic doc says that is right.

And asthma, I can only imagine that.

I saw a lot of fast moving people in their 30-40's suddenly start limping when they got near the disabled entrance.

And the ironic thing I am disabled yet I waited because I seem fine and very few would have understood (I sat on the flatbed).

Anonymous said...

The sudden limp is a bit ridiculous, but sometimes I have felt like it just so people won't question me.
We need more awareness of hidden disabilities.

Heather Knits said...

Yeah, I always get odd looks when I say I have brain damage and can't drive. Especially if the person has seen me do something physical like assist Ron or put groceries away.

Anonymous said...

I may not have a noticeable limp going in but can barely walk coming out.