Wednesday, April 22, 2020

So opinions

I am out in the county.  That means my "boss" is the county judge, who was elected on a straight ticket democratic vote. 

I liked Ed, the other guy.  He really knew what he was doing. 

So Lena has decided to fine everyone who doesn't wear a mask in public.  I lean more liberitarian these days.  I don't think it's "their" business if someone wants to be foolish. 

Like I don't have enough, now I need to make Ron wear a mask.  That is going to go over great.  Ugh. 

So, what do you think?  Is it OK to force people to wear a mask, fine them a thousand dollars and/or half a year in jail if they don't? 

Or should it be up to the individual?


Anonymous said...

As much as I would like to read about ron getting arrested no I don't think it is right or even constitutional. Plus a mask is not guaranteed protection because many wont wash their masks after each use and just get contaminated from a dirty mask.

Anonymous said...

Do you want to keep yourselves and others around you from getting it? Do you want to see this insanity go away? Start wearing masks, everyone. I wear one every time I go out in public now and I told my kids it will likely be something they have to wear to school come fall. Get used to it. The more people we have that won’t participate in any of these steps to help curb this thing the longer this is going to drag out and the more people are going to get sick. And die.

That said, I don’t thjnk fining or jailing people is right.

Anonymous said...

What is so fricken hard about wearing a mask? This should not be about individual freedoms! Just ask a family who lost a loved one, dying alone, as in "individual" because they couldn't be with them when they died. Our country is so divided in everything, can't we just come together to save each other in such a simple thing as wearing a mask?

Anonymous said...

The main reason healthy people should wear masks is because they could be contagious but asymptomatic, and infect other less healthy people (like Ron) without realizing it. Wearing masks literally saves lives, so not wearing masks infringes on others safety. I understand Ron may not be able to wear a mask but he will benefit from other people wearing masks around him.

Anonymous said...


Heidi with a mask said...

I think Heather asked politely and received some nasty responses she is already wearing a mask and just wanted to know where we stood? I totally agree with 1;17am I have worked community health most of my career I absolutely agree with the mask to protect others as well as yourself . Besides they are getting cute now that folks are wearing colors and making their own you can make them and put a pocket in then put a coffee or hepa filter inside and voila I wear one everywhere and noticed my allergies are SO much better! So there is another reason to wear one . Not to mention I dont touch my face with a mask on and that protects you from a lot of disgusting things .
It was a good question why such crappy responses is beyond me. I am so glad I have no personal contact with anyone with such a nasty temperament.

Anonymous said...

I don't see any nasty responses.

Anonymous said...

Are you seeing a different set of responses than the rest of us? Lol always so butthurt

Anonymous said...

@2:09 LOL, Heidi calm down girl.

Heather Knits said...

Heidi, you should have seen the cashier at Walmart when I took the mask off to drink my precious Diet Dew. WOOOH nasty!