Sunday, April 26, 2020

So the mania is back

I will put it to use working on the kitchen.  And other cleaning. 

Poor, dear, Dad, he would never say anything, but when I told him I was cleaning the kitchen he said "I think that's a very good idea" rather emphatically.  Never judging but just very relieved.  I will finish that up later. 

I took a shower, talked to Ron, he is a night owl so is happy to have me awake.  I fed the cats wet food.  Spotty begged and begged for dry so I gave it to him. 

I rounded up the laundry not enough for a load yet.  Good.  I do need to take the pillow case off  my bed I didn't wash my hair yesterday and it was greasy when I got up.  I am doing dishes, I don't have a lot but a sink full of dishes will not make a good impression on the social worker.  I am washing my bed pillow in the tub, I only have one so I can't use the washer, it wouldn't balance. 

Got to spend that mania on something useful. 

Dishes are done (I didn't have that many) garbage disposal is stuck we will need a new one eventually.  But I can use the other side of the sink. 

Pillow is still marinating in the tub. 

Years ago, when manic, I made my own laundry detergent, this is back when I had the old style and not an HE.  It used soap flakes, borax, and washing soda.  I had a big jar about 5 pounds plus a 5 gallon bucket.  I got rid of the bucket but have kept the jar and I use it for hand wash jobs.  I put a tablespoon in with the pillow so it should get nice and fresh.  It is going to take a while to dry though when I'm finished, it is the "my pillow" style of small filling puffs.  I like that mine is adjustable and I have always slept great with that on top of a shredded memory foam pillow (leftover bits of memory foam shoved in a casing).  Ron has one of the memory foam as well.  I will let it soak until 5:30 or so and then rinse it, wring it out, and put it in the dryer on air. 

You can see why I only saved that job for a mania.  I am pretty unstoppable during a good mania the trick is throttling it. 


Anonymous said...

Make sure you tear the rest of Ron’s carpet out during this mania!

Heather Knits said...

I wish! For now settling for the bad spot, I actually enjoy going in there now. I don't have to stand on THAT next to the bed and help him.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you got that nasty part of the carpet out. I bet the room smells better.

What does a mania feel like, is it like just extra energy and are there other things to go with it? Even though you're on the medication you still go through mania and depression only not as bad? You seem to understand these changes and cope with them, why do you think people go off medication if the drugs are so beneficial? I can't imagine hearing voices and then doing things the voices tell you to do, yikes! I commend you for being so vigilant in taking your meds.

Heather Knits said...

Good questions. Mania for me is super happy and loads of energy, NOTHING gets me down. It can be useful. If not well managed, I want to talk a lot, very restless, spend everything. One reason I am very careful with credit.

Some people like the mania so much they go off their meds to get it. I would get a huge one if I stopped the lithium, and the lithium does dull it, but to me that is a good thing.
cxxaz"""""" (Biscuit). I don't want the roller coaster.

I never heard voices mostly I felt bugs on me and my doc teases me because that is apparently common with cocaine use. I would, if very tired, see things out of the corner of my eye and once I heard laughter. I also heard music that wasn't there. It was very annoying, like music you can almost hear but not quite, in the distance. I was always shouting at Ron to turn it off and he would be like WTF there is no music.

I had a really horrible example in my mother did not take her medication, died homeless living out of her car with a 2 liter bottle of vodka on the nightstand. 7 husbands, many men, just a miserable life of pain. I didn't want that and will do just about anything to avoid it.

So I take everything as directed.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for answering my questions.

Heather Knits said...

I had a hard time finding answers when I needed them and swore I would be open and honest when the opportunity came to me. :)