I had a hard time going to sleep, but some of that may have been the shot of whiskey (which tasted a lot better than I expected as it is a no name brand "Aged 36 months") Slept great eventually.
I got up around 8, I will take a shower after I clean the bathroom. I have always done it that way.
I remembered I need to pay Dad, even though they said they didn't want us to do it if it would cause a hardship. I will have about $300, I think, after I pay everything and that is not counting the order of long term storage foods on the way as well. So I figured I "can".
Besides this is payment #4 which gets me to a thousand paid back, a good milestone.
I went to Google pay and had to input the new card information - I turned it on at the bank Thursday. That wasn't hard, then Pay has an option where you "make a payment again same amount same recipient" which is what I use. So that went off. Good.
Later on I need to make a payment to the homeowner's association our annual fees, broken up into payments.
I will still have a little left after that.
Ron was talking about having me start a vegetable garden, I said we don't eat a lot of vegetables but what would you want? Cucumbers, he said, and tomatoes. I would get some collard greens because those are super easy.
It is also possible, with collards, to only harvest the lower leaves and then keep the plant going for a couple years. They are tolerant of heat, tolerant of frost, good plant to have around.
So I will pick up some plants the next time I go to Walmart.
I have a list of things I need to do today mainly sales tax and some cleaning. I don't know when the social worker is coming out but better to have things as good as I can get.
Ron has eaten four, hardboiled eggs today. I buy them in bags of 6 at the Walmart, they are already peeled and ready to go. I like mine with some ranch dressing, Ron prefers just plain salt.
I figured out the eggs get a nice even coat of salt if I put some in a plastic cup, add the 2 eggs (he generally wants 2 at a time) and cover the top of the cup with my hand, give it a good shake and salt all over both eggs.
No doctor has ever said anything about Ron and his salt intake, his blood pressure is always 120/70 except after his seizure it was 163. So that works for Ron he has had half a day's worth of protein so far.
He will be the first to admit he does not get enough protein. Not for lack of me providing it, he just doesn't eat much.
I need to go calculate my budget and then go do the sales tax, I can do the cleaning stuff this afternoon, after my nap.
The social worker isn’t going to be checking Ron’s protein intake
I am not worried about that, I just want him to get adequate protein every day. Ideally 70 grams but I read 45 is OK. It is best for health and immunity - I didn't even think about the social worker when I mentioned protein.
I have plenty of healthy food in the house if she wants to look (social worker is a woman).
I am very sad you took a shot of whiskey that is a different level than enjoying a beer. You know both your genetics and bipolar are a set up for severe addiction.
I used a little portion cup I am careful.
Why won’t you post the blog link from December where Ron threatened to hit you??
What is the purpose of drinking the whiskey? I don’t get it.
"I used a little portion cup I am careful." LOL. Ron uses a portion cup too (or at least he used to). You are so funny. Did your mother use a portion cup to? I remember the old Heather would not even touch a bottle of alcohol and now your doing whiskey shots. Talk about being in denial. Even your doctor was concerned about your drinking but you cleverly lied to him about it and you are kidding yourself if you think this isn't an issue.
I have no idea how my mother drank. I only have one clear memory of her caregiving. I was in my crib and had been crying for an extended period of time. She came in the room, reeking of alcohol, sweat, and cigarettes. She was manic, which frightened me, and I cried even more, and then she picked me up.
I posted the link. I was worn out after talking to my adoptive mother she is absolutely livid someone made a report. That must be where I get the "pit bull" from. I had wondered about that but she was ready to get the crowbar.
And then I had to call my aunt and tell her, read her the letter, tell her how it arrived, etc.
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