Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Ron said I could make the appointment

So I submitted the request. 

I would like to get him on Gabapentin because he has had that before with no real side effects.  The practice has a portal where I can submit an appointment request.  I did that. 

Ideally they can see us tomorrow.  We will see generally they are pretty open.  I am sure they will ask all the COVID questions about fever and shortness of breath, like 911 did, the ambulance, and the ER. 

They do a decent job overall and not a huge co pay.  We will see... I just had to get Ron to the point he would "let" me make the appointment. 

And he can finally get his prostate done. 


Anonymous said...

Why don’t you just let the doctor decide what he should be on.

Heather Knits said...

Because Ron drinks and most anti seizure medication does not get along with alcohol. Gabapentin worked for him, it may have a warning on the label but Ron did that for years with some very heavy drinking. Side effects were also acceptable.

It has to be easy for him and require no giving up of alcohol for him to take it.

Anonymous said...

Yeah can’t give up that booze! /sarc

Heather Knits said...

He won't. It would be incredibly reckless for me to give him seizure meds that do not get along with alcohol ie: gabapentin.

Anonymous said...

Again, tell the doctor he drinks quarts upon quarts of liquor daily and he will give him the appropriate medication, Dr Heather. If you give the real doctor all the information instead of hiding things you won’t need to do anything.

Anonymous said...

but you're not remotely qualified to make these decisions. your duty is to inform Ron's trained experienced qualified medical providers, who do this for a living, about his severe alcoholism. that's it. how many times do I have to say it, you are not qualified to make medical decisions. stop it

Heather Knits said...

I told Ron he needs to tell the doctor if he wants to refuse seizure medication, don't chicken shit it and hide behind me, tell the doctor flat out he is refusing and get it on the record. TO PROTECT ME. He LAUGHED at me but I will make sure this happens if he won't take anything.

Anonymous said...

Ron would probably be better off if you weren’t so damn involved in every single thing. You impede more than you help, mostly to just protect your image. It’s sad.

Heather Knits said...

I don't want to go to prison, that is all. It is very simple.

People are going to think what they think. What I DON'T want is a DA filing neglect/abuse charges on me because Ron didn't get his head out of his ass.

Life would really suck in prison especially if I went in for that.

Anonymous said...

Neglect charges are a real possibility, and a reason I have been suggesting professional involvement in Ron's care for months.

Heather Knits said...

See, I listen.