Saturday, April 25, 2020

Ripped out

The worst part of Ron's carpet, about a doormat size.  It was filthy, and stank, and is now in the trash!  I did not slice myself and it wasn't easy but it's done.


Anonymous said...

You paid someone to remove a doormat size of carpeting? Why not rip it all out at once? This is just insane. He needs to have his room cleaned out. No reason for trash and other junk to be cluttering it up. I hope you wore a mask when you did it. Just absolutely disgusting.

Heather Knits said...

Who said I paid anyone? I used a couple of various sharp things and hacked it out (didn't hack myself in the process). There was only one area that was really bad and I got that out.

Heather Knits said...

You want disgusting I can take a photo of it, still in the trash can. LOL

Anonymous said...

Do you plan to rip out the rest... or are you calling it good now?

Heather Knits said...

Oh, this is just the start, carpet triage if you will. Get the worst out the disgusting part and then rip out the rest when we finish. So a few months tops.