Friday, April 24, 2020

I really am going to leave the message board alone for a while

I got a nasty message, and an infraction, because I was "chatty".  I just said I was sitting out in the sun and I felt it was good for immunity, and glad Ron was happy to be kept inside. 

I am going to go delete the bookmarks.  I am done with this shit.  If a board member wants to get ahold of me they can send me a message which will ping my email.  There, now I can't "forget" and click it. 

I had started hundreds of threads over the years which got tons of clicks and replies, generated a lot of traffic for their board. 

I will give it a couple of months and see.  Some woman kept going on about fat people and never got disciplined for it, very rude saying "Just eat one donut and take a vitamin every day, it's not that hard".  She also went on another post basically saying the virus was only affecting old people and she didn't care why did she have to suffer. 

But that is the problem with message boards, they can be arbitrary. 

Blog = better. 

I have not had good luck with message boards. 

Rapture ready was my first.  At the end they had gotten very rigid and dogmatic.  Also constant begging for money which to me was a big turn off.  The board split and it was very confusing who went where. 

Then I did Low Carb Friends.  That was OK for a while but I had a lot of bullying in one forum I actually had the moderators cut off my access.  I had a very popular blog there.  "Heather Shrinks in Houston" (it has since been deleted by the mods). 

A woman had posted in the health forum saying her son had been diagnosed as bipolar and schizophrenic.  She was baffled how he could have both and felt his life was over.  I had always been open about my problems.  I told her it was OK, I had the same condition and it was very manageable as long as he took his medication as directed. 

The moderators went nuts and began slapping infractions (!) on me for "being too personal" etc. 

Let's be honest, I get so many readers because I am so f*cking personal.  Eighteen THOUSAND hits just this month.  But I think they didn't want me discussing mental illness. 

I had also made comments about "franken foods" (processed low carb foods) and they had a store selling just that.  I told newbies the foods were a bad idea.  That cost them money, not the wisest of me but I had lost a good weight loss eating that crap. 

So I left, leaving a link to here, and I modified the blog title so someone could find my handle (Houston Heather) if they did a search.  Some people followed me and here we are 11 years later. 

This one I was OK for a long while but they don't want me to talk anymore.  For some reason suddenly the same Heather is just pissing them off.  I haven't changed, they have.  I tried changing my style but they aren't liking it. 

One of the other board members sent me a message about a week ago saying he was being run out of town on a rail and to look out, there was a new boss in town.  I guess he was right. 

I haven't changed so if they suddenly hate everything me I will stay away. 

I can take a hint. 


Anonymous said...

So apparently time management was also an issue with you. Because when people asked why you didn't clean your house after the flood all those months you said because you cared for ron, worked 2-3 days a week and posted on your blog. No mention of other message boards, etc you were on that no doubt took up a lot of your free time also.

Anonymous said...

You will find the Rapture Ready folks here:

Heather Knits said...

Just the one message board. I will check it out but last I looked PF folks went OFF on a mother for asking about her daughter and puberty... really put me off. If we don't teach our kids the world will and it will not be the lesson we want them learning.

I found it extremely legalistic and inflexible.

Anonymous said...

You also spend time on survivalist boards too cause that is how I learned about your blog here.

Heather Knits said...

Yeah, that's the one they've been infracting me for breathing I am only posting on the coronavirus chat and the grocery threads for a while. I haven't changed I chatter but I didn't think it was a huge offense.

Apparently so, these days.

Wasn't impressed with PF when I had a look.

Anonymous said...

So her time is mainly spent on ALL these different message boards. Makes sense. Less time online and more time cleaning would be more beneficial for her.

Heather Knits said...

One message board = "ALL?"