Friday, April 17, 2020

I am developing a theory and I apologize to you readers

You may recall I called the police in January when Ron was misbehaving during the re pipe, and the one plumber was ready to walk off the job. 

Two female officers came and the lead was very hostile.  Ron kept saying I was bipolar and making comments go take a pill, etc.  The officer was very angry they sent two women out on a domestic and kept acting like Ron was going to attack her.  I kept saying he is crippled he isn't getting out of bed unless you help him. 

Once she believed that she turned around and attacked me for "providing" Ron with alcohol.  Gave me a lecture about "What I should allow in my home" the whole time Ron's in the background saying I'm bipolar...



Anonymous said...

Could be but does it take that long especially if the report came from the police. Maybe with that report and the ER visit combined they decided to investigate. I just hope some good comes from this with help for you both. What does Ron think about it, have you told your aunt?

Anonymous said...

Sounds about right especially with the time frame. Yet you still defend him.

Heather Knits said...

Re: defending him he has done some bad things but you have to look at what I came from. That was pretty bad, worse than this. He does love the cats very much as well.

I think the ER also made a report which is why they sent 2 letters for him and one of them certified. Which cost them $7.

Me, they don't really have anything on me being abused other than Ron being ugly, verbally, on the body cam video if they gave it. He has sure never touched me slapped my hand away a few times when I was helping him but I think that is reasonable.

Anonymous said...

He beat you before, what year was it?

Also let’s not forget you told us you strategically placed things in your room so he couldn’t wheel in there at night to get you. You told us how he was sitting outside your room mumbling about hurting you one night. This was months ago. Not years. But he loves cats!!!

Heather Knits said...

He had a blackout, drinking Everclear, back in 2007 when he was in MUCH better shape physically. The man can barely get himself to the toilet these days and only with a wheelchair.

Some years back he was muttering "bitch" sitting in his wheelchair outside my doorway, it freaked me out. He has only been in my room 1x since we fixed it and that was to look at the floors.

If ANYONE gets in my room with ill intent I have a stun gun. That is just smart for any woman to have.

Anonymous said...


Heather Knits said...

I honestly forgot about that one.

Anonymous said...

I think it could have been the hospital, myself. It might have been the police, but a gap between now and January is pretty big. Hospitals are mandatory reporters so if Ron said anything or they suspected anything, they have to do a report.
Do you have neighbors that could be malicious? co workers you don't get a long with?
Could be anyone like that.
I think now the important focus is just dealing with the social worker as you will likely never find out who unless they tell you. If everything is a ok as you say, then the social worker will come in and then leave. Maybe, though, they could help you with home care if you guys want it? I don't know. just trying to see a positive.

Anonymous said...

"I honestly forgot about that one." Yes you forget about a lot of things. But your readers never forget.

Heather Knits said...

I admit Ron was "dirty" at the hospital. It didn't help he has fake eyes and they get crusty. He wipes them down with a paper towel or wet wipe but we didn't have time to do it so one eye was gooey. And I admit he was "dirty" he didn't stink but he wasn't fresh. He could have told them anything.. he said "I told them about us" so God knows what that was.

If they heard he was in the care of a bipolar, had a seizure, not 100% clean, I could see why they might make a report.

Someone made the good point it's actually a good thing they put down I was abused too as that will protect me.

At the end I doubt I will know who filed the report but what a PITA to deal with.