Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Got my days mixed up

I have my phone appointment tomorrow, although they took the payment today. 

Ron is crying over another love song, I will assume it is because he is in love and not unhappy with it.  He was just telling me he never wants to go to the hospital again. 

I can relate to that, not much fun for a blind person.  He wants to lie in bed with his music and his radio, his cat (who is near me for some reason). 

I am caught up with all the cleaning I am willing to do right now, litter boxes are locked and loaded.  Caught up on Ron's bedding (that took a while as I had 2 incidents yesterday). 

I need to buy another rubber sheet, by the way.  Some things it is not worth the $5 "savings" to "clean" it, assuming it could have even been done.  I just threw it out.  I could wash one sheet but not the other.. it was pretty spectacular. 

But he will see a doctor soon so hopefully get some leading on that. 

Ron is in a good mood today and pretty lucid.  I asked him if he wanted CBD I hear it is very good for seizures he said no. 

The second they legalize pot in Harris county I am getting him some.  I hear really good things about pot with seizures, and Ron constantly says he would not drink as much if he had pot and I believe him: when he had access in CA many years ago he did not drink. 


Anonymous said...

I wish you wouldn’t read things, because seems like you have horrible sources. A doctor should be treating and medicating Ron not Heather B, InterWebMD

Anonymous said...

Ron also said if he had pain pills he wouldn't drink as much and did they turn out to be true? NO.

Also I recall a post you did where you said you would never, ever give him pot because it was bad for him addiction wise. I would look for the post but you KNOW what I am talking about.

Anonymous said...

Just to refresh your memory:

You wrote on Sunday, May 19, 2019

I rested for a little bit and then Ron woke me up, he was drinking again in the kitchen. I had to pour him back into bed, and he almost fell several times. It was incredibly depressing, he is a slave to alcohol. Sometimes he talks about how great it will be when they legalize pot and he can smoke that instead. He doesn't seem to view pot as an addictive substance, even though, 30 years ago, he was spending more than my current paycheck on pot, a month.

Anyway, Ron exhibited PLENTY of addictive behavior regarding the pot. I remember one time he told me he wanted me to secretly take some out, then, when he ran out, present it to him. I basically said I didn't want to play games and he would have to do it himself. But he acted strung-out around pot, always obsessed with getting more. All this happened 25 years ago. Nothing has changed and has probably WORSENED with the head injury.

He says he would not drink if he had pot (were it legal) but what did he say about pain pills? "I won't drink if I have pain relief, I am only using it for the pain." Once or twice I have asked him if he were hurting when he went after alcohol and he said no. So that was proven a lie.

Heather Knits said...

I didn't give him the juice he had been asleep for a while and I went out front for some fresh air, sat outside for about 10 minutes (in the infamous chair) came back and found my surprise.

I am willing to bend on the pot if it helps with the seizures, and everything I have read about it says it does.

The doctor calls for the phone appointment tomorrow morning. :)

Anonymous said...

OK so you are just going to disregard everything you wrote in May of last year. You only have yourself to blame at this point for everything and the reason you are broke is because of things like this. Another reason why everyone is saying that something is really and truly wrong with you and that you are not acting in your right mind at all. It is like something has snapped inside of your brain.

He had ONE seizure. You won't take him to the neurologist to find out more information. Instead your solution is to hope that pot becomes legal so he can take another drug to self medicate and waste more money than the $500 a month he spends on the vodka. Way to go you have just entered the Twilight Zone.

Anonymous said...

You aren’t a doctor. Ask the doctor if he will prescribe him the medical marijuana you think he needs and see what he says.

Anonymous said...

It's easy right now to lose track of what day it is. I guess you're making the appointment with his primary care doctor and not the neurologist. Hopefully, that appointment with neuro will happen soon too.

Anonymous said...

Wait, what? Do you mean the doctor's office is going to call to make an in-office in-person appointment or is Ron having an over the phone appointment? If it's only over the phone how will he have his prostate checked?

Heather Knits said...

Over the phone appointment. I have no idea how they are going to do the prostate. It has been enlarged for over 20 years though and he has taken stuff before.