Friday, April 3, 2020

Friday morning

So, I went to Walmart, on the 3rd of the month when everyone gets their disability check.  I took a Uber, it was fine going there. 

They had a line roped off but the store was already open.  They disinfected my cart when I went in which I thought was a nice gesture. 

I checked out the food section and got some canned foods.  By this time Ron had decided he didn't want to be a vegetarian anymore.  Otherwise I would have got him the "burgers", some cheese, mustard, and whole wheat buns. 

I got everything on my list, got more cat food and treats.  I have found it best to feed them all the Iams urinary formula.  Everyone likes it and I don't have to worry about Biscuit.  It isn't cheap but I would rather do it this way.  I also got some backyard cookout treats. 

I didn't need anything else except the headphones.  I got 3 likely looking pair (Ron had given me money for the headphones, my ride, and $40 for my account on top of that). 

I got Ron some chicken strips since he is eating chicken, then checked out with a cashier I like.  The line was longer but I would rather wait and get someone good. 

It looked like a yellow cab convention with all the contractor Metrolift drivers picking up the elderly and disabled clients from the Walmart.  I didn't say Hi to the drivers because at least one has come down with the virus. 

I called a Uber.  She came very quickly and drove me home fast.  BUT it was the woman who doesn't "let" me use her trunk.  I was annoyed and showed it.  SHE got an attitude and then called Uber while I was loading everything.  I think she was trying to get ahead of anything I might say about her. 

The way I see it, if I am hiring a vehicle I am hiring the whole thing.  The one exception would be the United Cab driver from years ago, he was very disabled and used a set of arm crutches to get around and kept them in the back seat.  I was fine with that, we both were, and had no problem sitting next to the crutches and the driver not helping us.  Because he couldn't. 

But this I thought was just rude, she acted like I was putting her out by asking her to take me home.  The way I saw it I was paying for a service and I was not getting it.  I was fine loading and unloading by myself because I didn't want the vegetables crushed. 

So I didn't say much and Uber kept her on hold until after I got dropped off.  I don't know what the Uber policy is on trunks, are they supposed to always be available to the client or is it up to the driver?  I would be interested to hear and it will inform my attitude. 

I was glad I was wearing a mask because I am NOT good at hiding my emotions.  We got home and I unloaded everything, she wished me a fake cheerful goodbye, and left. 

I thought to myself I have a temper, it is up, I am going to wait a while before I do anything with Uber.  After the ride you are supposed to review the driver and give them a tip.  The trip was $9.  I was going to give her 5 before the trunk thing but decided I would leave $3, still fair but not generous either. 

Because she did come quick, and got me home safer than many of the paratransit drivers. 

I try to be logical and not reactive.  I got everything put away, gave Ron his chicken, sat down and ate my ice cream. 

I had thought to leave 3 stars, if they have an average below 4.5 they get in trouble and she would likely if I did that.  But she was calling dispatch and telling them I was a royal bitch, I was sure. 

I decided I would leave 4 stars.  Because she came quick and got me home alive, and the vehicle was in good shape. 

The app wanted to know why, I marked "professionalism" which I thought was fair.  They didn't have a "wouldn't let me use the trunk" button.  So Uber and her can figure that out, I am a platinum level and had a 4.98 rating before this, so clearly not a troublemaker. 

Ron is happy with his new headphones.  He is listening to talk radio.  The kids are kicking the soccer ball next door, they were quiet for weeks but have suddenly started it up several times a day.  All those kids cooped up in that little house plus the day care kids, I am sure it is Not Fun.  So I am trying to be understanding.  I throw the ball back when I see it in my yard, if I am dressed. 

I took my pills so I don't have to worry about that, and I did them up yesterday so good for 2 weeks.  I have my phone appointment in about 10 days - hopefully I can plan it so I pay the electric bill and get my medication all in one trip.  And I am absolutely asking for 3 months. 

Cleo got on the couch next to me, I didn't see her as I was looking at the screen, came up next to me and began licking my elbow!  So cute!  We did some petting and I got the treats from my bedroom and brought them back to the computer desk.  I gave her some quietly so Baby Girl wouldn't come and bully them away from Cleo.  She happily ate them and wanted more petting.  It is really hard to see her as the same cat that didn't want any petting at all, who would flee in terror from any human.  Now she comes up to me for attention. 

Torbie figured it out and got up, meowed at me, and I gave her some treats.  Biscuit got himself trapped in the garage, I let him out, he got on the couch and wanted treats too.  Word got out fast. 

I really have some precious babies.  I didn't see Spotty he likes to sleep in my bedroom, though. 

I am going to take a nap in a little bit. 


Anonymous said...

“But she was calling dispatch and telling them I was a royal bitch, I was sure. “


Anonymous said...

No. You're not paying for use of the entire vehicle. Rideshare means that you are sharing the driver's personal vehicle for the duration of the trip. Neither are they obligated to load and unload your items, wheelchair, driver candy, whatever.

You consistently have difficulty seeing the big picture where other people are concerned, you extrapolate wildly based on very little.

Heather Knits said...

And if Joe says so I will have proper expectations. All of the other drivers have been fine having me use the trunk. When I've had Ron/wheelchair they have been happy to put that up, and they got really good tips and five star ratings as well. Everyone, but this woman, gets a 5 star rating and at least a $5 tip. The other time I had her I also gave her 4 stars and a $3 tip.

Anonymous said...

Joe here--

we don't have to let you use our trunks... but, everyone I know who uses Uber has clear trunks besides cleaning supplies. We know we will have airport/mall/grocery runs.

She has the right to not open her trunk, but you have the right to grade harshly. All my friends who drive Uber that I told this to, and myself, make sure our trunks are open.

Not company policy--but you... should.

Heather Knits said...

Thanks, Joe.

One thing I found especially aggravating were all the little Walmart bags, I had about 14 of them. I am going to go back to my 1-2 large tote bags, so, if I get her again, I won't care about putting one large tote in the backseat.

Thanks for your honestly, and truly everyone else has gotten 5 stars and at least a $5 tip. If they help with the wheelchair I give them more like $7 if Ron doesn't give them a "love offering" LOL.

Anonymous said...

Joe again—

Thinking it over, it doesn’t make much sense she wouldn’t want the trunk being used.

I drive an Altima. OK size, good on trunk space.

I get lots of people coming from grocery stores, Wal Marts, Costcos, airports, hotels. Some of that is harmed by Covid, but Costco and stores are still big.

When I get a family of 4 from a hotel going to the airport, if I don’t allow the trunk, where else are they going to put the bags? When I get a couple from Costco that bought a vacuum cleaner and a cart of food—that isn’t fitting in the seats.

Again, she doesn’t have to allow the trunk. But it is odd she doesn’t, and I’m surprised it hasn’t been an issue. Maybe if she absolutely has to last resort she opens it?

Heather Knits said...

I'm not sure, Joe. She has just refused to pop the trunk both times and said I "had" to "put it in the backseat". I am not thin and it wasn't a big car, there was barely room for me and my stuff. Things kept falling on the floor every time she made a turn or stopped...I was annoyed and showed it, my bad there, but I just thought the whole purpose of hiring a ride was so they could take your stuff.

I had about half a cart worth of stuff, including a 7 pound bag of cat food, some 2 liter sodas, some small bottled Cokes for Ron, etc. But I had stuff (cupcakes and vegetables) I did not want squished.

We did have one driver going from Walmart, she pulled up to me and Ron, him in the wheelchair, said "I have some things in the trunk, it won't fit, BUT I AM GOING TO CALL YOU ANOTHER DRIVER AND NO CHARGE". I thought that was great and we only waited another minute or two.

If she has a choice I think this lady (who wasn't a horrible person) should just avoid the Walmart and grocery trips. But if she does this with everyone I doubt they are taking it well especially as other Ubers are all fantastic. They will be complaining and giving her bad reviews as well and she will be laid off.

Heather Knits said...

Next time I will have my big bags, so less of a problem moving everything, and I am going to make a joke about "the body" in her trunk "You need to get rid of that body before it starts to stink" and leave it at that.

Anonymous said...

Most stores are banning reusable bags because of COVID. Get a clue and don't bring your bacteria ridden bags into the store.

Heather Knits said...

When I let them use their bags I'm not getting all my stuff. that never happened with the reusable bags.

Anonymous said...

I think you have some paranoia going on regarding “losing” things. Just like the storage company took a bunch of your stuff (they didn’t).
Just because you missed a bag once DOESNT meant it will happen every time. I agree with 12:38. Stop bringing your dirty bags. All the stores here banned them temporarily. You only care about yourself.

Heather Knits said...

Movers took food, jewelry, Bibles, Bible promise books of all things, etc.

The last 2 times I went to Walmart I didn't get all my stuff back. Each time it was not a major item because I keep an eye out for that but smaller things. But smaller things I DID pay for. Last time it was MY $2 deodorant.

I will figure something out but I'm not letting this happen ongoing.

Anonymous said...

I hate the bag carousel at Wal-Mart. I lost some stuff there too. It's impossible to watch the scanner for pricing and watch the spinning bag carousel at the same time.

I buy personal care and household stuff at the warehouse club now. Everything stays visible and I can get a few month's worth at once.

Anonymous said...

Call the moving company and report the stolen items.

Heather Knits said...

I already said I am willing to write it off.

I don't like the carousel either.

Anonymous said...

It's not that complicated. Just check the carousel before you leave the checkout area. Jeez stop being a victim

Heather Knits said...

I have brain damage and toxic, mind fogging, medication.


Anonymous said...

Get over it. You use Walmart delivery so why you need to go to Walmart is beyond me. Just get all the stuff delivered. And stop using your brain damage as an excuse because if that is the case you belong in a group home if you can't handle basic life stuff. Besides you said you went to your favorite cashier. Sounds to me like this cashier sucks and has done this before. Maybe it is time to find a new cashier.

Heather Knits said...

A lot of cashiers are just not that great there, and of course the really good ones move on. :( Some times I do belong in a group home, others I am pretty good at caring for my little family (example: hiring Carlos and having all the work done just at budget).

Anonymous said...

Doesn’t Walmart have a self check out? Get with the times and start using that if you are worried about “getting your stuff back”. Or just stop losing your stuff and pay attention to where it goes during check out.