Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Blood money

That was, without a doubt, the oddest trip I have had in my life.  I had to get Ron's medication and pay the electric bill, I decided to wrap a shop at Walmart in there. 

Shopping was fine.  I got the prescription.  When I went to check out, I realized I had forgotten the chicken strips for Ron, got out of line, got them, got back in another line.  And she didn't have a till, I had to wait while she went to get one. 

I parked my purchases (I did check to make sure I had it all, this time) off to the side and got in line at the "Money Center".  Short line, I got up there, handed her the bill, she began processing it.  $63 including the surcharge.  I counted it out and gave it to her. 

I did not know one bill had a bright red spot on a corner, likely fingernail polish as it was glossy and a very bright "Single ladies" red.  She saw it, screamed, shoved the money back at me. 

THAT MONEY HAS BLOOD ON IT.  I'M NOT DOING THIS.  She ran off, literally, I am standing there with the $63 going WTF?  She went to talk to her co worker, pointing back at me. 

I asked if a supervisor could ring me up, they got one who said no.  I explained I had taken a uber each way, it would cost $30 round trip, and could I please speak to a manager? 

Well, she came out but I could see her shaking her head as she spoke to someone.  WTF?!

I even said "Here, I'll take out this bill if it upsets you can we do it now?"  And they said no.  They sent me away. 

So.  Now I had no way to pay the electric bill, and my ice cream was melting.  I went ahead and took a Uber home, put everything away (I got some of the sausage Ron likes in addition to the other food so it had to go in the fridge).  I got on my computer, pulled up the electric provider, and found out the Kroger takes payments.  The Kroger is on the main bus line for me. 

I was still dressed, so I gave Ron a chicken strip, found his phone for him, and then went back out with the electric bill and my $63.  I had a little wait at the bus stop but not too long.  They now have a fence up to keep people from getting near the driver, and the driver had a mask. 

I headed over to the Kroger payment center and had a short wait.  Yes, they took payments for my provider.  I made the payment and got my receipts, put them in the backpack.  I got a few snacks and took a Uber home as I was working on a headache (not surprising). 

I get it, they didn't want the money if they even thought it had blood, but it did not, it was likely nail polish.  I will always inspect my money now but I have handled so many disgusting bills out of my vending machine.   I am used to it.  I have a handful of torn and destroyed $1 bills right on my table here.  I never thought nail polish on a bill would get me booted out of Walmart. 

Thank God I got it paid after all. 

I have been very depressed and had a horrible headache the rest of the day.  I did get a fair little nap, with Biscuit. 


You know who this is when I blab this much LOL! said...

That episode was not at all about you my dear girl I hope you do not hold it to heart? She obviously was one step in front of a fit before you got there! I bet if you talked to the Electric company they would give you the ability to do the payment online you should just explain your history briefly let them know his circumstances with as few words as possible and agree you will be paying the bill from now on and would like to do it online please. It is so easy now a few years ago I hated paying online now it is a dream...give it a try ! Plan your speech and go for it! You are smart and it is something you will do on your own eventually . Besides because of this pandemic they should be wanting you to pay from home anyway .
Instead of going out to pay bills go for a walk when the neighbors are in I like to walk at the crack of dawn no one is out I bring my pepper spray and go ..no headphones too dangerous but sometimes I (unfortunately for some who hear me) I sing when I walk anyway LOL
I made a batch of homemade hand sanitizer it is really nice I did 1 part aloe Vera gel and 3 parts rubbing alcohol added some essential oil to make it smell pretty and had 2 brimming liters for less than $5 . Also if you take a scarf or tube scarf and put two coffee filters/cut up hepa filters (I have no idea a what a hepa filter is made out of so I keep a stack of coffee filters by the door and fold it up in a scarf ..it works I have tried it and you can not smell even pizza cooking if you tie it right ..the best mask you can not smell anything no matter how strong it is (how they fit me for my mask at work was in a hood and sprayed something sweet inside to see if I could taste it then it was adjusted to fit until I couldn’t taste or smell ...so that is what I have been doing to do my own mask hacks . I am used to wearing them so it does not feel awkward or bother me to do it it is almost second nature and it keeps me from touching my face if I go to scratch my nose there is a mask in the way! Give each kitty a good pet for me ..the worst part of this in my world is because I am between fur I go to the park and there are a bunch of dogs who routinely come and visit with me so I get a fix...my landlord has two kitties so I get that fix. I was literally going to look to open my world up to adopt an either a dog and cat or even better dog/cat combo that previously lost a home together .. and I have to wait I can not afford to infect my patients by even going to look or visit adoptable. That is it I hope to see more nice comments there are really people out there now saying nice things and giving you solid advice I just say “whatever” to the contrarians who insist on berating you with pretty rude comments. Hi to all the folks who follow you I wish everyone well . I am supposed to be on “reserve” and now i am overbooked wish me luck this is true combat out there I am even getting “hazard pay” no joke I tell you but it was just a matter of time before this happened . We wh I’ll have great strides in medicine but at such a horrible cost

Heather Knits said...

Ron made a mistake paying the bill years ago so they only let us pay cash now. But at least I have 2 places within easy reach where I can do it.

Anonymous said...

Have you even tried to talk to someone about allowing you to do it online or on the phone again? That mistake makes zero sense - I have had payments declined because my card expired etc, Many times and I have never been denied use of online services. I just update and fix the issue and move along. Did someone just say “you can’t pay on the phone now” and you took it as true and forever? Seems very wasteful to travel in person to make this payment. Also lol that you are at Walmart *again*. Hope you wear a mask.

Big hugs said...

You can do what I said and try this is a different time and era in the world and you could take the bill paying over . I promise you have a good chance of changing that right now think about it do not let your brain block this Heather you can do a lot of things even if you could not do them before I swear to you ! Take good care dear girl work is kicking my ass

Anonymous said...

They shouldn't still hold it even that many years back. Try again to call and see if you can get an online arrangement instead of in person or via telephone. During this pandemic, this is a no-brainer. Hope things get better for you soon Heather. -star_tigress

Heather Knits said...

I may open up an account in MY name and switch. I think that is the only way to do it.