Thursday, February 8, 2018


I got to sleep in a little, today, but #6 was lazy and didn't put their garbage cans away last night.  If I had 6 kids in my house, you can BET they would all be doing chores, but the only thing I've ever seen is the oldest, watering some plants, on one occasion.  So, because they were too lazy to put it away yesterday, they woke me up today. 

I ate my breakfast and took my shower.  I am about ready for a new bar of soap.  I use 2 bars of soap, 3 actually.  I have acne soap, standard soap (it's good, but it doesn't have a good lather on it, needs more coconut oil!), and unscented soap.  I use them all for different purposes.  The unscented soap is about done so I will need to change it out.  And there's Biscuit, putting his head in my lap! 

That done, I got dressed and ready for work.  Our ride was late, and, at first, was going to refuse to allow Ron to "transfer" (sit in a regular seat instead of the wheelchair compartment).  She changed her mind and I managed to make Ron behave.  I knew if he started yelling it would go downhill quickly. 

We got to work, things were pretty slow.  I told Ron, today I will help you do your work, first, and then I will do mine.  So that's what we did.  Ron was very happy about it. 

One of the customers, one I thought didn't like me, was a lot friendlier today.  That was nice. 

The other vendor called us and said we will be raising the prices to 90 cents on the canned sodas.  So, there's that.  We have to agree on our pricing, it is a policy in our program that if we have 2 vendors at the same location, they will have the same prices on identical items.  It can be a little political at times, but we make it work. 

The other vendor gets along with us pretty well.  At one point, he told us we are the only other vendors he would share a stockroom with.  It does get interesting, that. 

It always helps to bring a good understanding of what's really important, and a good sense of humor, to work.  For instance, the other vendor's guy LOVES to put his folding cart in front of my rack.  He's not "supposed" to, but it's just easier for him to do that.  I just work around it until he sees it and remembers on his own, then he moves it.  It's not worth complaining. 

A good understanding of what matters.  So, we finished work, got it all done, including the inventory.  We went home, it was a driver we know well.  He liked the candy. 

It was funny, I had asked God if I should even be bothering with the Brachs assorted hard candy.  No one has gone, "Oh, peppermints!" and dug into it like they do with the chocolate, caramel, Now and Laters, Snickers, and fruit chews.  But he did, today.  So I guess I will keep adding those to the mix. 

We had to ride around for a while.  I thought it was funny, as a play to get sympathy, one of the other passengers mentioned she was partially blind.  Ron didn't bother to mention he is all the way blind.  But I know we (us, and the driver) were thinking about it. 

We finally got home and unloaded.  The driver liked the sight of my gym equipment in the garage.  He couldn't believe that I was the one who used it.  Why, because I'm a woman?  I know a lot of women who lift weights, all online of course, but still... I need to get back to it once I clear out all the business crap.  We have old reports, vending machine parts, you name it, all stuffed into the garage. 

It didn't help, years ago, when they took away our stockroom (thank God they gave it back) and forced me to bring a lot of stuff home.  Now I'd love to get rid of it. 

We went inside.  Ron wanted to eat at home.  I had some cereal and my medication.  I forget what he had. 

I took a nap with the cats (Biscuit and Torbie) and woke up with a headache.  I forgot shredded wheat can be a headache trigger.  I saw Baby Girl, running around the house.  I got most of her mats (all of them, that I can see), so she's "Pretty" again.  She was running around the house making bengal noises.  Here's a Youtube of some (not BG, but other cats).

Baby Girl doesn't really perform on camera, for me.  As I was playing the noisy Bengal cats video, Biscuit went nuts looking for the cats.  He is in the window right now looking outside for them.  He'll figure it out, eventually. 

It really upsets the cats when I play meowing kittens.  They look all over for the kittens. 

Ron and I are also working on the accounting report.  Hopefully we can get the thing filed and done tonight, so we don't have to worry about it tomorrow.  We're not late with it (yet) but it didn't help that I was sick last week.  We're getting it, now. 

We have tomorrow off (things are slow), and then supply run on Saturday.  I have to go, Ron's ready to do the online part of the report. 

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