Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Another headache

I fell asleep last night and slept pretty well, until I woke up at 3 AM with another severe headache.  [curses]  I got up and took a couple of Excedrin, and went back to bed. 

Now, Excedrin has a lot of caffeine in it, at least for me.  So generally, when I take it, it keeps me up and I can't sleep.  If I have a bad headache, though, I go back to sleep for a couple of hours. 

I went back to sleep for a couple of hours, and had a nightmare about Ron having a blackout.  Great.  I woke up with Biscuit, too alert to go to sleep again (too much caffeine!) and got up eventually.  I weighed myself (still down from before the migraine), fed Biscuit, and took my blood sugar (98).  I watched a little TV and then got on the computer. 

I feel cheated.  I wanted to sleep in, but I can't.  At least the headache didn't come back, but this means I can't take my antidepressant.  If I take it when I already have a headache, it goes straight to migraine.  Happily it, and I, seem OK with inconsistent dosing. 

I keep yawning but I feel wired.  I feel so cheated. 


Anonymous said...

Seems like god should be able to get rid of your headache so you can stay medicated. But that's another thing he can't do. Think about that next time you attribute something random to him actually doing something in your life.

Anonymous said...

It's not like you to not take your meds. Seems like you are developing a pattern that can be worrisome. You may want to make a doctors appointment to see if you have another option for whichever med is causing the headache and then migraine.

Heather Knits said...

For a while now, if I already have a nasty headache, I will skip the antidepressant. I go back to it as soon as possible. That's not new, actually.

I am allergic to SSRI antidepressants to my choices are pretty limited, Wellbutrin works, but not when I have a headache! It will flip right into a vomiting migraine if I take it. I'm just skipping the vomiting migraine part.

I would never play games with my mood stabilizer or antipsychotic. But, last week, when I was vomiting my toenails, I couldn't take them either. So I have gone off my meds when sick, only to resume the minute I can. I think anyone would do that.

It's just pointless, and wasteful, to take a medication that will just be vomited in short order.

Anonymous said...

Why do you keep posting on Heathers blog? I don't get it.

Anonymous said...

Ever ponder that Sun in the sky that all life depends on...who put it there and why it doesn't burn us alive? Ever crack open a bible?
The fool says in his heart there is no God.
Please go over to the site rapture ready and talk to us. We are all in this world together. You sound like you have been disappointed in life and have made up your mind God isn't in control. Believe me He is.
Study bible prophecy about Israel and you will see everything isb unfolding in these last days as HE said it would.
At least stalk the don't have to join.

Anonymous said...

"Ever ponder that Sun in the sky that all life depends on...who put it there and why it doesn't burn us alive? Ever crack open a bible?"

Nonsense. Stop being brainwashed and learn that no religion brings anyone closer to god. In fact religion is the opposite of spirituality and the opposite of what and who god is. God would NEVER need to have one group of chosen people. You are fool if you believe that.

Heather Knits said...

It's turned into Heather's apologetics. :)

"For those who believe, no explanation is necessary, for those who don't, no explanation will suffice."

I would hate to go through life without my faith. I would have killed myself a LONG time ago.

Anonymous said...

He sends them to you Heather. May as well witness to them. ((Hugs))