Sunday, February 25, 2018

I'll take it

I had a nasty headache all day.  I woke up early, did my God Time, took my shower (not in that order), took a nap, woke up with a worse headache.  I did sleep with Torbie, which was a treat as always. 

She's a good cat.  Perfect for me.  She's low energy, loves to sleep, loves to get in a lap.  A typical older cat; perfect. 

I'm not going to say "my next cat, when I get one, will be older" but I strongly lean that way.  An older black cat would be perfect.  But I'm not looking for a cat. 

I think my ideal number of cats would be 2.  I have 3 now, so when Torbie dies I won't get another.  Biscuit and Baby Girl get on pretty well and I don't want to mess up that dynamic. 

Torbie did get me, today.  Trying to get in my lap, she slipped, lost her balance, and dug her claws into my thigh (I wasn't dressed), causing some injury.  I bled a little but not too bad.  I disinfected it with rubbing alcohol.  It's just a couple of scratches, a couple of inches long, so I'm not worried.  I'll keep it clean and disinfect it regularly, it will heal up just fine.  It's not in a public area so I'm not worried about scarring. 

Even if I did get a scar, I could look at it after Torbie is gone and think about how much she loved to get into my lap. 

Ron spent the whole day in bed, got up to drink a few times, take his antibiotic (he has an infection in his jaw, inside the bone). 

Oh, I'm down another couple pounds, to 237.  I am not trying to lose weight but I have drastically cut back on my consumption of diet soda and aspartame beverages.  Apparently I am seeing a benefit.  I mean, I had a carbohydrate binge at the Indian Restaurant last night, so it's not that. 

I'll take it.  It's a nice bonus.  I was just trying to get rid of chemicals, and headaches.  If I lose some weight, it's a bonus. 

We had rain today so maybe that's the source of my headache.  I get pretty tired of the headaches but I don't really blame the medication.  I never had a blog before my diagnosis but I remember a lot of headaches. 

I've always had a lot of headaches.  I used to get couple-day vomiting migraines in my teens, and probably even younger.  Not much fun. 

But I don't want to whine about headaches.  When he was up, Ron talked to me about tomorrow.  We will be pretty busy but that's not bad.  It gets Ron out of bed and moving around (mostly) sober. 

I hope you had a good one.  At least I slept last night, so that's a bonus.  It's always nice when Torbie sleeps with me.  I never mind her waking me up, or hogging the bed.  She's just so sweet. 

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