Monday, February 5, 2018

"The better end of the deal"

Yesterday was pretty uneventful.  I did laundry and tried to catch up on housework. 

My washer, like a lot of HE washers, has some work to do in the rinsing department.  I think I will start using the "deep water" cycle when I wash blacks, because the detergent is obvious in the clothes when I pull them out of the washer.  Then I have to put it back into the washer for another rinse. 

HE washers were supposed to save water, but when you add in the mandatory "clean washer cycle" every 6th load, and all the extra rinses, I think they're coming in behind the old washers.  I don't hate the washer, I just hate the stupid regulations that got rid of the "good" washers. 

No wonder the deliveryman got so excited when he saw my old washer, and wanted to keep it.  Good luck to him, if he was able to fix it.  It was great at getting clothes clean. 

So I did fun things like run the washer, run the washer again, rinse the clothes again, throw them in the dryer, hang them up, clean the litter box, pick up, etc. 

Today I got up early, but kept hitting the snooze.  I was tired.  I didn't have any nightmares so I didn't call Doc about the Depakote. 

I am 95% sure the migraine was "my fault" for eating the chocolate bar, so I'm not throwing that at the Depakote. 

So, I slept OK, I'm just exhausted.  Maybe part of that is the migraine recovery.  It's extremely hard to get more than a nap, sleeping, with a migraine.  The pain wakes me up.  Thank God the pain is gone now. 

Anyway, a week of sleep deprivation would certainly qualify me for some fatigue.  Or it could be my medication.  Or it could just be getting no meds for a week and then going back on them the minute I could eat.  It could be anything. 

I don't worry too much about fatigue as a symptom, fatigue is just a part of my life.  I am utterly exhausted at dinnertime; that's just business as usual.  According to my parents, listening to them talk, that's very unusual. 

So I didn't do my God Time, but I did take my shower.  I got dressed and went to work.  Work was pretty uneventful, slow.  I did what I could and helped Ron with his work.  At one point he said he felt bad about "making" me load all the drinks onto the cart, and I told him "You have to stock them.  I think I have the better end of the deal."  He thought about it for a second and agreed with me.  We got it all done, even the pastry.  Things looked good when we left. 

I guess I can say it now, we will be raising prices on canned soda in about a week.  They are going up a dime, to 85 cents.  Still a good deal, we will just have to fill the change banks on a regular basis. 

I got sandwiches and put the cold (I put them in the fridge, on Saturday) Slim-fast shakes in the cold food vending machine.  They have a nice long code, are food, and are something different the other vendor doesn't sell.  They are also featured at a fair food cost to us. 

All done, we left and came home.  I took a nap.  Today I took my antidepressant for the first time in over a week, but I was OK.  No headache.  I was worried about that. 

I did wake up with a headache after my nap, though.  Frustrating.  I got aggravated and took some Excedrin so I could go to Walmart.  Ron had made a trip. 

Paratransit scheduled it so I had an hour and half.  That would have been perfect for me, but Ron asked them (taking a penalty mark in the process) to shorten it to an hour.  And then our driver was late so I had even less time, only 50 minutes. 

I managed to get everything on the list, including soup (I don't know why I only had 2 cans of soup when I got sick!), the candy I hand out, milk for me, etc, in 35 minutes.  Good.  I might even have time to go to McDonald's and get a double cheeseburger for dinner.  My pills like double cheeseburgers. 

But I got stuck at the bank making my deposit.  I was glad I had the milk in an insulated bag.  I barely had time to finish my deposit.  When I got out to Ron, the driver was talking to him, and he had his phone in his hand to call me.  But I did get the deposit done; I just didn't have time to get dinner. 

We came home (she took the scenic route) and ordered pizza instead.  It was pretty good.  Ron said next time he will get the Jalapeno cheese bread because the regular was "boring", even with the sauce.  But he ate a fair amount.   He got naked to eat it, which I felt was smart, because drippy sauce, cheese, crumbs, all over his clothes would have been a complete mess. 

I put my stuff away.  I had room in the fridge for the soup, finally, so I double stacked it.  I got beef and vegetable, and beef and barley.  Either is good for me.  I was sick a lot as a kid, lots of canned chicken soup when I was, and as a result I can't abide canned chicken soup.  Ron did want some so I got that for him.  He says it tastes like the Denny's soup.  Which I guess is a compliment.  I put it in "his" area of the kitchen. 

He has another friction blister, from overusing his massager on his leg, which popped and now has an angry red cloud surrounding it.  It looks infected, to me, but it isn't oozing so Ron doesn't believe me.  He won't let me treat it.  Says it will heal up fine on it's own.  So there's another scar if we're lucky, and a trip to the doctor if we're not.  I did buy some peroxide and some antibacterial bandages if he ever decides to let me touch it. 

One way or another, it will resolve.  If he wants to be stupid it's on him.  I remind myself anyone who can do his own P&L accounting reports should have the brains to make his own, smart, medical decisions.  I just wish Walmart had had more spray disinfectant wound sprays. 

Oh, well.  I can only do what I can do. 

Tomorrow Ron has his root canal finished, we should be done for a while then.  He doesn't want to do anything the next couple days (except, probably drink) because it's going to rain, but we'll see. 

At least I got my trip to Walmart.  Sort of. 

I don't have to worry about things bouncing out of my account, either, because I covered all my auto-pays. 

Yesterday I ordered some more Olive Leaf, and magnesium citrate.  I think that will be very useful in preventing headaches.  I sure hope it will.  I know, for a fact, I don't get enough magnesium in my diet so a little help will be appreciated.  I chose express delivery and it has already shipped.  I also threw some fun soaps into the order.  Swanson Vitamins has some really nice soaps. 

I also got a present for my aunt.  She is one of those fun people who is happy with small things (like me) so she will enjoy it. 

I plan to go to bed early tonight and get some sleep.  Tomorrow shouldn't be too bad, the dentist will be fitting Ron's crown to his back molar only, so that's not a big deal.  None of that horrible drilling, thank God. 

I plan to tell the dentist about my migraine, in the context that, when I had it, the roots of my top back molars hurt horribly.  Does that happen a lot or is it just me?  If you get migraines (you poor thing) please let me know, I am curious.  It was so bad last week I put Anbesol on my tooth and then the taste made me vomit, which made my teeth hurt even more.  Thank God that's all over. 

I'm so glad I never had kids.  The only thing worse than watching a child with inherited mental illness suffer would have been watching a child with inherited migraines in agony. 



Spankadoo said...

I had migraines from the time I was 11 until a year ago when my periods stopped ...I will not tell you how long that was but it was decades! My son had brutal migraines and watching him suffer was agonizing I used to cry while he slept and struggle to wake him because I was terrified to hear “I have a headache” because I knew he had mindblowingly bad ones with lots of vomiting ...they sound like yours. I am so sorry you suffer you know this I have followed you for ages.

My second comment is I can not get a soda aka pop here anywhere for less than $1.25 (out of a vending machine). I lie one grocery store in town has a generic soda machine and you can buy a generic one for a buck but that is it. The fact that you can stil make a bit of a profit on .85 each is amazing!

Sending love and strength dear Heather

Anonymous said...

Hope that magnesium works for you. ((Hugs))