Friday, February 23, 2018

I wasn't interested in "sorry"

I took my shower, did my God Time, and tried to take a nap.  Biscuit joined me.  Biscuit's a good little buddy. 

Not so little, actually.  About the time I drifted off, it was time to get up. 

I talked to Ron.  He admitted he had more than two servings of alcohol, and "more than 2 makes me crazy".  I wish he could remember that, but then I think about how many times I have eaten candy, knowing it could give me a migraine, ate it anyway.  So sometimes I think there's a learning curve. 

I told him he had better have a smaller portion tonight, because I needed my sleep and I would not tolerate being sleep deprived again.  2 nights ago my headache pills kept me up.  Last night Ron kept me up. 

You may wonder why I sleep so long, when I can.  You may wonder why I'm always trying to grab a nap when I can.  This is why.  So, when I get screwed out of my sleep, I have a reserve.  And it always happens, one way or another.  Noisy neighbor parties, medication interactions, or Ron. 

So we went out (sorry, I didn't read your comment until after we got back) to Denny's.  He got nachos.  He talked about trimming his beard, but changed his mind once we did get home.  I wasn't hateful or shrieky.  He apologized a couple of times.  I told him I wasn't interested in "sorry", I just wanted to sleep tonight, and he had to make sure that happened. 

He said he would.  So we'll see. 

I bought him some low carb shakes recently.  He needs the protein.  His leg still looks pretty awful.  He likes them, so he decided to use the shakes as mixers for his vodka.  Well, that's a mixed blessing.  If he really drinks some shake every time he drinks he will get a lot of shake.  But he's taking it with alcohol.  Ugh. 

So, I'll go to bed early tonight, hope to sleep OK.  Tomorrow, if he "lets" me sleep, we go get our supplies and drop them off at work. 

Now I'm off to check my email.  I hate wading through all the spam, I have had this email for 20 years.  It is a good address but I get so much crap it is unbelievable.  Yet I know my Dad probably sent me a message about his radiation treatment.  And I have to make sure my health insurance deposit cleared. 

Always something to do. 

1 comment:

Spankadoo said...

Sending love I know this is hard I wish you could take days off and replenish outside your home. It is so easy to get sucked into someone’s negatively. Misery truly does love company I lived in the same but different circumstances as you know OOOXXX