Thursday, August 8, 2013

The only functional crackhead

"I was the only functional crackhead in Houston" he told me.  He is self employed, in a service profession (I met him years ago).  "I used to work a 12 hour day, stop by the dealer, get my supply, go home, and smoke it for hours.  I'd get a couple hours of sleep and then go out and work again." 

He continued, other than a home and a job, his life was empty.  His wife was long gone.  He knew he needed help and begged God to take the addiction. 

"Jack" (not real name) "Stop buying it".  Jack didn't like that and continued in his usual pattern, still begging God for help.  "Jack, STOP BUYING IT." 

Jack thought about it.  Yeah, withdrawal would suck, but the God of the universe could help him through that.  So, he went straight home.  He was up all night, waiting for the cravings... and went to sleep. 

He woke up the next day, refreshed and more energized than he had been in years.  He never had any more desire for crack. 

He's still working and sharing his testimony.  God let me know it was time to share it with you. 

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