Sunday, August 18, 2013

Easy Mark

Every couple years I take something over the counter; every couple years I hallucinate.  While doing my God Time today (pray/Bible Study/seek God's will) I kept thinking about the new supplement I started on Friday; thinking I needed to research the side effects. 

Yup.  Half a percent hallucinate.  [facepalm]   I won't be taking that again. 

It's not the supplement's fault, so I won't name it.  I would love to get Ron taking it (it is fine for "normal" people), so I plan to keep it for him. 

Last night, I got to thinking.  The paranormal is so popular these days, and I'm sure some would say "Oh, Heather, you have a *power* you are neglecting.  That's why you see things." 

Ah.  No.  I believe mediums, etc. are connected to a familiar, demonic, spirit.  The demon feeds them the data they use to impress their clients. 

That is all totally forbidden in the Bible, by the way.

If I ever met a medium I would walk away, even if I were offered a free "reading".   Correction, I would offer a Bible, offer prayer and my testimony.   Then I would walk away.  So, I find it ironic. 

Years ago, when I was backslid (not adhering to the Bible and living an immoral life) Ron and I went to a psychic fair.  We got aura photos.  I can tell from my expression in the photo I was manic; but they said I was "psychic".  Huh. 

I think that mental illness opens the door to demonic interference, and that's why we so often have persecutory delusions about demons.  Unmedicated, we are easy game for Bad Things. 

Which is why I am so diligent about taking my pills.  I'm not "psychic" - I'm an easy mark. 

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