Tuesday, August 27, 2013


I don't have what you might consider the traditional phobias. 

I am afraid of large and aggressive dogs.  If I see someone walking a dog that seems iffy, I'll cross the street.  I also check to make sure the fence is sturdy when I pass a certain house on my way to the bus stop. 

Ron was hit by a car while crossing the street.  He had the right of way, the driver ran a red light.  Not surprisingly, since the accident I have had a fear of crossing the street, particularly very busy streets (we have an abundance in Houston).  I can get pretty anxious, particularly if I had too much caffeine.  Certain streets (like Veteran's, or 249) are completely impossible for me.   

Heights.  I can't even go in the attic.  I would love to be the chick cleaning out the gutters and trimming trees, but I can barely get on the stepladder.  I fell down the stairs when I was a toddler, at least once that I remember (and was just left to cry on my own - people wonder why my mother lost custody).   I'm not a fan of heights.  Poor Dad built "the kids" a tree house.  The "younger kids" (my level) was about 6-7 feet off the ground.  I was scared to death of it.  Dad basically dragged me up there and I huddled in the middle, quivering.  I also had a panic attack when he threw me, playfully, off the garage roof into a massive leaf pile (the leaves were about 7 feet high in a cylidrical enclosure, about 20 feet in diameter).  Everyone else had a great time, but I was so hysterical they sent me to bed. 

Last but not least, escalators - particularly the high-rise escalators that seem popular in Houston.  They go up from the building lobby, 2 or 3 floors, the space gaping and clawing at my back.  I always take the elevator. 

Thank God I'm not scared of them! 

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