Sunday, August 25, 2013

6 AM thoughts on a Sunday

I got almost 200 hits yesterday.  Awesome. 

I figured, being offline my hit counter would be way down - it isn't.  I also figured with a lot of hits I'd have a lot of spam, and I did, but a couple of clicks take care of that. 

If you ever consider starting a blog, please put it on "comment moderation".  That way, you can approve all posts before they post under your name and possibly your photo. 

Since I am "religous" I tend to get a lot of alternate viewpoints.  Surprisingly, the JW's are more aggressive in posting than the unreached.  Yes, I know some of you hate that but isn't it better than "lost"?  

This was mostly ad stuff.  I guess if I get a lot of hits then I might be a good marketplace. 

I have thought about allowing ads, but sales are a little better at work so that's back on the shelf.  That would be a "last resort".  I have seen to many blogs infested with popups and very difficult to read.  They remind me of those old angelfire websites.  Yeah, it's "free" but your readers pay for it. 

Anyway, I slept OK last night but I had a nightmare I had a migraine.  When I woke myself up, I realized I did, in fact, have a migraine.  Not much fun. 

The Excedrin did the trick, though.  Thank God.  I was pretty nonfunctional until it kicked in. 

Of course, once the caffeine hit there was no going back to sleep, so I got up early.  Ron's delighted "online" is working out and keeps asking me if everything's OK.  I keep telling him it's fine.  It is. 

Now I need to take my shower, do my God Time (maybe not in that order), and eat.  I've learned my lesson - I need to eat big meals when I have a migraine even it it does sound counterintiutive.  If I don't eat a lot I get sick when I take my pills - and I am always going to take my pills. 

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