Wednesday, August 28, 2013


I was going to tell you all about my plans for tomorrow, but I got a big NO on that (from God).  OK.  I try to listen. 

I'll tell you about today, instead.  Woke up tired and depressed.  I was catless all night, they slept with Ron instead. 

I managed to get my shower, but I only got half my God Time.  I talked to Ron a little, ate some plain greek yogurt (I am getting pretty sick of it), and went to work. 

I've wanted to take a box into work.  Today I finally remembered and got it going. 

I felt bad for Ron.  He was stuffed in the backseat of the minivan with one enormous young man, and one average young man.  It's a good thing Ron's pretty thin.  I would have had a horrible time back there. 

You may wonder why I prefer to sit in the front seat.  Well, there were two guys.  One didn't bathe.  He was also very large, and his flesh overlapped onto my bare arms.  He kept moving around, as his arm rubbed against me.  I carried a stench of unwashed body until I got to work, and my bottle of rubbing alcohol.  He was so large, and the backseat so full (3 is the capacity but if one person is significantly overweight they "overlap" onto the others), I had no way to escape. 

In the other instance, the driver sat Ron in the front seat, me in the middle, a very large woman to my right, and a guy with open sores all over his arms, to my left.  The woman's bulk kept shoving me into the guy and my bare arms (I nearly always wear a t-shirt) into the sores.  I worried for months if I had caught something from the guy. 

After that, Ron suggested I sit up front, which I do if at all possible.  The backseat looked very uncomfortable today and thank God Ron "took" it for me.  It can get pretty suffocating at times, but Ron cheerfully bears up, and since he's significantly slimmer than the "average" seating capacity the other clients have a little room to "overflow". 

I am so glad I have lost 17 pounds.  I am working to trim myself down.  Being obese carries a lot of disabling health risks, so no surprise most of the clients are pretty heavy.  The weight and mobility issues are also fed into a vicious chicken-and-egg cycle, too. 

I aim to manage my own weight, if possible (to me the medication remains a question mark in my ability to lose). 

So, we had all that drama before we even got to work!  Finally there, yay! 

I got my box and went in ahead of Ron (he's fine).  I dealt with it and checked the machines.  Almost empty!  Well!  That's a good thing. 

We stocked what we could and did our inventory.  We need to buy the inventory and take it into work.  I got some of it today at Walmart, actually.  The food cost is a little higher on some of the items but it doesn't matter.  I used $10 of my own money. 

I figure I probably will drink about $10 in soda this month, so we're even. 

I also got some groceries.  Ron wanted "Those little crackers" - a new item I added to our lineup.  The carbs are manageable because I know he will only eat a single cracker now and then.  [Lance whole wheat sharp cheddar, if you're interested]

I had a single item on my list: cheese.  That about covered it.  I got TP, of course, Ron got cat treats, a massive bag that got the cats very excited, and lots of cheese. 

What do I mean? 
Cottage cheese (large curd only, please)
String cheese
Stick cheese with meat sticks
2 pound block extra sharp cheddar
Cream cheese

I also got salad dressing and room fresheners (cooking odors tend to migrate to my bedroom) in vanilla.  I'd like a lavender type thing, but Ron hates lavender.  He prefers tropical and fruits, which I hate.  We compromise on vanilla, and I have a "tropical" automatic air freshener in the front room.  I got a cone to put beside my computer, here. 

I had pretty much everything else I needed, so we checked out and got some lunch.  I ate my bunless hamburger outside, throwing my bun to the grackles.  I figured they'd like it and it wouldn't make them fat. 

They had a field day, feasting away, calling each other, and basically having a party over our discarded bread.  I told Ron it was the only good use for bread.  He agreed, his mouth full of spicy chicken (he can eat more carbs, but he regulates them and has lost "two holes on my belt").  About that time our ride arrived and we went home. 

I got a nap, but had some wierd dreams.  Now I need to fix dinner and figure out my next couple of meals.  Then bed. 

I'll tell you about tomorrow, tomorrow. 

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