Monday, August 26, 2013

Keep my food to myself

I'm pretty depressed and tired today, so not a lot of sparkle today.  Sorry. 

Slept badly, no cat in the bed. 

Woke up depressed.  My hair looked OK so I skipped my shower after some work with the washcloth.  I got these moist bathing wipes for Ron, but I find them useful on depressed days. 

Went to work.  Things look good.  Delivery guy was late but I expected that, due to the rain.  Came home, nap. 

Talked to Ron, did some research - a friend needs to fix his cat.  I did the research and Ron called them with the information. 

Watched a little TV, cooked my dinner, and cooked some breakfast for tomorrow with the last of the raw chicken.  It's so wierd to keep my food to myself - no cats stealing bites or begging.  Wierd. 

I still miss Bubba. 

Ron said he'd take me somewhere, so I got the address and gave it to him, for tomorrow.  It should be a good thing to get out of the house. 

I took my Haldol & Friends later today, Ron said he liked having me more alert so I may continue to take it at dinnertime.  Per Doc, it doesn't matter when or how I take it, as long as I take it every day. 

I'm not queasy, so I'm happy.  I kept my food numbers down in Fitday so I should lose a little soon. 

I was up a little this morning.  Boo. 

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