Monday, October 3, 2011

Scare the normals and just a liiitle manic

Last night I downloaded some great tunes.  Ron had a good laugh, he loaned me his "Good" headphones and I worked while listening.  I sang along at times, and I'd see him out of the corner of my eye, laughing.  He thought I was "cute".  However, I couldn't hear a thing other than the music so I gave them back. 

After work, we went to Starbucks.  Ron was standing in line.  A Muslim man got in line behind Ron.  They looked almost identical with the full beards and complexions.  I realized I had to trim Ron's beard, which I did. 

Ron has to have a beard due to a skin condition.  If he shaves, his skin gets very irritated and angry.  He looks infectious.  It's dreadful.  So, I trimmed him to a half inch. 

I was rapping along with "signed up to die" when someone came into our area from the management complex.  I realized, really not a good song to sing in public.  I'd scare the normals. 

Which, come to think, is also why I trimmed Ron - I didn't want to scare people. 

I'm starting to get a little itch to do a Bible Handout.  That would be great.  I'm assuming I have a little while on it, though. 

One thing's for certain: Major Attacks.  Whooo.  Whenever I'm coming up on a handout, I always have crazy spiritual attacks. 

My feet are bothering me pretty badly.  I realize a lot of it is just being fat; so I am committing to low-carb.  I can't afford to play with my health.  Ron needs me able to walk!  I'm also doing the appropriate things in the meantime. 

Ugh.  Another hot flash.  I've had a couple today. 

I strongly believe I am in premenopause.  However, I am not really interested in investing money on a test.  If I am, I am.  If not, I'm not.  Nothing I can do either way, except maybe some herbals. 

So, we went to work, long ride.  While going down the freeway, a speeding SUV almost slammed into the cab.  Happily, the driver evaded.  I don't think I'd have died but I would have been badly broken.  Ick. 

Got to work, stocked almost everything, got the repairman, got the delivery.  Time to go.  Then we did Starbucks and home. 

I just drink a decaf coffee now, with some cream.  It sure was decaf, when I got home I took a nap.  Then Ron and I mowed part of the yard, watered the foundation, trimmed his beard, and now he's outside in the sun with his shirt off. 

He's quite a sight, with all the scars. 


Anonymous said...

You have to shave your husband because he looks like a Muslim? Is there something wrong with the way Muslims look?

Heather Knits said...

Nothing wrong with the way Muslims work, but we are not Muslim.

I'm not going to wear the attire, and he loves eating pork (grin).

Also, racial profiling does exist, and people are constantly assuming he is Middle Eastern.

I pray for all Musims daily, that they meet the Jesus of the Bible and not the "Isa" of the Koran.