Monday, August 22, 2011

We'll take it.

My foundation (well, the foundation of my home) is settling.  I need to water it on a regular basis.  It's OK, for NOW, but I need to keep it that way. 

On the one hand it makes perfect sense, for a woman who once considered a major in horticulture.  Of course I need to water my house to keep it healthy and strong. 

On the other, I just have to gape and scratch my head, at all the various things homes need.  Ron's feeling pretty destitute; the broken pipe repair took a week out of his monthly budget. 

Now, I'm taking a moment here to thank God that's all it cost.  I have heard HORRIFIC stories. 

I don't feel as targeted, either, as I hear countless stories of broken underground pipes, everywhere, not just my home. 

The repair left a hole, partially filled.  I have a trash can full of soil in the garage, I dug it up for my garden in 2005, put it in the can, and then realized the trash guys would NEVER take a can of "dirt".  So, in typical manic fashion, I put it in the garage, to help fill in a hole that wouldn't be dug for 6 years. 

Tonight I finally had the energy to excavate a 5 gallon bucket full of clumps, and put that in the hole.  I'll do another bucket tomorrow, and so forth until the hole is full and the can is empty.  Ron's happy.  That can really bothered him.  The hole, bothers me.  I guess on some level filling it means I can forget it. 

So, we got up early.  Went to work.  Stocked.  We had to raise candy bar prices to 90 cents each.  I don't feel very bad about it, as I have 4 different cookie packs available for 20 cents.  Our food cost was horrific. 

Since I'm linked to my Facebook, and I am a member of a work group, I won't share the wholesale cost.   We did manage to drop the food cost percentage by 8%.  We'll take it. 

After work we went to the wholesale warehouse.  Ron needed bottled soda.  We got that.  We also got some lunch, I ate, and took a lithium. 

I've been pretty groggy today, but the depression is off roaring in the basement.  Where it belongs.  When we got home I took a nap. 

Well, I tried.  An old friend of Ron's called, but I was so tired I fell asleep in spite of the talking (Ron apologized later).   I woke up a few hours later. 

That is the nice thing about Wellbutrin vs. SSRI.  With the SSRI's I needed a FOUR hour nap every day, and was always tired.  With the Wellbutrin, I don't need a nap, but if I take it I only need an hour, or two tops.  I woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't fall asleep again, so I needed 2 hours or so. 

While I was asleep, Ron went to the liquor store and bought more wine boxes.  Hm.

Ron was eating a food item we picked up yesterday.  He kept raving about it.  I told him, "If I worked there I could bring you one every day.  They seem to hire pretty often."  He actually agreed, he'd be fine with me working there.  I found that very encouraging. 

I understand a lot of it is male pride and the desire to be a good provider, but I would hate to lose the house because Ron wouldn't "let" me get another job.  For now, I am focusing on doing my jury duty, celebrating my birthday next month, and Mom and Dad's visit in October. 

We saw the kitten this morning, but not today.  I hope he's OK.  Ron and I really miss him. 

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