Monday, August 8, 2011

Run Away

The laws of common decently state I can't tell you what Ron did to the bathroom last night and this morning; although I did share it on a secret Facebook group.  [twitch]  Three times, he did this. 

Apparently, I have to look before I sit down, or win myself a shower with the antibacterial soap.  This is the kind of awful-life post that will probably get a few hits. 

"I thought I had it bad."  Oh, it's very frustrating. 

I just want to go to bed and sleep, you know?  I don't want to have to listen to all the drama of a drunken cripple falling, getting up, fixing himself snacks, and making those horrible grunting noises that mean "Get ready for a big surprise!"  I just want to go in the bathroom without looking and sit down. 

I want to go to work with a man who is sober, wearing clean clothes, and smelling of soap instead of alcohol.  One who doesn't curse me when I suggest he take a bath and put on some clean pants, and let me put a bandaid on your head there. 

No, I got a very belligerent, staggering, slurring, man who stunk of alcohol and had a huge, bloody, knot on his head.  I got the man who publicly mocks my faith, called me horrible names in addition to that, and had a temper tantrum because I wouldn't stop work to get him a hot dog out of the vending machine. 

I mean, I have to wonder, is he TRYING to run me off?  I think, one one level, he is. 

I honestly believe that some part of Ron feels like he doesn't deserve my love (I'm sure a few of you would agree).  He has a "script" in his head that says "Everyone leaves you, you lose everything, you end up in some hellhole assisted living, and drink yourself to death.  The only people in your life are paid to be there, or out to exploit you."   He seems bound and determined to make this happen, and I can't stop him. 

Thanks for dragging me down with you! 

So, I did a few positive things today.  I told him, I would not help him walk if he cursed at me.  I told him he had to clean the toilet (still waiting on that one, but I'm stubborn).  I walked away when he cursed at me publicly.  I made sure the other vendors saw him in that condition. 

He drinks, he sleeps for a while, drinks some more.  Gets up and makes a lot of noise, and calls the 1-2 people who're still taking his calls (he is very offensive when drunk).  Eats, making a dreadful mess.  Makes a lot of noise in the middle of the night.  He thinks he stops drinking around midnight, but by then he's in full blackout and heading off for refills until 4 or so. 

He probably falls a few times.  Maybe he injures himself; maybe not.  He has damaged a lot of his property while drunk. 

In the morning, he is very groggy and extremely defensive.  He "doesn't want" to work, and it's hard to get him out of the house.  He goes to work, and does maybe 10-20% of the work.  Then we go home.  He sleeps, then wakes up "After 12" and starts drinking again.  Repeat. 

He's killing himself, and killing me too. 

By the way, I realized today he is completely unfit to make any medical decisions for me.  My aunt will make my decisions. 

Guaranteed, if my gallbladder blows out or I get hit by a car, she will be SOBER when she picks up the phone.   She will make a logical, educated, decision in line with my wishes. 

I am asking God for help; Ron needs to realize he has a problem and get help.  I am tired of him trying to drag me down to his level.  He needs to "forgive" God for "making him blind" and start leaning on Him for help.  He needs to respect and value me, instead of constantly attacking the one person who has stood by him. 

It wasn't all bad, though.  When I got home the cat was a wonderful, loving "husband".  He asked me about my day, let me pet him, and curled up with me for a nap.  He also came up on the couch with me during my God Time and got petting and treats. 

Some others, seemingly unrelated, also sent me some very kind and positive messages on Facebook.  I really appreciated it. 

I just want to run away, or beat my head into a wall. 


Anonymous said...

This is the very reason you need to find another job. So that you can leave and are not stuck in this situation.

This also is the very reason Ron does not want you to get a job. So you can't leave and can't get out of this situation.

There is nothing in the Bible that says you have to put up with this abusive relationship.

God has shown you what you need to do. It is up to you to find the strength to take the steps so you can leave.

This is who Ron is. Some days he is great and even loving but the bad outweighs the good.

I do believe this relationship is also very unhealthy for someone with an already diagnosed mental illness.

Life is too short and precious to waste living this way. I pray you will find the strength to do what is right for you for a change.

Anonymous said...

My sister is the same way. Rejecting help and refusing to get her life together.

My parents have helped her with money since she was 18 and bailed her out of so many things.

She has moved in with my parents refused to follow the rules got kicked out too many times to count.

Now at 43 years old and is living in a homeless shelter. She feels that everyone owes her but she does not owe it to herself to get a job and get her life together based on choices she made in life.

It kills me to know there is nothing I can do to help my own family member and is so upsetting.

Until Ron is ready to accept responsibility for his life and actions he will not stop. He will drag you down with him.

Sometimes helping someone means just leaving and letting them do their own thing. Unfortunately the consequences of this are so painful to those that love and care for the person.

Heidi said...

I am not sure what to say Heather

I would not touch the toilet either...hopefully you hage another one you can use..

I am sorry Ron is dclining it seems into apit ofn unhealthy behaviors..and yes trying to take you with him.....

Remain strong...limit set and know you are loved by folks like me who gain strength grom you battles

I hope both you amd Ron find some peace and I really hope he doese not crash before the "light" goes on!