Friday, August 26, 2011

Happy Meal

Ugh.  So.  Groggy. 

As soon as I could eat, I ate and took my lithium.  I figure, the antidepressant could wait, because I ALWAYS get a headache after taking it.  However, I would rather have a daily headache, than a crippling depression. 

However, today at least, I don't want another migraine.  Yesterday's migraine didn't start off too badly, but it progressed.  Towards the end, when I had stuck the phenergan up the unmentionable; my head actually felt OK.  For some reason phenergan works on my migraines.  Last night, not so much on the vomiting. 

 I couldn't stop vomiting.  Once I got down to vomiting straight bile, I seemed to be OK.  What a horrible taste.  [shudder]  I have a whole technique: sit on the edge of the bed, 5 gallon bucket between my legs.  Hunch over bucket.  Rest right arm across the top of bucket to provide head rest.  My poor bucket needs a good cleaning today. 

Today, Ron wanted to run several errands.  We went to Walmart and got his watch fixed.  It needed a new battery.  I picked up some gentle foods (sugarfree oatmeal, etc).  Ron got his usual processed junk.  I didn't have much appetite. 

When I did, I ate and took my lithium.  We had a really wierd lady riding in the vehicle when we got picked up.  She had STUFFED the back of the cab with boxes (waaaay over the limit), and kept making comments like "I know your pass number now, because you said it out loud!  Now I can ride around on your pass!"  I told her, yeah, and then you will lose your service.  Good luck getting it back.  Metrolift hates people who cheat and lie. 

The pass is issued to a certain person, and is not transferrable.  I almost hope she does try it.  She kept getting "Up in our business" with a lot of incredibly intrusive questions, too.  I was glad to get out of there. 

We had a pretty good ride to the bank.  I have a policy now, if we get picked up at Walmart, buy the driver a Happy Meal.  They love it.  They always want to see the toy. 

So, we did that and the guy told us he would be eating his happy meal, on his lunch, which he'd get after dropping us off.   Ron needed to put a little cash in the personal account, so we did that.  Not a bad wait on that, and then off to Foodtown.  I should add, during all this I am toting around the stuff we got at Walmart, and an insulated tote bag. 

We went to Foodtown, I left Ron and the stuff up front and did my shopping.  He didn't want anything, I mainly got soda and some instant drink mix.  Oh, and Powerade Zero. 

I almost wept with joy as I drank my beloved diet Fruit Punch, once I "got a taste for it".  If I wait until then, I can always tolerate it.  I swore I'd get more; and I did. 

Now off to catch up on my God Time. 

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