Tuesday, May 17, 2011

"Your wife really loves you!"

Under pressure.  Not just the song... Ron woke up in a HORRENDOUS mood. 

It's my Day Off, but I agreed to run to Foodtown this morning.  We need some supplies for work, and I can always use a couple of six-packs of Diet Dr Pepper.  [Sometimes I wonder what would happen if I got sick, and I envision people visiting me with six-packs of Diet Dr Pepper - the perfect gift.]  We made the trip. 

Didn't get that quality of sleep, kept hitting the snooze button.  Pretty soon I barely had time to do my morning Bible study, and forget about prayer time.  [snort]  That's why I hope, to God, I really do not portray myself as some holy saint.  Someone, seriously, called me that recently and I had a mild hysteria.  That goes to Luke 17:10 - "When you have done all these things, say 'I am an unprofitable servant, I have only done my duty.'"  I agree completely, if you think I'm doing a good job, I'm not.  You're just seeing God, in me, doing a good job. 

Me?  [laugh]  I'm far from perfect. 

So, the ride was late.  Ron was in a vile mood pretty much from 6 AM.  It's almost 10 now.  He's snarling and stomping around.  It's completely obvious he had a bad night. 

It must have been God, but I found myself saying "It's pretty clear to me you aren't having a good day."  Wow!  That was a really delicate phrasing.  He was snapping, but nothing directly at me. 

However, I don't know about you, but when I'm around someone who is barking and snarling, it's really hard to avoid reacting.  I wanted to yell at him "Shut up and count your blessings". 

Sadly, I have yet to find THAT verse in my Bible!  [braying laughter]  I've looked, though. 

My Bible says pray for people who are unkind and hateful (Luke 6:28).  So, eventually I did just that. 

I ask God to keep me humble; patient, kind, and loving.  Ron's behavior certainly helped with the first two. 

Our ride was really late; Ron was very angry that he is dependent on others to get him around.  He had a lot to say. 

I got out my e-book and started sorting my books by category, and putting them into subdirectories.  So far, I have 8 poetry,  73 "History and Biography", 35 classic literature, 28 Christian classics, and 4 daily Bible and devotions. I need to make a textbook/manual directory, and a modern fiction directory.  They don't call them directories, but it's the good old DOS path (hard-drive - main directory - sub directory) principle.  Really, I found it so easy to work a computer once I understood path and directory structure. 

Anyway, I've only spent about $40 on books.  That's really good, considering.  $14 of that was Bibles.  I got a textbook on bipolar disorder (MEATY rascal), for $4, you get the idea.  Some fiction, too.  "People of the Ark" was VERY well reviewed, and "Spies in the Promised Land" - great reviews and only $1.  I am a little depressed for fiction, hard time with the focus.  I can, however, organize my "library".  I even made a wish list for my sister, free books (she just got one, as a gift).  A list for Sue (and anyone else) .  I am "up" for that kind of work. 

Eventually, the ride came.  For some reason, Ron just loved the driver and his mood did a complete 180.  He was laughing and joking all the way to Foodtown.  "Your wife really loves you, Ron!" she told him as he got out. 

He sat down, still OK.  I went off and got the merchandise.  Cookies, crackers, soda.  My soda, and some Honeybuns for the people at the Christian bookstore.  Finished up 10 minutes before the pickup. 

The ride came, two of them, actually.  The first cab was nearly full, and the client in the front seat had a very sour expression.  I really did not want to ride in that cab; but of course we did.  Not my choice. 

The drivers were going to make Ron stand there, while they talked to dispatch.  He objected.  Loudly. 

I have never met the client in the front seat.  She does not live in my subdivision.  She asked the driver where we were going, and the driver said, to drop them (Ron and I), off.  The client asked the street name, and the driver mispronounced it.  The client began giving directions. 

I told her "That's OK, I can get us home",
"And then you turn" (completely in the wrong direction)
"That's OK, I've got it, ma'am"
"Go straight, and then..."
"Ma'am!  I know how to get to my own house.  Thank you for your help, but I will give the directions." 
A lot of very sour grumblings, then she shut up.  I could tell she'd have a LOT to say after we got out.  [scoff]   If, as I assume, the client wanted to get "destinated" quickly, then "letting" me give directions would make things go a lot faster. 

I mean, rude?  I don't always do so well with the social stuff but I would never interrupt another client, giving directions to the driver.  Especially to another person's home, which I have never seen. 

Ron caught his foot while I was guiding him, and had a whole lot to say about it.  He kept telling me again and again how I needed to to that in the future. 

I am sorry.  I assumed I could carry two very large and heavy tote bags, open the door, and guide him all at the same time.  Agh.  With an audience of the entire cab.  I *thought* I put the groceries out of his way. 

Once we got inside Ron went off and yelled at God, literally, for quite a while, then came out AGAIN to tell me I had to always, always, tell him if I put a bag of groceries down.  ACK. 

I had bought him a small snack, so I gave it to him.  He went off, more yelling at God, then I heard crunching noises. 

It reminded me of the barking dog - Ron used to say "A full mouth doesn't bark".  How true. 

It's only 10:20 in the morning.  What ELSE will happen today? 

I'm almost scared to leave!  [laugh]

1 comment:

Heidi said...

WOW HEATHER DEAR HEATHER!!! I could not have handled the day you did!!!

your telling Ron at the beginning of the day that he was "clearing not having a good day" put the ownness on him and also did not buy into his entagonism (i never know if I spell that right!) anyway you did what any good nurse would do to diffuse and depersonlize the situation before it got worse..however that woman was rude YES and Ron hit a trigger

he does not deal with pain well if he did the neurontin would be on board and the booze would be gone for good ..but it is not YOU and you know that so he chooses this not you

be strong I am going to watch your video I can barely type and just wanted to check in .. spent the day a long ways away at a very interesting but long conference that included diffusing difficult people ..honestly I think you already know most of it and practice it a lot!