Sunday, May 1, 2011

Do I want to be the good child?

Yesterday, Ron and I went to the grocery store.  I squealed with joy when I found my beloved discount ground beef.  I got 6 pounds.  I also got a gallon of milk (about $2.50 - I hope it came from a cow!), some cheese, etc. 

It is nice, I don't have to worry about vegetables, other than tomato sauce.  One thing I am not interested in canning, tomatoes.  Sounds like horrible, messy, work.  Besides, when I have a total of four tomato plants... I doubt I'll have a surplus.  I like to buy the small cans of tomato sauce and add them to a meat, with some cheese.  They do not have added sugar. 

We came home and I put up the groceries.  When I eat the last of the cooked ground beef, I have some lovely cube steaks - my favorite.  I love them sauteed with onion, garlic, and some pepper.  So does the cat!  I always give him a bite. 

We went to work, worked... things are pretty slow (agh!).  We had to wait an hour and a half on our ride home.  We will never know the "real" story, but I am guessing someone accidentally deleted the trip when Ron called to check on it. 

Finally got home, I think I took a nap.  Then I got ready to do some canning.  Ron had given me permission to do the canning, in the house.  Since it involves a lot of heat, and he pays the electric, I ask.  Our weather has been nicely mild the last few days, and promises more for the next week. 

I got cooking on the ground beef as I watched the Underworld trilogy on Sci-fi.  Science fiction in general loves the concept of werewolf vs. vampire.  I boiled the canning jars to sterilize.  I cooked about 5 pounds of ground beef, and simmered some tomato sauce.  Everything has to be hot, hot, HOT for proper canning. 

I had a window open, and enjoyed the fresh breeze.  If I lived alone, I would love to have the windows open most of the time. 

Anyway, I cooked the meat, simmered it in the sauce for an additional several minutes, extracted the jars from their boiling water, and filled them.  Then I had to get the pressure canner, canning.  That involves a lot of noise and steam. 

I finally got everyone capped off, and tucked away.  The regulator in place, the timer ticking... and called Mom and Dad.  Mom was very curious to learn about the canning process (I learned all this from reading).  Hung up with them, ate my cold dinner, and got the jars out of the water. 

A cool thing, I think, about using a pressure canner, when I take the jars out, even though the canner is cool to the touch, the contents of the jars are still simmering for quite a while.  I heard the happy "SCLUCK-PING!", that indicates a proper jar seal.   They are all ready to be stored on a shelf somewhere - 5 pints, one half-pint.  They are about 90% meat, so I can add more tomato sauce, stretching the contents, as I open them. 

I'm a little hivey from eating Bad Things.  Well, I won't be eating any more for quite a while.  Went to bed. 

Woke up, didn't do my God Time.  I have been doing it in the evenings recently.  I plan to adjust that back to my regular schedule. 

Ron's almost out of vodka - that should be interesting.  [shrug]  He's been fine, though. 

Anyway, I got up, and read an inspirational romance novel for a while.  I really need to sign up for that. 

We went to Starbucks, and we had good trips.  We talked about a possible Bible Handout during the motorcycle rally in October.  I like the idea. 

I should add, I am terrified of riding a motorcycle.  I have heard too many horror stories.  I have no problem doing "outreach" to bikers, and from what I hear that crowd is all pretty well paid professionals. 

I will outreach to anyone God lays on my heart.  Ron asked me once why I bought Bibles, when pretty much all my recipients can afford to buy their own.  Well, people are SCARED.  When I was backslidden, I wouldn't even walk over to the Bible aisle in the bookstore!   However, if someone hands you one, no pressure.  Besides, God tells me to do this. 

Do I want to be the good child?  Of course! 

So, I think it will be fun.  I feel this is something God has laid on me to do. 

I hope I have a few more handouts in the interim, though.  I really do feel that God has me on hold for a big handout, after the NEXT disaster, a big one... have no idea what it is. 

We came home, I watered the garden (we aren't getting any rain!), and then took a nap for a while.  I reminded myself fatigue is OK.  I am taking care of myself, by resting. 

I would far rather be exhausted, than the victim of my own brain!  Ugh.  It was a dreadful place, inside my head. 

I may have shared this before, but it's fun: 
I was at my first appoitment with a psychiatrist.  We were discussing medications.  I said I wanted lithium, he said OK.  He went and got me a bottle.  "Take one of these in the morning."

I opened up the bottle.  It was about 10 AM.  I took a tablet. 

Doc laughed, and handed me another medication "Take one of these, too."  I did. 

"I think you'll do just fine, Heather." 


Sprouty said...

It's time for a FAS video

Heather Knits said...

Love that handle! It's a little incoherent, but it's processing. For the record, I really pity my mother; I will do another video on that.