Friday, May 20, 2011

Never take your digestion for granted

Ah, it seems I am FINALLY over my "ailment", whatever it was.  Not fun. 

I have to give my "proper respect" to the beloved jar of hydrogenated, chunky, peanut butter.  It WORKED.  When I was queasy, I could keep it down.  More importantly, I could keep the LITHIUM down, with a nice pre-and-post peanut butter.  Praise God. 

I am AWFUL off my meds.  [shudder]  It's like being possessed.  [another shudder]

I actually had a post traumatic nightmare today.  I thought those were over-and-done, but apparently not.  Bad, bad, days before medication. 

Sorry to wander, got up at 4.  Slept HORRIBLY.  I must have had too much caffeine.  I try to do a lot of praying, not obsess about stupid stuff I can't fix, and just leave myself in His hands.  God doesn't need me to be fiercely independent.  He WANTS me leaning on Him. 

Slept in, for me.  Didn't do the prayer part yet, just the morning Bible study.  I like to start the day with God in my head.  Do I remember and meditate?  No.  But I'm putting it in my head, and that matters. 

Off to work.  Nice driver.  Got there an hour early.  I was walking funny and very medicated.  I managed to mash up all the cardboard, and stock what I had, into the machines.  I helped Ron, he was very appreciative.  We both made a lot of "stupid" mistakes, and I was teasing him. 

"Why do they let us live on our own?'  I figure, it's because it is a lot cheaper to "let" us live on our own, than to put us in the supervised living we "probably" need.  At least, we needed it today. 

Yike.  Anyway, we wobbled out to the bus stop, went home.  I mentioned they had opened a new buffet restaurant near our house. j It certainly smelled good; and it was very reasonably priced.  I told Ron and we agreed to try it today (total meal was less than $20). 

He had been looking forward to it all day.  Of course our pickup was late.  We got there and I sat Ron down.  He asked me to fix him a plate.  After 19 years, I have a pretty good idea what appeals. 

He loved his plate, and happily munched it (no loud moaning, and he even used a fork!) as I got my own plate.  I thought my food was "pretty good" - Ron thought it was absolutely fantastic.  He asked if I'd come back, I said sure.  I can certainly make a buffet work for me. 

I had a good view outside, and right as we paid I saw our ride pull up.  It was even a straight ride home.  Good luck getting that again!  I took a nap, I'd had a few carbs.  Had the nightmare, woke up, and here I am. 

Tomorrow we go to the wholesale warehouse to get supplies for work.  We have an inspection Monday; and I have to fill out some reports.  I plan to do it tomorrow so Sunday really will be a day off. 

Monday, it's up at 2 AM to get my soda. 

1 comment:

Heidi said...

thank you for sharing the depth of what you go through ..I do not ever want you to feel pain doing it so please only do this as long as you find it healty for you does help
my biggest complement is how you articulate how you survive a devastating illness on miserable medication and take so much joy in life

and sometimes you need rest and reapair to please remember that...