Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Some thoughts on FAS

My opinion only:
  • If you are a fertile woman, take birth control or don't drink; if you are sexually active. 
  • FAS is completely preventable. 
  • FAS kids are very difficult to raise, and often NEVER leave home. 
  • FAS victims do not get the sympathy and understanding given to other disablities.  We are condemned to a lifetime of misunderstanding, hypocritical judgements, being told we are "fine", and that we just need to "try harder".  You would not say that to a paralyzed person. 
  • 1/3 of us are bipolar.  Watch for the signs in your loved one, and get them to a psychiatrist if they start having major mood swings. 
  • Beat it into our heads: you cannot drink.  Ever.  You cannot drink.  Ever.  We have horrendous addiction rates, beware anti-anxiety drugs and narcotics as well.  My adoptive mother did this and gets tremendous credit. 
  • People get very upset about the whole term 'Fetal Alcohol Syndrome".  Generally women who have children; perhaps they drank while pregnant.  You might find the general phrase "brain damage" to be better.  I also emphasize my birth mother "Drank a lot" while pregnant. 
  • Binge drinking is very, very, bad for a developing baby.  No alcohol is best, but please don't binge drink. 
  • Damage can and does occur in all 3 trimesters. 
  • Get involved in a good faith community.  Truly godly people will be more tolerant and accepting of "differences", and the faith foundation will sustain your child through very hard times.
  • We have very high rates of depression and attempted suicide. 
  • Please, don't always focus on what we can't do.  Focus on our positive qualities, too.  We are very gregarious, friendly, loving, and creative.  We are often quite bright and talented. 
  • Don't push us into learning to drive.  We may very well spend our entire life riding the bus.  We'll be fine. 
  • We probably will always need some guidance; please understand we would like to take care of ourselves completely, but often cant. 
  • If your FAS child is a daughter, focus on teaching abstinence, how to say no, how to spot predators, and if you believe in sex before marriage, at the VERY LEAST get some foolproof birth control. 
  • You can never teach us enough about social skills, street smarts, boundaries, and how to make people like us.  Drills are great, and don't stop training. 
  • We often have learning disabilities.  If we have trouble in school, get us tested and work with us to learn around our differences. 
  • Don't be afraid to put us in Special Ed.  I got straight A's for the first time ever, when I was.  They are often more willing and able to work with our learning differences and give us the quiet, non-stimulating environment we crave. 
  • We will always be delayed socially.  Gently correct us as we make blunders, and work on teaching us all those unwritten rules of communication. 
  • We don't have common sense.  Teach us.  Even if it seems obvious to you, it has US baffled. 
  • We often have "meltdowns" when we get overly stimulated.  Get us to a quiet place and let us calm down. 

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