Tuesday, September 28, 2010

What did I do today? I shouldn't be out in public!

So, what DID I do today?  It was my day off, and unlike last week, I didn't have a migraine.  I woke up with a mild headache (part of the side effect package).  A single asprin with a glass of milk seemed to do the trick. 

I had asked Ron to drop me off at Starbucks.  I am not welcome any more at the gas station near the Starbucks; a result of trying to give the owner a bag of candy with "The Amazing Life of Jesus" scripture booklet.  He got pretty apoplectic.  I'm not going back; he scared me and I have no Holy Spirit "Push" to go, either. 

As a result of the drama (rolleyes - I hate drama, love predictable), I brought a 4 pack of Diet Dr Pepper bottles.  I didn't have time to finish bagging up my driver candy, which resulted in mad grabs for handfuls of candy, baggies, and scripture booklets as the driver pulled up.  I stuffed them all into a gallon baggie and headed out. 

It was J, a nice guy.  We happily had a straight trip.  Ron got a snack and a drink; he was feeling fat so he went with the lowfat sugarfree drink, plus 5 splendas.  [grin] 

We had plenty of time to talk as I charged my cell phone on their wall outlet (forgot to plug it in last night), and bagged up the candy.  I had a couple handfuls of leftovers, and gave them to the baristas.  They were happy. 

People really seem to ENJOY the candy I select.  I'm glad they do.  I want people to savor their way through the whole bag. 

I am still currently working with non-melty candies, as it got pretty warm today (upper 80's).  In fact, I wore my jeans.  I did yesterday, and both days I got comments. 

I realize different people have different triggers for sin, so I am taking that into consideration.  I like my legs.  They are "short" by pant manufacturer standards, but they work well.  I suspect, if I didn't have FAS, I would have been taller and had longer legs.  But I'm in this body, and it's my home.  I do my best to take care of it. 

I have pretty stocky, thick calves.  They do the job and get me around.   Good legs.  Anyway, everyone seemed to notice I had moved out of the capris/long hemmed warmup pants (I try to go by my old High School dress code of 2 inches within the knee when standing), and into the jeans. 

I like the jeans.  I got them last week.  They are a dark wash blue in a pretty traditional cut.  They fit well and I don't think about them.  Good.  I am certainly not fussy regarding my clothes! 

I wore a "Jesus" theme t-shirt and my comfortable sneakers.  They are a cross between a work boot and a sneaker, and I got 2 pair for $24 a few weeks ago.  Money well spent.  God really does take care of all my needs. 

I had planned to go to a store and buy some Now and Later candies for my favorite Christian bookstore.  They were out.  What about the big tubs of bubble gum?  Thinking on it now, not the most professional thing, a bunch of gum chewing Christians.  [laugh]  They didn't have the "Good" flavor variety bucket, so I said no. 

I saw a Dr Pepper repairman as I bought a soda (not at "Hatey's" shop).  He is a nice guy and I like him. 

Ron called me.  Sales were lousy last month.  Personally, I think everyone is hurting.  Who isn't?  Look at the tenants the neighbor took, just to get some money! 

My medication was affecting me pretty strongly.  I didn't feel like my brain and my body were talking; and I felt like half my brain was in cold storage.  I was VERY careful, but as I got around I couldn't help but think "I shouldn't be out in public". 
Happily, the uncoordinated zombie nausea thing eventually passed, like it always does.  It's a lot easier than being sick, and haven't I typed it out a million times:  God allowed my bipolar disorder to get so severe, so I'd be responsible about my medication.

Anyway, I did sit down for a while at the bookstore.  They said I seemed very subdued, I was, but happily not depressed.  Even sitting there feeling like I was about to fall over/vomit; it was still better than being victimized by my own brain.  Thank you God. 

They enjoyed hearing all the details of the Big Bible Handout, Ron in the chair, etc. 

I wobbled off to a craft store.  They had some cute wool yarn, in a multicolor.  I have a policy (now): I don't buy unless I can visualize a project I will complete in short order.  I thought about Mom's project, and the one for my aunt.  The leftover project I will most likely complete with their "leftover" yarn.  Cindy's fingerless gloves... and figured, you know what?  This yarn can wait.  I put it back in the basket. 

Two panhandling alcoholics occupied the entire bus bench.  Nice.  I was mildly annoyed.  The woman kept staring at me. 

When I was a kid, I stared at people.  My parents always used to tell me "Don't stare, it's not polite and it might upset someone."  As a person with mental illness, I can confirm that: staring bothers me. 

Oddly, I don't care if someone watches me knit/crochet.  I can work with an audience, and even demonstrate for the observer.  I don't care if someone stares during a Bible handout, or at work; but when I'm off the clock so to speak I can find it annoying.  Especially when I'm "ill". 

I got positively rabid for a while after Ron's horrendous setback back in 2008 - he had to go back to the wheelchair.  Let me tell you, a blind man in a wheelchair attracts a lot of attention.  I can use it in a Big Bible Handout, but at that point and time I was distraught and fairly hostile to staring. 

As I got through the grieving process; questions you never think you'll ask "Would you rather have your flavors, or turn off the nerve disease?"  "Flavors".  Well, he got his wish.  He can taste his food, and endures painful nerve disease. 

I see myself as on the pretty side of "average" in appearance.  "Overweight" but actually OK with it.  I don't want to gain, would like to lose, but I'm not going to invest a lot of energy into it.  I have a pretty cute, average hairstyle, natural colors, generally never any makeup.  I prefer an oversized t-shirt with my jeans, and a pair of sneakers.  Like I said, pretty average, yet occasionally people just stare at me like I'm fascinating. 

In this case, I think she was trying to evaluate my potential as a "donor".  For a woman carrying a "Homeless" sign, her hair was remarkably clean and well tended, her clothing pressed and clean, and pretty nice shoes.  They probably live in a residental motel.  I felt no leading to give her anything. 

I read my book until her bus arrived, then sat down and read my book until my bus came.  Steve was driving.  I like him, he's a good guy, a Christian.  I got off at "my" stop, still feeling pretty wobbly.  I went to the other Christian bookstore and got a clearance book on cults, and some bookmarks. 

Occasionally, I will encounter someone who has questions about the other guys.  I am a very overt Christian.  In fact, the other day, a woman asked me for a Bible.  I was happy to provide.  I wonder if I'm "Bible Lady" or "Candy Lady" probably the latter. 

I walked past the office supply store, regretting the fact that I'd forgotten my master sheets for "Where to Look in the New Testament" - I gave the majority of my supply out on Saturday!  

Generally God leads me to Bibles, candy, or both.  Mainly it has been candy with scripture booklets; fine with me.  Most of the New Testaments go to the handouts recently, but I always carry a few in case someone walks up and wants a Bible.   So I'll be fine. 

I considered yet another yarn shop, but mentally reviewed my project list again.  No, I'm fine. 

I did go to Favorite Dollar.  I love that store.  Love, love, love it. 

I was pretty wobbly, but had fun.  I got some cling-ons for the vending machines.  I got a very nice compliment last year "I feel like humans work here".  Last year, Ron and I strung battery operated Christmas lights on his wheelchair.  I was told he had the only Christmas lights in the whole building.  People loved the sight of festive Ron rolling towards them in the wheelchair, wearing his elf hat with the jingle bell. 

I like doing something seasonal.  I had an inflatable beach ball and paper flowers on the machines for the summer time, now I have an inflatable spider and some cling-ons.  Mainly happy skeletons. 

Many of the Halloween decorations are pretty gruesome, I don't want that effect.  More of a "Trick or Treat" theme.  Ron and I discussed making a fake candy bar for the spider to "eat".  I want people to feel welcomed and relaxed, even if they don't buy anything. 

I really enjoy my work, and the latitude I'm given.  Ron did say I "couldn't" put up anything harvest or Halloweeny [grin] until the end of September.  I listened. 

I started one phone call with "Is it OK if I put an inflatable spider on top of soda 4?"  I got a look from another customer. 

I spoiled all the employees and got some various candy, batteries - the Dollar Store batteries are excellent in my MP3 player, some rope for Ron (he wants me to use it in the yard), and such.  Since I couldn't go to the convenience store, I bought some store brand diet cola.  It isn't bad.  I'm finishing the last can now. 

I called Ron and found out the bus would be leaving in 15 minutes.  I headed over to the stop and caught it.  I had a good transfer to get home. 

I was pretty annoyed that the dog had gotten out again, and the owners were doing nothing to prevent it.  In fact, they actually moved something so the dog could get into our yard. 

I was energetic enough that I mowed the yard - which had a rather exciting aspect as you'll read in the other post.  [rolleyes]  I want boring.  One day I hope to get it! 


Anonymous said...

To the poster a few posts above get your info straight

Heather Knits said...

About what? Non-melty candies? Lithium toxicity? I am very curious; as the whole post is pretty subjective. Please clarify because I am confused.

Heather Knits said...

I think I figured it out. A quote from Wikipedia on Sharia law: "Proselytizing by non-Muslims, including the distribution of non-Muslim religious materials such as Bibles, is illegal. Muslims or non-Muslims wearing religious symbols of any kind in public risk confrontation with the Mutawwa' [religious police]"

You're right, Islam is COMPLETELY tolerant of other faiths. Silly me.

We're not under Sharia law in America. OH, and if you really think he was inappopriate in representing Islam; then you need to have a talk with your "boys" at the Exxon stations in Houston.