Wednesday, September 15, 2010

God created me for amazing things.

I was supposed to have today off. Not only did I have to work, I had to get up at 5 AM. When we got picked up, we rode around for over an hour before they finally dropped us off. I had to take out the rolling dumpster, do the sodas, and help Ron with the coffee machine.

Our pickup was late, and the driver was drastically delayed in helping two elderly ladies. She also brought back very bad memories asking incessant questions about the Deli. UGH. Former and current Postal Workers find it nearly impossible to believe we LOST money operating the thing; we lost over a thousand a month. Why can't they comprehend that? If it were really a lucrative operation, we'd still be running it.

I have the personal opinion that unless you have people who can pick their own lunch and break times, a deli's a bad idea. Especially in a plant with very tight schedules, breaks, and lunches. It is quite common for the supervisors to work them 7.5 hours with no lunch, then "clock them out" for the last half hour of their shift.

At any rate, the deli's been closed for nearly 7 years. Let's leave it there. Some people believe we even still have the equipment! Just WAITING for someone else to come along and [laughing] open it up again.

Some industrious souls even rented catering trucks and parked out front, selling dinners. It didn't work. They lost money and never came back. That's what I TELL them.

So, we lay the past to rest yet again. We got to Walmart very late. I would not have much time.

I had to urinate. I ran into the bathroom and encountered Ron's favorite barista. I explained my urgency and pointed Ron out. Ron had a great time talking to her as I finished up and made my bank deposit.

I deposited enough to cover the case of kiddie New Testaments, some shipping for same, and the $30 hospital bill I will probably be paying for a few more years. Learned my lesson! If I get hurt or sick, I'm going to COUNTY.

Anyway, I noticed the barista's girlfriend (it was well known she is a lesbian) was kind of defensive as Ron and she chatted. I wondered about it and recalled I was wearing a t-shirt that said "The Lord is my strength and my song". I was just myself, Matthew 7:1 says don't judge (and implied, don't be a hater).

What was I going to do? Shriek "Sinner! I know what you're doing!" Maybe rant about Sodomites? I dunno. I prayed and got a "NO" on handing out any candy, so I was just kind. I was happy to see she was a lot more relaxed at the end of the conversation.

Ron and I got our stuff, I handed out some candy, and off we went to McDonalds. I got some double cheeseburgers. Ron said, sounds good. We ended up getting 2 sandwiches for the driver (eagerly taken), 2 for me, and 2 for Ron. He cancelled the KFC trip.

We came home, I was pretty exhausted. Nap time. Then I put up the trash when it came and did some organizing. I worked on my knitting, and shopped for a new circular needle. I need a size 5 (about 4 mm), 60 inch circular needle for my aunt's project. I seriously debated the purchase of more yarn and bought 100 grams of fingering weight wool yarn in pull-skeins. It's black, and will coordinate with the "Why-did-I-buy-50 grams- when-I-need-150?" skein of mixed purples. I can do black, mix, black.

I was pretty tired, again. I ate some sugarfree icecream for dinner and took my pills. Even more tired. Ron wanted to know about the Milky Way Galaxy so I looked it up and read him the whole article. He enjoyed it and thanked me for "Being you". I can't imagine being anyone else! I'm just glad he loves me, too.

I posted on Facebook and some various message boards. I had an interesting debate about Jesus and my evangelism. Someone basically called me a hater and I explained what I do. Tract in a baggie with candy. If they say no, put it back and pray for them. Not very hatey.

I realized, Jesus must be pretty amazing for me to take these risks. Think about it. I hand out Jesus pretty much everywhere I go. I stand on street corners, looking like a societal reject, to distribute Bibles. I do this on such a regular basis the bus drivers all know me and call them my "Crusades".

I am certain I am talked about, and not always kindly! I get yelled at, judged, and mocked.

I have complete strangers walk up to me and ask for Bibles, and I'm happy to hand them out. In fact, I beg God to send me more. I consider it an honor when someone calls me names, rejects me, or gets that alarmed look as they back away, because I know I am blessed (Matthew 5:10-11).

When I got shot with a BB gun while carrying a large sack of New Testaments, my immediate reaction was to begin distribution, then I got more and prayed for the demonic puppet who "Got" me. I did the same thing when I got mugged.

I covet large sacks of individually wrapped candy and buy zip-top plastic bags by the hundreds; all so I can bag it up and hand it out with Jesus. Whatever it takes, I'll do it. I ask God to keep me humble, obedient, and loving. I pray regularly, knowing it's the most important spriritual battle of the day.

I pray for everyone, from my husband to those who've done me wrong. If you hurt me, you're on the prayer list for life. All my readers and EVERYONE on the planet are on my prayer list. I pray for every single candy/Bible/tract/and testimony recipient. I love to come home with an empty sack of candy.

I try to live my life with no regrets because I feel my time is short. Jesus has done amazing things with my life. He's shown me that I'm far stronger and bolder than I ever would have guessed. His strength IS made perfect in my weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9).

God created me for amazing things. I've only realized it now.

Use me.

1 comment:

Natalie said...

I just wanted to say that you are doing something amazing and I have the utmost respect for you. I read daily, but don't comment too often and I apologize for that. Keep up the good work!
