Thursday, April 30, 2020

That was funny

Ron called Arturo for some liquor and we waited. 

I heard a car door slam and Biscuit began growling loudly as he fled under the bed.  I opened up the door and there's Arturo. 

I have a guard cat. 

I couldn't figure out why he growled at Arturo of all people (although he didn't like Carlos, either), until I realized: Arturo takes him to the vet.   No wonder he growled! 

It is very funny I have a guard cat, he is better than a dog, smells better, doesn't bark, etc.  Really an ideal pet. 

Bad migraine today

Worked, went to the bank, came home.  I got paid on time even. 


That's not how it works!  

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

The great face mask drama

Mixed episodes can be a little tricky because my mood will swing up or down on a whim.  So I have to catch the mania and put it to good use.  Good example, just now, rounded up all the clothes and got laundry started, helped Ron, took the shower I couldn't manage this morning. 

Basically yesterday I overdrew my account by $4 with the Ubers.  I calculated wrong, I have had a few issues with that this month.  Basically, I can't wrap my head around something approving, going out and then going back in, then going back out when it ships.  That's what caught me. 

But I did spend all the Bible money finally so everything in the account is "mine" except for the storage food I ordered.  That approved, went out, and came back in so my account is really - $18 (so to speak) not + $18. 

They are going to run the transaction when it ships but I only had $14 in the account and obviously did not want it to bounce.  So I had to go to my bank and fix that. 

I did that, I went to Walmart, I brought one of my reusable tote bags.  I stuck it under the cart and it fell off or was taken while I shopped.  No idea what happened to it. 

I did stay in budget and got everything, even some lemonade mix for Ron.  He cannot get enough of the Walmart Electrolyte Energy Lemonade.  He prefers bottled water so I fix it up in a nice cold water and serve it to him with a straw.  He is always very happy and raved about me for about 10 minutes after I gave him some lemonade just now. 

I'm glad he's happy; let's hope he conveys this to the social worker.  I found pretty much everything I needed at the store and stayed in budget, I even had slack for a large bag of cat treats and the lemonade. 

The registers were idle it was a good day to shop.  I had to wait about 10 minutes on the Uber but still not bad. 

It took me a little time to put everything away but that has been so important for me when depressed, put it away the second I get home because it is just too depressing to have bags sitting around in the front room. 

I gave Ron his chicken strips he was very happy with them.  I took a nap for a little while after I ate and took my pills. 

I had a pretty good nap with a couple of cats and got up, sat outside in my chair for an hour in the sun.  It is really important.  I notice I am getting a pretty good tan which is good it means the sun is working on my body in good ways. 

I do notice definite mood improvement when I spend time in the sun so I am giving that a high priority.  And, as I said in the comments, I have trees in the back yard so I have to sit out front. 

I may do a video and show the backyard tomorrow.  It was just mowed and is about as presentable as it will get. 

Baby Girl sat with me outside but not close she is RON'S girl.  But she did take her chaperone duties seriously. 

Ron is currently lying in his twin bed with both Torbie and Baby Girl.  I think that says a lot about who he is. 

I had some energy after the sun so I looked at face masks. 

About 2 weeks ago I ordered some masks off Facebook.  They were knit and had slits in them for ears, singly ply, various colors.  I paid extra for priority mail and they sent it first class so one strike already.  I got navy, when they came I washed them.  They curled up and I can't iron them (assuming I had an iron) because they are a poly blend.  So I have to unroll them as I put them on which is inconvenient.  I don't feel they offer good protection and am pretty certain Ron is going to hate them.  They will suffice until I get something else. 

So, I looked around I found another site that is working with Amazon.  They had some nice looking fabric masks for $10 each in various sizes even.  Size is dependent on weight.  I would be an XL, Ron a Medium. 

Of course most of their Mediums were sold out but I love turquoise (it is safe to say I am not a fan of pastels) so I got him one in that.  I got myself a "denim" as that will go with anything I wear.  Hopefully that will work for now, if I like them I can get an assortment (gradually), because I have a feeling we are going to be wearing masks for a while. 

I did pay (again) for priority shipping so hopefully THESE guys will be honest and actually ship it properly. 

Ron made trips for tomorrow we are both going into work.  It rained finally last night but Ron was still hurting this morning. 

Can I take a moment to say how much Ron loves to stay home when I go out?  He seemed a little better when I got home and now is listening to Michael Barry.  We are talking about getting a freezer and he said he would like "a nice ribeye" now and then and telling me how he used to cook them in an iron skillet. 

I put the laundry in and Ron's one shirt was so bad I put everything on soak first.  Once it drains I can run it as a regular cycle but the shirt needed some help  They had a decent amount of tshirts at Walmart but I noticed men's socks and pants were almost out and have been for a while.  I am OK on clothes for now.  Their display of inexpensive sheet separates (flat, fitted, pillow cases) was absolutely pillaged. 

I will work on the accounting report tomorrow, after work.  I will do some housework Saturday. 

Jack called wanted to see when we were doing a supply run.  He said Saturday is bad and I assured him we don't need to do that.  I just got some yesterday. 

I plan to stay at home (except for a run to the bank) the next week or so as they open things up here in Texas; it's going to be crazy. 

Not to mention gas is $1.30 a gallon here.  We are going to see a lot of road trips as things open up. 

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Protecting me from other cats


Blogger changed on me I get my stats every time I load the page.  21K hits so far this month. 

If it matters. 

I didn't sleep well and when I woke up Ron was in a lot of pain.  He couldn't work, he was screaming and curled up in a ball.  And this is with pain management. 

I left him and took a Uber to Sam's.  I got there around 7:45, they were open, for seniors and disabled. 

And I had left my disabled senior at home.  [rolleyes]  I waited I was able to grab a cart, a flatbed, and sit on it as I watched fake disabled wander into the store.  If you get out of your car and walk briskly to the store, stop and read the sign that only seniors and disabled are allowed, everyone else has to wait an hour - suddenly start limping and hunch over, I saw it at least a dozen times.  Some people could clearly barely walk or stand upright and I didn't begrudge them. 

Even though, I found out, they had bought up all the bleach.  I am OK for bleach but I would have liked that pink hospital disinfectant/cleanser.  But it didn't happen. 

They didn't have about half the sodas and I heard a manager on his cell phone saying sodas "looked really good".  We have different terms on that.  To me "Good" would be having orange soda, Hawaiian punch, etc.  I did get what I could, checked out, and waited on Jack. 

Jack came and we went to work.  I almost forgot to pay him but went back.  He was happy to see it. 

I checked the machines, all working but not a lot of action on sodas, so I focused on snacks, did them up right and then put the leftovers away.  I filled up the soda fridge so the drinks will be nice and chilly for the bottled vendor on Thursday. 

I went outside and took a Uber home. 

I never know what I will find when I open the door, some stuff on the floor in the kitchen but that could have been Biscuit.  Ron was in bed and uninjured but still hurting.  He still is now. 

I got the money to pay myself back for the Uber I don't know if I will go tomorrow or another day.  I think I am OK waiting until I get paid. 

I took a nap for a little bit, had a pretty good one.  I got up, Ron is still hurting.  I took out the trash.  It is supposed to rain and I wanted to get it out vs slog in the mud later. 

I will check the mail in about half an hour hopefully I got something fun.  We don't have anything planned for tomorrow and it will be raining so I will likely just do some accounting. 

Mood is mixed but OK.  I need to figure out dinner, leftovers from last night (it wasn't bad but wasn't lick your plate either), a protein shake, what? 

I will keep you posted. 

Monday, April 27, 2020

Monday afternoon

It's been pretty quiet.  Quiet is good.  Ron lost his cell phone and doesn't want to get in the wheelchair so I can find it.  I assume he will, at some point. 

He has not wanted anything to eat, either.  I am cooking so he can have some of that or something out of the freezer (heated up!) if he wants. 

Cleo is becoming a little treat monster she, 90% of the time, is happy to accept pets and will purr.  Sometimes she doesn't and that is fine I never want to force my cats into anything. 

I sat out in the driveway for an hour, that was good.  I looked at the local head shop, they have a website.  Dry herb vaporizers are not cheap.  I think I will stick with the smokes.  But I still have plenty let me count: 4 of the good ones, 1 grape (not very good and doesn't burn well, I give it 2 stars), one menthol.  So I don't need any right now as I only smoke 1 a day, if that, and maybe 2 if I have a bad migraine. 

I came in and decided to get the last cheese stick before I took a nap.  Cheese sticks are on the list.  And I couldn't get the drawer open that had the cheese it was stuck.  I had to take the shelf apart to get it.  I fixed it and it won't happen again but frustrating as I didn't want to hurt the fridge.  But I wanted my cheese. 

Tomorrow we go to Sam's and I plan to get some of the pink disinfectant if I can, a bag of rice (I will eat it), and maybe some cheese sticks.  Ron is sleeping with Baby Girl petting her and talking.  It's cute. 

He will be happy to hear the state library (talking books) is open on a limited basis.  But first we need to find his cell phone. 

The weather has been really lovely, around 80, nice breeze, sunny.  People pay good money for that on their vacation.  But Houston you never know what you'll get.  One year only my parents came out in the summer and ever since it has been spring or fall (one year, both!). 

I was sitting in my chair a little bored thinking how my parents only want the one call on the weekend.  Unless I have an emergency.  They were pretty clear on it "Don't call us just to talk, except on Saturday" I believe the exact words or certainly the intent. 

WELL.  Most parents want to hear more from their kids.  My aunt is happy to hear from me and will send me to voicemail if she can't.  She has very good boundaries. 

I don't recall ever being a pest or bothering them when I was angry at Ron (poor aunt got plenty of that before diagnosis and treatment), calling a lot when I was manic or anything but they have been pretty clear. 

And the sad thing they say I am the only one who calls.  But it is their loss and maybe better for me this way. 

I found Ron's phone and told him the talking book library is open on a limited basis so he can call.  He was really happy to hear that. 

I believe his exact statement was "Halle-f*cking-luja"


Monday morning

We slept in today; he didn't want to take the change to the bank.  It can wait.  Ron's room smells so much better and I actually enjoy standing next to his bed now.   Ron: Why didn't you do it sooner?  Me: Well it's a pretty STRONG act...

 Pretty depressed: Home of the One Day Mania.  Glad I did all the cleaning. 

I got the neckbones started in the crock pot.  I have a small one so I put about 2 pounds of meat/bones, peppered, 2 cloves of garlic, and half a can of tomatoes with celery and onions.  We will see how it turns out. 

I put one garlic clove in with the leftover meat to go back in the fridge.  Not sure if I did too much pepper but it looked good. 

I have found, with the exception of baking, I am far more a pinch and dab cook vs one with rigid measurements.  But garlic, tomatoes, black pepper - can't go wrong with that. 

The yard guy came when I was in the shower and I found at least a couple cats under my bed when I came out.  I showed Cleo the treat bag and she followed me to her couch, where I treat her.  Baby Girl is a thug, she will steal, so when she showed up I gave her a portion so she wouldn't bully Cleo. 

Cleo is the lowest on the cat hierarchy.  It is kind of sad to see her so timid with the other cats but she absolutely has a place here.  Spotty wanted the can of tomatoes, I had to show it to him he kept begging. 

"Everything in a can, is cat food!"  He got it and walked off, left me alone.  It is funny Biscuit used to walk on the counter on my side of the kitchen but has stopped ever since I cleaned up "my" area.  I have 3 appliances on the counter, the water kettle, the crock pot, the rice pot.  When I cook I use them regularly.  So they can stay, still plenty of counter to work with considering the size of the kitchen. 

When the pork is almost done I will cook up some rice to go with it, it has a good amount of juices when done and those are very good over rice.  It isn't low carb but it is simple food and I like that. 

I splurged and got myself a bag of peeled garlic cloves, much easier.  Sometimes my hands have trouble with very fine motor issues - this has been a problem my whole life.  I can do some crafts like crochet and knit but something like needlepoint or cross-stitch was out.  Anyway, hard for me to peel garlic on a good day so pay the extra 75 cents for a bag of peeled.  It even has a zip top.  Spice World does it. 

The yard looks great again that is 2 times in 2 weeks, they must be bored.  The social worker will be impressed when she comes out. 

My aunt suggested I keep trying her back once a week and that seems reasonable.  We don't have anything to hide and I would like to get this finished, but I am sure she has horrible cases where people are actually being harmed so they have to come first. 

Ron had a horrible day for pain yesterday but seems to be better today.  He told me once he cannot sleep flat, I knew he couldn't lay flat for an MRI, but he can't sleep flat either, he has to put his legs in the air and bent, one to the side, to sleep.  Like a bug that just got a shot of pesticide.  It looks awful but he is sleeping comfortably that way. 

Chiropractors won't touch him.  Pain doc says he needs surgery on his spinal canal.  He has a hernia in his diaphragm.  He is more of a wreck than I thought but I am not ditching him. 

He stayed when I was at my worst bipolar and I respect that.  I don't feel obligated to stay anyone would say I have done enough but most times I like taking care of him. 

On that note, we go to Sam's tomorrow: my plan is to see if I can score some disinfecting wipes (I prefer them to spray for what I deal with) and a big bag of rice.  If I cannot score the wipes I think they used to sell gallons of the pink stuff they use in hospitals.  That would be great.  I will see.  I have a decent amount of supplies for now but will need more. 

And, later today, sweep the floor.  I will mop Wednesday.  I am curious to try the Murphy's oil soap on my vinyl planks, if it works I will try it on a section of tile.  I have to be careful what I put on the floor because I have cats lying on it, licking their paws, etc.  Torbie had an allergic reaction to generic Swiffer antibacterial so I can't use Swiffer not that it worked for me.  But the Murphy's is plant based and very little chemicals so should be OK for that cats.  And no one wants it at Walmart. 

I have liked the simple green cleaning wipes I got at Walmart.  They have been effective and good for cleaning up cat puke and little messes that don't need an antibacterial wipe.  Can I get more?  Who knows.  I do have a gallon of concentrate so worst case I can use the concentrate to make solution and spray, then wipe with a shop towel.  I do have a spray bottle of solution. 

I slept OK last night and plan to take a nap today.  Hopefully that works out. 

My pillow was comfortable last night and I feel better knowing I washed it. 

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Video blog outside sitting in my chair

So the mania is back

I will put it to use working on the kitchen.  And other cleaning. 

Poor, dear, Dad, he would never say anything, but when I told him I was cleaning the kitchen he said "I think that's a very good idea" rather emphatically.  Never judging but just very relieved.  I will finish that up later. 

I took a shower, talked to Ron, he is a night owl so is happy to have me awake.  I fed the cats wet food.  Spotty begged and begged for dry so I gave it to him. 

I rounded up the laundry not enough for a load yet.  Good.  I do need to take the pillow case off  my bed I didn't wash my hair yesterday and it was greasy when I got up.  I am doing dishes, I don't have a lot but a sink full of dishes will not make a good impression on the social worker.  I am washing my bed pillow in the tub, I only have one so I can't use the washer, it wouldn't balance. 

Got to spend that mania on something useful. 

Dishes are done (I didn't have that many) garbage disposal is stuck we will need a new one eventually.  But I can use the other side of the sink. 

Pillow is still marinating in the tub. 

Years ago, when manic, I made my own laundry detergent, this is back when I had the old style and not an HE.  It used soap flakes, borax, and washing soda.  I had a big jar about 5 pounds plus a 5 gallon bucket.  I got rid of the bucket but have kept the jar and I use it for hand wash jobs.  I put a tablespoon in with the pillow so it should get nice and fresh.  It is going to take a while to dry though when I'm finished, it is the "my pillow" style of small filling puffs.  I like that mine is adjustable and I have always slept great with that on top of a shredded memory foam pillow (leftover bits of memory foam shoved in a casing).  Ron has one of the memory foam as well.  I will let it soak until 5:30 or so and then rinse it, wring it out, and put it in the dryer on air. 

You can see why I only saved that job for a mania.  I am pretty unstoppable during a good mania the trick is throttling it. 

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Figured out selfies on my phone


NOT my house behind me.  Chair was angled toward the sun, in my driveway so that is a neighbor house. 

Ripped out

The worst part of Ron's carpet, about a doormat size.  It was filthy, and stank, and is now in the trash!  I did not slice myself and it wasn't easy but it's done.

I didn't plan on it but not sorry I went

I went to run an errand and happened to be right next to the Joe V's grocery store.  So I thought might as well take a look. 

Huge selection of everything including bleach and cup of noodles, two things I have not had luck finding.  I did some shopping, found some really good deals, got a ton of food for a very reasonable price. 

One thing they didn't have a lot of was dry beans, but the lentils they had were cheaper than Walmart by about 10 cents a pound. 

I got a bag of Douget's rice they are local and always a good deal.  I can eat rice all sorts of ways. 

I am not a big bread eater and actually had to throw out some bread today because it got moldy.  But I never leave rice. 

Apparently it is an old southern thing to put rice and sugar and milk together.  I don't do a lot of milk, I like it I just don't often have a taste for it unless I am eating biscuits. 

Oh, and they also had the 5 pound bags of the cornbread mix, I have used that and it is good, it has everything except fat, milk and eggs.  It is really good but you have to have eggs and milk on hand. 

I don't generally have eggs and milk on hand. 

But I bought a huge block of cheese and 5 pounds of shred cheese.  I do love my cheese. 

The Uber came quick - no way I could have taken all that on the bus, much less walked it home half a mile. 

One nice thing the store is doing free delivery for seniors up to 25 items; very nice.  Also the food bank, Walmart, and metrolift all teamed up to deliver care packages (including household items) to metrolift (read: elderly + disabled) clients.  Very nice. 

It makes me happy to live in Houston. 

As I told the social worker, back in 1993, I have enough to eat so I am not worried about signing Ron up.  He is very happy with his diet. 

Oh, and the store had a lot of generic brand TP which is better than nothing.  I am partial to the red Charmin but am grimly working my way through another one I got some time ago, they are mega rolls but you have to (I do, at least) use twice as much so not a bargain.  That will teach me to cheat on my Charmin. 

I woke up with a migraine actually and cancelled work today, no way I could go.  I went back to bed and that managed to lick it. 

I got up and took some Excedrin and ran my errands.  Now I don't need to go anywhere tomorrow. 

I got some neckbones so I will be doing those in the crock pot I have a real taste for neckbones.  I took them with a little bit of canned tomato.  The only hard part is picking out the bones but once that is done, over some rice, yum. 

Ron loathes them and will not touch them says only poor ghetto people eat them.   And I am the white person.  More for me! 

I hear the meat supply could have problems so I got some more meat.  I will get more canned meat at the Walmart next time I go. 

Oh, and I got more bacon bits.  Ron loves that corn and beans mix with bacon bits so I got 2 more bags of the bits. 

I am glad I got home when I did it is raining now.  Ron is getting a liquor delivery. 

Incoming rain is probably the reason for today's headache, hormonally it is all wrong. 

I thought this was good enough to share:

The north wind driveth away rain: so doth an angry countenance a backbiting tongue” (Proverbs 25:23).
The north wind driveth away rain,” that’s the cold wind. When you have a north wind, it gets cold. You don't have any rain, but you might have ice and snow, but you don’t get any rain.
“. . . so doth an angry countenance a backbiting tongue,” here is the time to be angry, I guess, what it is here, is somebody is gossiping to you or in front of you and you want to stop it. Immediately you show a countenance that does not accept it, that shows its disapproval. The Bible says, “be angry and sin not” (Ephesians 4:26). Now, here's a good time to be angry.
But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council: but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire” (Matthew 5:22).
Christ spoke of being angry “without a cause,” well, here is a good cause. This is the proper time.
The new versions have taken “without a cause” from the corrupted Bibles and so they turn Jesus Christ into a sinner because He definitely became angry with the money changers in the temple, but he also had a cause. Well, no matter, the new versions condemn any kind of anger.
The north wind driveth away rain: so doth an angry countenance,” I mean, somebody starts backbiting the preacher, or is backbiting your brother or sister in Christ; you show anger, “I don't want to hear that! That's not right! You got a problem with them? you go to them.” You won't hear much more from them on this issue.
“. . . so doth an angry countenance a backbiting tongue,” anger is good when someone criticizes a person not present. Get indignant! Tell the person to stop running others down. Tell the person to take up their attack with the party directly. Tell them, if they cannot say something good, then not to say anything at all.
But now, don't let the sun go down on your wrath. Don't stay angry. Let them take care of their problem on their own. That’s between them and God. You’ve done all you can do. So, it’s time to get let it go, unless they approach you on the subject again. They probably won’t.
Most commentators violently pervert these words of God, much like the serpent in Eden, by making the first clause read: “The north wind brings forth rain.” But even a child can know they are wrong, by a simple comparison with the parallelism of the second clause. Does an angry countenance bring forth backbiting, or drive it away? Let God be true!

Friday, April 24, 2020

I really am going to leave the message board alone for a while

I got a nasty message, and an infraction, because I was "chatty".  I just said I was sitting out in the sun and I felt it was good for immunity, and glad Ron was happy to be kept inside. 

I am going to go delete the bookmarks.  I am done with this shit.  If a board member wants to get ahold of me they can send me a message which will ping my email.  There, now I can't "forget" and click it. 

I had started hundreds of threads over the years which got tons of clicks and replies, generated a lot of traffic for their board. 

I will give it a couple of months and see.  Some woman kept going on about fat people and never got disciplined for it, very rude saying "Just eat one donut and take a vitamin every day, it's not that hard".  She also went on another post basically saying the virus was only affecting old people and she didn't care why did she have to suffer. 

But that is the problem with message boards, they can be arbitrary. 

Blog = better. 

I have not had good luck with message boards. 

Rapture ready was my first.  At the end they had gotten very rigid and dogmatic.  Also constant begging for money which to me was a big turn off.  The board split and it was very confusing who went where. 

Then I did Low Carb Friends.  That was OK for a while but I had a lot of bullying in one forum I actually had the moderators cut off my access.  I had a very popular blog there.  "Heather Shrinks in Houston" (it has since been deleted by the mods). 

A woman had posted in the health forum saying her son had been diagnosed as bipolar and schizophrenic.  She was baffled how he could have both and felt his life was over.  I had always been open about my problems.  I told her it was OK, I had the same condition and it was very manageable as long as he took his medication as directed. 

The moderators went nuts and began slapping infractions (!) on me for "being too personal" etc. 

Let's be honest, I get so many readers because I am so f*cking personal.  Eighteen THOUSAND hits just this month.  But I think they didn't want me discussing mental illness. 

I had also made comments about "franken foods" (processed low carb foods) and they had a store selling just that.  I told newbies the foods were a bad idea.  That cost them money, not the wisest of me but I had lost a good weight loss eating that crap. 

So I left, leaving a link to here, and I modified the blog title so someone could find my handle (Houston Heather) if they did a search.  Some people followed me and here we are 11 years later. 

This one I was OK for a long while but they don't want me to talk anymore.  For some reason suddenly the same Heather is just pissing them off.  I haven't changed, they have.  I tried changing my style but they aren't liking it. 

One of the other board members sent me a message about a week ago saying he was being run out of town on a rail and to look out, there was a new boss in town.  I guess he was right. 

I haven't changed so if they suddenly hate everything me I will stay away. 

I can take a hint. 

Friday afternoon

I had something in my morning vitamins don't know what but it hit me in the shower.  Energy, and it was not a mania. 

I already told you about my morning, I think. 

I tried to take a nap but Ron woke me up, was hungry.  God love him... I got up and gave him his "casserole".  That is what I call it. 

A can of pork and beans; a can of whole kernel corn, drained; some bacon bits.  Mix and serve.  He can't get enough of it.  This is the man who never eats a vegetable eating three (tomato sauce, beans, and corn).  I am thrilled.  It is also high fiber for the thing we don't talk about.  It is even low fat if I was worried about that. 

I have plenty more.  After that I said screw it and got up I still had a fair amount of energy from whatever it was I took (I think maybe a kratom?). 

So, I got up.  I decided to clean the kitchen.  I cleaned my whole area and got it looking good.  BONUS: made more room for canned food.  Very happy about that.  I don't need any cereal bars or tuna.  I cleaned off the counter, rearranged what was left: I have drink mix organized now, my electric kettle and I pulled the rice pot out from underneath (which freed up a lot of room for canned goods).  I was able to put one pot inside another and free up even more room that way.  It looks much better. 

I still need to clean the stove but I have the little liners that go around the gas flame which will make the stove look "spiffy" to quote my Dad.  My aunt is convinced the social worker will not come to the house right now but you don't know and it won't hurt to burn up the energy on something productive anyway. 

Overall VERY happy with what I did.  Only problem I knocked over my Diet Dr Pepper but other than that it went well. 

Ron seems OK with Simple Green Cleaner so I used that.  It did a good job on the counter.  I have a gallon of concentrate that DID come back to me. 

I will check the mail in about an hour.  I am really hoping I don't get any more bad news.  I did manage to pay the property assessment this morning, the IT crew at the homeowner's fixed the page.  Good, it was due tomorrow. 

I pay until August I have the letter stored so I can consult it as needed.  I am always so happy to pay my bills. 

I have some charity that comes out of my debit and that is going away at the end of the month.  Do I give them the new data?  Or do I let it lapse? 

I will be keeping World Missionary press I think they do valuable work.  Not sure about the other one I will need to think about it. 

Right now I am thinking if it keeps going through I will keep it, and if it doesn't I will end it.  I will think about it. 

I do have a lot on my plate financially right now.  Ron's medicine is $80 a month, plus the $82 to the HOA, $250 a month to my Dad (not ending that), cell phone is $35 and oh I need to talk to them about that!  Crap I forgot.  I will go tomorrow. 

But the holier than thou voice at the back of my head says it is a bigger blessing if I give when I can't.  I can imagine some of the responses to that. 

Friday morning

Well, the HOA fixed the online payment and my payment is in ahead of the due date.  NEXT month I am going to try to pay a week or two in advance in case there is another issue. 

I got up at 7.  A nasty comment was left about Ron's headphones.  The headphones were not lost, they never were.  He breaks them at an alarming rate, that is the ongoing headphone issue.  I just collected all the good ones and put them in a bag for him. 

He loses the radio, I found it, that's all.  He really likes one radio in particular.  I just found that again. 

Sunday probably I will help him clean the room. 

Anyway, Ron was making some noise looking for batteries this morning but I was already up so I didn't care. 

I got on the computer for a while, took a shower, etc.  For some reason my workout clothes are missing.  That is a really odd thing to lose and I know I didn't throw them away... I will just have to go to Academy when the quarantine is over and buy a couple bike shorts.  They have them in plus sizes. 

I think I am a 2 X but not positive so I will need to try them on at the store. 

I cleaned the litter boxes and got that done.  I swept the kitchen and will sweep the whole house and probably mop as well, when I get up from my nap. 

I went outside and sat for over an hour, talked to my aunt for some of it.  The cats came to visit and Baby Girl brought me a twig with about half a dozen leaves on it, then killed it again in front of me as I praised her.  The other cats came and went but someone always with me, I understood when I saw the tomcat.  He was roaming around but didn't go near my yard. 

He really looks remarkably like Spotty and must be his father.  He is clearly an owned pet so I don't worry about him. 

I came in and paid the assessment, that went well.  Good, due date was tomorrow! 

Ron and I and Jack talked and will do the supply run tomorrow.  Glad when that is done. 

Ron is happy in bed and I will try to get the bath going later.  I think I can get him set up and then do the sweep/mop while he takes care of that.  He just needs help getting started and back in his wheelchair. 

Happily he has not been anywhere near demanding lately.  I imagine a lot of relationships are very strained cooped up together but I think we are doing pretty well. 

I look forward to going out and sitting in my yard, in the sun, every day.  It is invigorating and very good for my mood. 

And on that note I am going to take my nap. 

A little bit about long term storage foods

I think the timing is right on this. 

You have heard me talk about long term storage foods and I thought I would explain. 

As I see it there are a couple of different types. 

There is the canned food: your spaghetti rings with meatballs, beef stew, and such.  That would be what I'd consider a pantry item. 

Next you have the "harder core" freeze dried foods.  You only see these in a prepper's pantry, or a backpacker, because they are very light food and easy to carry.  Here is a good example of something Ron likes: 
They are nice and easy to prepare, but expensive.  We only like the ones where you add boiling water to the pouch and then let it sit.  Mountain House is another good brand and has a lot of choices, and you can actually get MH in the camping section at Walmart. 

Some food storage companies sell freeze dried food in buckets, but you have to cook it before you eat it, and it doesn't have a good calorie count.  With survival food, you need "enough" calories, at least 2-3K a day.  Most "survival food" like you see on TV or the radio ads only have about a third of it if you expect it to last as long as they say.  NOT a good deal and not something I suggest even IF you have the money (and I doubt any of you guys are loaded). 

I like the stuff you just add the boiling water and I have been able to get a decent amount (for us) since Walmart put it on clearance, they got rid of an old style (still good for 20 more years) and brought it out in smaller, newer, packaging.  The 2 serving pouches are good for us Ron can eat half and I can finish. 

I bought the red beans in #10 cans (once I tried a pouch on Ron and he loved it) from a survival supply store, I forget who but there are a lot out there.  I suggest buying one pouch and see if you like it before you buy a large can. 

Last is LTS or long term storage food.  It often comes in a 5 gallon bucket which you have seen in my bedroom.  There are a couple ways you can do it. 

The easiest is to go to a place like Rainy Day Foods and say "I like rice, I want a big bucket of rice" they pack it up for you and ship it and you have a giant bucket of rice should things get REALLY bad and you can't get food. 

That's what I'd suggest and I like Rainy Day Foods used them a lot but you will wait MONTHS at this point and time.  But worth considering.  They also have #10 cans of things like rice, pasta, etc. packed up for 20-30 years storage if you don't want a large bucket.  They have kits if you want to go that route. 

They also have imitation meats which are a lot better than they sound, you simmer it in boiling water for a few minutes and you have something "meaty" to put with your rice.  They have taco, ham, etc.  You can buy that in a small can, large can, huge bucket if you want. 

They also have beans all you do is put the flakes into boiling water and instant refried beans.  Add a little lard and cook up that rice and it's a meal.  Don't forget to store some hot sauce if you like it. 

That's the easy way, in my book.  It is less expensive than buying the freeze dried "kits for a year" (most of which are instant soup and oat meal anyway, and you can do that on your own for way cheaper). 

It is also possible to buy bulk amounts of food, like 50 pound bags of rice, put it in mylar and pack it for long term storage but that is more complicated.  If you want to stock up 500 pounds of rice (I wish!) you can do that but it's pretty complex and you can read up about that elsewhere.  I am assuming you are at the beginner level and just want some good ideas to get you started. 

If you decide to put beans in your pantry use lentils.  Lentils cook up far easier than traditional beans, which can take hours.  They don't get hard, either, like pintos.  I have seen so many discussions: I put up 20 pounds of pintos 10 years ago, I tried them and they are rock hard.  I cooked them all day.  I used baking soda, will they ever get soft?  And the answer is always NO.  So go with lentils. 

Here is a shopping list if you like: 
Rice (you can still find parboiled at my stores)
Cup noodles if you can get them. 
Instant potato flakes if you like them
Can gravy if you like it
Mayo (check the use by date)
Oatmeal (the just add hot water kind) if you like it. 
If you decide to store anything tomato-saucy be aware it has a short life due to the acidity so you will have to eat it within a year or so. 
Canned vienna sausage
Beef stew
Spam (turkey spam is very good if you can find it)
Canned pasta (chef boyardee, mac and cheese)
Spices to cook beans, rice, etc. if you don't have them already.  You can't go wrong with some extra black pepper, salt, and garlic powder.  I would also add lemon pepper for the tuna. 
Peanut butter
Cooking oil/lard

If you like baking you might get some extra.  But be aware they may have egg/milk shortages so you may not be able to get it. 

But the list will get you started.  If you love peanut butter cookies throw an extra in there.  If you loathe sardines don't get them (might be a treat for the cat).  Oh, and don't forget extra pet food.  I have a cat on a special diet and it is nice to know I do have a month on hand should I have problems. 

You don't have to get the whole list but at least try to add some extras to your pantry.  It is not "hoarding" because you are going to eat it. 

Fill up a cupboard with that, then look at Freeze Dried and long term storage if you want, but if you do this you will be better off than a lot of people out there. 

I didn't put instant milk on the list because it has an off taste, most people hate it, and I haven't seen it in months anyway. 

Oh, coffee.  I am not a coffee drinker but you can get the cheap stuff to hold you should your regular source dry up. 

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Thursday afternoon

Well, I got 2 infractions in 2 weeks, on a message board.  I think I had better lay low for a while.  Maybe they are just cranky or I am being a brat but it's their house.

This is my house within reason.  Blogger rules, but they are pretty reasonable.  I can delete hateful comments.  I can post interesting ones.  And I find most of you very interesting.

Some thoughts and then I will tell you about my day:
How much will the hospital and ambulance cost?  Who knows, I haven't got a bill yet.  They should have his Medicare information at least at the hospital.

So I went to Walmart this morning.  That went fine.  I hear ominous rumblings about the meat supply so I got some hot dogs, sausage, and canned roast beef.  I came home and put it away.

I had been home a little while and contemplating a nap when I checked my things to go list on my phone.  I just use the Google Docs app and make lists for various things, like I have all the measurements for my house in one document, my budget, etc.  I would be screwed without my phone.

So I looked and it said 'HOA payment".  Well, crap.  I tried to load the page and it is broken, so I had to call them and explain.  She was very nice, I still have a couple of days and she told IT.

BUT I totally forked my budget normally I am accurate down to the $5's and I totally missed I had this $80 payment coming out.  I am still waiting on my long term storage food to ship.  That is about all that is left in my account; for that, so I needed to make an additional deposit.

So I had to go to my bank.  But I had about $20 in my account and I didn't want to take a Uber.  I might need that for something else.

So I went to take the bus, normally in good times it runs every 20-30 minutes.  Today it was 45.  But it's a free ride right now so there's that.

I still don't know whether it was worth walking half a mile and waiting almost an hour outside but I did save $12 or so.

I got to the bank no line so I made the deposit, and then I walked over to the grocery store.  I was curious.

I was thinking maybe some more canned meat, but the only one they had was with a short date so I didn't buy it.  I bought some soda and did decide to take a Uber home now that I had a little in my account.

So she came pretty quick had the whole backseat taped off with plastic sheeting, I was OK with that.  She was nice and thought the house was the cutest thing ever.  Someone ran a red light and she evaded, got a good tip.

I came in and took a nap.  I was pretty worn out after all the running around.  I slept pretty well, I had 3 cats in my bed when I got up, that was very nice.

I checked on Ron he didn't need much help today and we agreed he will do a bath tomorrow.  My plan is to sit him on the edge of the tub and have him wash feet/legs in the tub, then take him back to bed and I wash the rest bed bath style.  I think that will work as his legs/feet are very sensitive and that way he can handle it himself.

I could have all the empathy in the world but I won't know how he is handling the sensation.  He thinks that is a fine idea.  And he won't be IN the tub so he won't have a problem getting out.

When he was emptying his bottles he would sit on the edge of the tub to do it so I know it will work.

I need a day off tomorrow my only plans are paying the HOA assessment if the page is up, and Ron's bath.  If the page isn't working they put a note in my file.  Worst case I will mail a check Saturday.

Ron had me looking for his radio again (laughing) so I put him in his wheelchair and actually found it.  I also threw away some trash and put all his headphones together in a bag.

I imagine we will find many lost treasures when we do the cleanout.

And his day is coming.

Edit: I forgot to add I found my missing deodorant in Ron's bag of headphones. 

Thursday morning

Well, I'll get the bad news over with first: Ron had a horrible night for pain and kept me up. 

Good news: he remembered his crackers and ate them instead of bugging me in the middle of the night. 

I also got a cute photo of Biscuit.  When I was setting up the room I considered everything and figured if I put the dresser in front of the window the cats might enjoy sitting on it, so when I got curtains I only got a length to the bottom of the window so they could look out.  I also helpfully left a crack in the curtains so little heads could stick out. 

I have seen Torbie up there and today I found Biscuit.  My hands were shaking pretty bad (lithium) so I got the best photo I could. 

He is pretty cute!  I like the harmony of the dresser color and the curtains, same color grouping.  It was a pretty bold (manic) choice to go with a magenta dresser but I like it, it's very cheerful. 

I gave Ron some Kratom this morning and will leave once I am sure it has kicked in and he is comfortable.  Right now he is snoring a little so that's encouraging. 

My goal: run to the store and see if I can find the canned soda I could not obtain yesterday.  Apparently (?) there is a shortage of Co2 so that may be driving the shortages.  I will see what I can get.  If nothing else I can get some sausage (I hear meat shortages are coming) a thing of bleach (stop laughing!) and a sheet for Ron's bed.  I like several layered with rubber sheets super easy cleanup.  Depending on the mess I can either toss (I would pay $10 for some messes to go away) or launder. 

Ideally I can get a nap today we will see.  Ron is about at the point I think I can leave him for a while. 

We will probably take tomorrow off and do a supply run Saturday.  I would rather do that but we will see what Ron and Jack have to say about it. 

Mood is OK which is good.   I think I took my pills, let me look.  I did not so I fixed that. 

Ron lost his radio again so I will look on Amazon.  I tore up his room and couldn't find it. 

That is it for now. 

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

So opinions

I am out in the county.  That means my "boss" is the county judge, who was elected on a straight ticket democratic vote. 

I liked Ed, the other guy.  He really knew what he was doing. 

So Lena has decided to fine everyone who doesn't wear a mask in public.  I lean more liberitarian these days.  I don't think it's "their" business if someone wants to be foolish. 

Like I don't have enough, now I need to make Ron wear a mask.  That is going to go over great.  Ugh. 

So, what do you think?  Is it OK to force people to wear a mask, fine them a thousand dollars and/or half a year in jail if they don't? 

Or should it be up to the individual?


I didn't sleep well and had to get up at 3.  But I had taken my shower last night so I could just get dressed today, and get Ron going.  We went to work with "the guy". 

Years ago the illustrator on site made a "Metrolift" sign for the proper driveway.  The old driveways were confusing the drivers always went to the wrong parking lot.  The hope was the drivers would see the sign. 

You can't see the sign unless you're on top of it but they put up barricades for the other parking lot so they have to come to us now, but the other employees see the sign everytime they enter/leave the facility "Metrolift comes here" and as a result a few have gotten services and now use it to go to work. 

One can drive but says she can't afford (on 50K a year?!) to drive anymore so she uses it, another bigmouth odd man goes in the early morning, and we rode with him.  He kept asking me questions about my insurance claim and couldn't understand the homeowners paid for a broken pipe and we did NOT use "flood" insurance for the "flood".  I think he has some cognitive issues and probably shouldn't be working any more.  Sad, really, that he is even out of the house by himself when I think about it. 

Whenever he sees me he always tells me how his cats died again and again and again.  I get very sick of it, but like I said I can only conclude he had a stroke or something and just doesn't understand normal social rules anymore.  I have had to resort to being very rude at times. 

We got to work, sales were very slow.  We stocked.  The custodians are lazy and do not mop in front of the vending machines.  They won't let us use their mops.  So now we are getting yelled at for that and I explained it costs $500 to "move" them so if they want that done they will have to pay.  He said they will "figure something else out".  God knows what. 

But so much of the plant is utterly FILTHY they don't have handwashing facilities they don't even have proper sanitizer.  And they are worried about a little grime in front of a soda machine? 

Really a terrible idea to put white floors in the cafeteria.  They are starting to install black flooring so we will see how that goes.  If they do put it over by the machines I think it will be a bonus for us. 

Soda came, but about 40% of what we ordered.  I don't know if I mentioned it but when I went to Walmart yesterday the Dr Pepper section was not well stocked.  I believe they are having problems at the bottling plant but the driver couldn't tell me.  I paid for what we did get and put it away, then we left and came home. 

I got Ron settled and took a nap.  I had a pretty good nap slept until about 2. 

I got up and had a hemp smoke out in the driveway, waved at the trash collectors.  Torbie got in my lap after I finished, outside.  She likes to get in my lap outside so I let her, gave her lots of petting. 

After we finished I came in and called the social worker, the voicemail did NOT hang up on me and I had a very nice recorded message from the caseworker, she sounds very nice.  I left a message. 

The letter said I had until the 23rd to respond (Or what, I didn't want to find out!), I did that.  Now the ball is in her court. 

My aunt keeps saying no one is going to make a home visit during the virus, we will see.  She was also worried I may have "Laid it on too thick" when I said I knew she had a hard job and appreciated the hard work. 

I did say I knew someone was worried about us but I didn't feel it was warranted. 

My aunt wanted to know how a blog reader could make a report.  I said it was possible to find out my full name from information provided on the blog.  There are only 2 women with my name, one of whom lives in another state.  I have always been clear about living in Houston. 

I said a report could be made with a full name and address.  I said someone had been leaving comments with my personal information.  I didn't publish them of course.  She was pretty disturbed by that but I didn't take it personally.  If a blog reader made a report it is likely that person, and that's how it could happen if it was a reader. 

Do I care who made the report?  At this stage, really, I don't.  Someone was worried and I am going on the "did it out of love and concern" angle rather than the paranoid "someone is out to ruin my life" angle.  The social worker is only worried, not out to wreck my life.  The reporting party likely had a similar motivation.  She (social worker) sounds like a very sweet lady and we will likely adore her.  I do hope she likes cats if she does a home visit. 

So, not worried.  I just want to get it done. 

Spotty came in and left a stinker so I got "permission" from Ron to light some incense [rolleyes].  He used to mock the people with chemical sensitivity but I think he has it, many times common household cleaners, plug ins, detergent, etc. makes his allergies go into overdrive and he will literally scream about it.  But so far we are OK with a stick of rose incense from the head shop.  He can't do Nag Champa incense but hopefully he can do this, especially if I keep it at the front of the house and not near our bedrooms (in the back of the house). 

He is pretty drunk but OK.  Not ugly at any rate and didn't pee on the floor.  I am not sure if I want to:
1.  Cut out the carpet and replace it with a doormat
2.  Get a carpet cleaner

Until we can get it all fixed.  We will see.  Mail comes in about half an hour hopefully some good news. 

I need to figure out a nutritious dinner for me.  Ron is addicted to his casserole: 1 can corn, drained; 1 can pork and beans; bacon bits. 

I need to eat something with protein and vegetables I just need to figure out what.  I feel worn out but not especially tired. 

I was pretty manic before I took my nap so I did my mood stabilizers early.  Trash already came. 

I can't decide if a lot of people are moving or whether they just decided to do some purging, but a lot of piles of crap out at the curb today.  We had one in front of #8, but the trash guys didn't take it all.  #8 really abuses the trash pickup. 

When I had a serious job I did a dumpster and I plan to hire another (smaller) when I redo Ron's room so Carlos doesn't have to take that filthy, pissy, carpet in his work truck.  Bin There Dump That has a smaller dumpster that would be perfect for that job. 

And then my house will be done, yay! 

Tuesday, April 21, 2020


Most of Tuesday

I was a little bit of a jerk today.

I got up, took my shower, helped Ron, took care of the cats (they wanted wet and dry food, then I did the boxes), etc.

I took a Uber to Walmart and remembered to wear my mask.  I did turn on the music app (YouTube music) and had music playing softly on the speaker as I shopped = jerk.

I went straight for the men's department and the slacks must all be made in China.  They had NOTHING.  Ron wanted a 40 waist 29 inseam, elastic back, twill pant.  I wanted a dark color because khaki just shows everything and Ron is not really a preppy dresser.

Nothing.  I did find some twill shorts in dark colors for $10 each.  /////////////////////////////////////

As you can see, Torbie has been "coauthoring" the blog.  I called Ron and he said he didn't care, I got 2, and a pair of the knit shorts he likes.  He had worn a pair to the hospital but they got some sort of EKG lead on them and I couldn't get it off, I had to throw the shorts away, but they are only $6 so better that than something expensive. 

But that reinforces me, dress in cheap clothing if you send/are going to the hospital if at all possible. 

I got a navy and a dark gray, a black for the knit, a pocket t (I had to cut one off Ron the other day) in black, and a oversized baby blue tshirt for me.  I like getting tshirts from the men's department because they are more modest, and roomier. 

I did the rest of my shopping which was mainly getting some more of Ron's "casserole" - he likes a mixture of baked beans and whole kernel corn, with bacon bits.  It is filling and has a lot of protein.  I got a fair amount of diet soda for me. 

I did buy him some chicken strips but he is still full from breakfast.  I checked out and called a Uber, waited outside for a while.  One woman was complaining about "the heat" (it was about 80, and sunny, she was dressed in concealing clothes with a mask).  I didn't think it was hot I was loving it but then that's why I moved to Houston.  I like it warm and humid. 

She told me she was waiting on paratransit which didn't surprise me in the least.  I ordered the larger Uber, which I think is a good thing when I am going home from Walmart and will help me avoid the "You can't use my trunk" woman.  $3 is worth it. 

He had a huge cargo area you could have put a couple of full sized dogs, several bags of potting soil, a bike, and my stuff.  I put everything away and we left.  Worth the $3. 

We got home, I unloaded, came inside and sat down.  Ron did not want the chicken but said it smelled good.  He did have some lemonade, he loves that stuff.  He has been taking the kratom which is keeping his pain level down. 

I took the tags off his clothes and put them in the washer but didn't start the cycle.  I ate a fritter, took my pills, and took a nap.  I did wake up with a headache I think because I ate Stax.  They are a chip, can be a headache trigger for me.  So I went outside and had a hemp smoke. 

I came inside and cleaned the toilet, started the wash, checked on Ron.  I started the blog but Torbie wanted to "help" and kept opening up windows.  I have a photo but she is lying on my phone so I won't disturb her. 

I made the trip for tomorrow we have to get soda.  And stock, of course, but then we get Thursday off. 

I got a certified letter addressed to me saying I am being abused.  [sigh]  Their dedication is commendable but misplaced.  I really think I am "OK".  This letter was addressed the 13th the same as Ron's 2 letters and the one of mine.  That was a busy day for APS and my family. 

I will make some more phone calls on Thursday. 

It's an odd thing, having nightmares about people.

Ron used to have nightmares about me, that a bad guy was after us and was going to get us because *I* screwed up somehow.  He would scream and yell during the dream; furious at me when I woke him up "You got us killed!".  They stopped after the accident. 

Turns out I do the right things when bad times are upon us. 

I have had various nightmares about others in my life, my parents, the "special needs program" I was placed into my last 2 years of high school, etc.  I can't recall a lot of nightmares about Ron but I am sure I've had them. 

The latest I had last night was about my sister, that she was back in my life and my life was a lot worse for it.  The one thing I think that's the hardest to convey is just the depth of her mental illness. 

She really DID need serious therapy, but not for the reasons she thought.  Two children gave birth to her and did an equivalent job raising her.  She was always so angry at her father, he was an alcoholic, too, and only quit after she had already moved out.  She never seemed able to forgive him for that.  She was raised by two mentally ill grandmothers who only paid attention to her when she was sick, so she became one of those sickly people who has a new problem every week. 

Yet she was perfectly healthy when she was happy in her marriage, for over 20 years, which says it all to me.  It really is in her head.  But she has a platoon of specialists on her government health plan. 

That was the other thing I didn't like about her, taunting her boss to fire her and walking away from work in the middle of the day.  That is totally irresponsible.  Ron read me the riot act yesterday because I left an out of code sandwich in the food machine.  He would fire her in a second. 

It is just one thing after another with her "I'm sick you can't make me" "What do you expect from someone so sick?"  "You have to take care of me now".  I remember her dropping VERY heavy hints and basically saying I would leave Ron, move in with her, work part time at some mental illness job coalition (NO THANKS), and be her full time caregiver.  And you thought living with a blind man in a wheelchair was bad...

But I remember hearing there are "roles" in an alcoholic family, I was the caregiver.  She was "the responsible one".  Our brother was "the black sheep" (although he has done some good).  I never really got therapy for a child of alcohol, the therapist I had in my teens was more interested in making me "self aware" and analyzing myself, I think she did a decent job. 

So it was, she felt "my job" to "take care of her".  She has 3 kids of her own, all have moved far away.  When she needs a nursing home (not long at this rate) I am sure they will all chip in but I really doubt she is moving in with any of them. 

Ron likes to mention when I went to visit in 2012.  I have been "about" 220 for probably 20 years now, I go up and down a little but always around 220.  Right now I am closer to 230. 

So, her house was completely hoarded with little trails through piles of crap.  I was not allowed to touch the piles, even for balance, navigating, and I do not have the world's best balance (maybe they should have got me in ballet, as a kid :).  The worst were the empty bookcases stacked in the hallway going to the guest bath.  I couldn't slide past to get to the bathroom, I had to fight my way though, with a full bladder (lithium is a diuretic), every time.  One time I got stuck, the time Ron mentions.  It was horrible, stuck in the hall wondering if I needed to go ahead and void right there (what would it matter the place was a stye anyway) to free myself.  I managed to make a mighty shove and get loose but it was awful. 

I said something to my sister the next day and they moved a bookcase but, as Ron said when he heard about the social worker, at least you can get to our bathroom.  The toilet needs changing but it is functional and the vanity is very nice if I do say. 

Now, if anyone needed a social worker it is my sister.  In my goodbye letter I told her she shouldn't have cats in that hoard.  And that is why all rescue groups should do a home check, she got her cats from a rescue.  They checked to see if the landlord was OK with a cat, but that is all.  Had they walked in they would have said no way. 

My litter boxes can always use changing I do have 5, and even with outside access they only use their boxes.  Good for the neighbors. 

So I hate having nightmares around my sister because they are awful, I feel so attacked and enslaved "You have to help me" etc.  Probably how family of the disabled in the third world feel - there are no resources for families so they have to care for the person or leave them to die in the street.  Just UGH. 

So, I am mostly over that dream.  I still don't know why my foot fell off, although the dirt and the bugs made sense considering her hoarding. 

I just had a very nice visit from Spotty.  The cats have the ability to get up on the couch next to me and say hello, he put his front paws on my leg, purring, wanted a lot of petting which I was happy to provide.  He is a real lover and very sweet. 

When I first met him he wasn't sure about petting but grew to like it, I would pet him while he ate.  Now he loves it and seeks it out.  I do feel bad for Mama Cat but I don't see what else I could have done.  I was in a very bad place. 

It is interesting to note that Baby Girl was steadfast and stayed with Ron even during the worst of the work and the humidifiers and fans running constantly.  Torbie and Biscuit stayed in the yard until that was done.  Spotty came back after they took the humidifiers and Cleo came back after a month, she decided street life was not for her.  But it was her choice. 

I believe Mama Cat is still in the colony of cats being taken care of by the Spanish lady down the main street.  I think my current guys go over there and eat as well.  Cleo at least, she is so round she looks like she ate another cat. 

I need to figure out what I'm doing today.  I am going to Walmart, and I need to take a shower.  The question, do I take a shower this morning and then another one at night, so I don't have to get up at 3 to take a shower in the morning?  I'm not kidding about those early soda deliveries. 

Or do I just bite the bullet and take the shower in the morning?  I haven't decided and happily this may well be the worst issue I face all day.  I got the bathroom pretty much done, the kitchen is cluttered but OK.  I just need to sweep and do litter boxes. 

And feed Ron, which I did when he got up.  He can feed himself but it is a lot tidier if I do it.  There was The Issue I Can't Talk About.  As a result, he wanted some beans to eat.  I got him a can of pork and beans 50 cent from Walmart.  He liked that but asked if he could get some corn in there.  I did that. 

He really liked that and mused it would be really good with "some sausage bits". 

"How about bacon bits?  They seemed like a good pantry item when I was stocking up."  So I did that, and he loves it. 

So he ate a fair amount of casserole with corn, baked beans, and bacon bits.  Plenty of protein, something I value, and plenty of fiber for The Thing.   He is happy. 

He still has an interest in infomercials.  He was just telling me about this "amazing hand crank radio with a flashlight".  My STUN GUN has a flashlight.  I need to remember to take it to Walmart.  Flashlight doesn't mean anything.  Hand crank are not reliable long term the batteries are very shoddy.  Now, if Ron wants a survival radio I can get him one... yup, it is "free" with $90 in magazine subscriptions.  I found something better on Amazon and wish listed it (not the one you see) if he does decide he wants one. 

Now I have to buy some probiotics Spotty has the sniffles, not bad just sneezing every couple hours.  So I got that. 

Nothing is too good for my babies and probiotics are great for everyone.  I am actually taking some probiotics which came back with my stuff, I am not sure if they are still good after being in storage for 3 months but they can't hurt me.  Ron won't take them. 

Ideally I would love Ron on:
Swanson multi vitamin
Oregano oil capsule (daily during the COVID)
Vitamin E
Vitamin A&D
Mineral tablets. 

BUT I am lucky to get him to take his prostate pill and some Kratom.  There is a storm front coming so I got Ron on the kratom today to preempt the excruciating pain that comes with a weather change.  So far he is comfortable and I put the bottle in his shoe so he can find it easy.  LOL 

It is funny I don't miss anything I tossed, there was something the other day but it wasn't major.  Overall I don't miss it at all; which makes me think it was more a bipolar thing than a hoarding thing. 

Hoarders feel like every little bit is a part of them.  But, as one reader said, I had no problem gleefully flinging things in the dumpster, donating the weight equipment, putting other stuff out at the curb for the trash pickers, etc.  I was, and am, truly happy to see it go. 

Anyway, my day is not going to get going on it's own.  I need to take my shower and clean the litter boxes so I can get going.  I have some clothes to buy at Walmart for Ron, he is so picky about what he wears.  Pants at least, they have to bag like a homeboy but be twill with an elastic waist.  Hopefully Walmart will have it. 

But Ron and the cats are good so I'm happy, the house is fairly presentable not that I think the social worker is coming any time soon.  She mentioned an interview in the letter, not a visit.  Although she can if she wants [shrug]. 

Monday, April 20, 2020

Monday afternoon

I can't speak for other people but I do better when I am busy, and depressed.  It is hitting me now but I was running around so much earlier I didn't have time.  I did sit outside for an hour in the sun and fresh air. 

I am also working on the bathroom some more, and already cleaned the fridge.  I called my aunt and got a call from San Antonio while I was talking to her, likely spam and didn't leave a message. 

I believe the fresh air and sunshine are going to be good for my overall physical health and mood.  It can't hurt. 

I had a decent nap.  My aunt asked about the headaches, do I still get them when I take a nap?  The answer, not really.  The after nap headaches are pretty uncommon.  I think tearing out the old room and freshening it up fixed the headaches.  That is good as I was eating a lot of OTC pain relievers every day. 

My mood is pretty good considering, I'm not feeling so rabid about the driver this morning.  At best he will get a mark on his record.  At worst he will be fired and I won't feel at all bad about that.  No one, not even the worst drivers, has had a problem getting the wheelchair out of the cab. 

So I am doing OK.  Tomorrow I plan to go to Walmart to get Ron some clothes and then sweep the floors, maybe, clean the litter box, take it pretty easy. 

We have to get up pretty early on Wednesday. 

"Don't worry, I got this"

Got up, got Ron ready.  Ride is on time, we go out. 

Driver: "I need to see some ID RIGHT NOW" 

They do that to keep friends/family from riding on a client's name.  It is apparent Ron is a man with multiple disabilities and is clearly the client.  Ron: "What's the problem?" 

"Maybe" I said "He's new"  Worried about losing his job because he didn't check an ID.  There was a client named Johnny died and his wife kept riding on his name for years, even had customer service put a note "Client is a woman".  Then paratransit went to checking ID's for everyone and it came out Johnny had been dead for years. 

The driver got all upset and said he wasn't new. 

So I could understand him doing that.  I sat down and the seat is drenched in some sort of liquid, my clothes were soaked for hours, then the driver tries to force me to buckle up before I have put Ron's ID away.  I am not going to stop what I'm doing to take the seatbelt, if you want to stand there and hold it you will have to wait for me to put the ID YOU demanded away. 

But my clothes were soaked.  He gets in up front, he is wearing a ragged pair of rubber gloves which we all know are WORSE than bare skin, especially if you are not changing them periodically, you are just collecting all the germs you touch.  He does this bizarre ritualistic cleansing ritual that takes a couple minutes so clearly a germ freak, too. 

I don't know why he didn't just stop driving for a while like Jack did.  Jack didn't want to take a chance of getting sick so he stopped driving and is living off his retirement check. 

This guy is not a good driver, gets us to to work.  If the driver needs to change lanes or take an exit I always tell them about a mile in advance, this guy rode in the wrong lane as long as he "could" and then turned at the last second. 

I didn't think much of him unloading Ron, and frankly wasn't watching, until I heard Ron yelp and find him hanging sideways off the ramp, about to fall.  The driver is holding the handles of the wheelchair and is smirking at me. 

I shout something along the lines of What are you doing?! and run over there.  No driver has done this in the 17+ years Ron has been riding. 

I get over there and try to take the wheelchair handles, he won't "let" me.  Instead he says "I got this".  Ron is still teetering, about to fall.  "Give me the wheelchair" I demand.  He says he "has" this again, Ron is still precarious. 

I would assume "having" something meant that the person was safe, but not to him.  I lunge for the wheelchair, get it away from him, get it safe.  I push Ron toward the building, cursing under my breath.  Ron yells "thank you" sarcastically back over his shoulder. 

And YES you can bet I DID call in a complaint the minute that line opened.  I told them about Ron nearly falling and she gasped, was aghast, said OMG how awful.  She was HORRIFIED and I made sure to explain NO other driver in the fleet has ever done this with Ron, I even explained Ron is slim at 150 pounds and the driver went off the ramp sideways instead of straight back.  He was in the middle of a parking lot so room was not an issue. 

She was VERY upset and said a supervisor will be handling it.   Good.  That guy needs to go. 

1.  Germ freak
2.  Nasty attitude
3.  Not a safe driver
4.  Reckless handling clients

What if Ron had been non verbal and traveling alone?  What if he HAD fallen out on the ground and hit his head?  That is the LAST thing we need with him having seizures. 

I got him in the building and did what I needed for sales tax, took the money out of the machines, counted it for the bank (enough for sales tax, happily), etc.  Once I finished all the "financial" we had some time to stock, and did the bottled vendor.  I did the inventory for Dr Pepper, which we will get shortly. 

We had a bad coin jam in one machine, which Ron fixed by beating up the mechanism.  LOL 

We went to the bank and deposited the money, and came home.  I helped Ron some and then took a nap. 

Ron woke me up but he sort of "had" to, listening to his digital recorder, because he had a deadline on the Dr Pepper order.  So I got up, I wasn't having good dreams anyway. 

Ron is having problems getting his phone to charge, I think he needs a new outlet, he has a 6 way in the wall but I don't think it is a good one.  Many times his phone simply fails to charge, but when I plug it in up here it always does quite well. 

I need to check the mail pretty soon but that's about it.  But you never thought I would call in a complaint on a driver: I did. 

I was, and AM, furious he took that kind of risk with Ron. 

Sunday, April 19, 2020

At least he didn't defecate in the dishwasher

It is a crime, I believe to threaten a person with a nursing home.  I can see why, it's an awful thing to do.  Especially if a person has things they love (house, pets) they would lose. 

I did have to talk to Ron this morning, though, and explain I cannot watch him 24/7 and "there is only so much I can do". 

I slept OK but had a sad dream about a guy I used to date, he was always very sweet.  I hope he is doing well, really, all the people I knew in high school I really wish them well and pray they are happy.  Not like my life LOL. 

I got up, cats were begging, used the toilet.  Ron was saying something about how the bathroom had been changed but it looked the same to me.  "I even took the thing out" he said, as I looked down the hall and saw the dishwasher rack had been pulled out of the machine and set on the floor. 

He thought the kitchen was the bathroom, I'm looking down the hall and I don't see anything on the floor but now I have to go look.  I finish up and go do that, everything looks the same.  So he didn't crap in the dishwasher. 

He kept saying the bathroom was different and I said let's go look.  He looked and agreed it was the same, NOW, but had been different last night, and talked again about taking out the dishwasher tray. 

That's when I told him I can only watch him when I'm awake, and if he needs supervision at night I am going to have to get help, at best.

He asked for some more beans which can only help his bowel problems.  He really likes the 50 cent can of pork and beans and Walmart has plenty on hand. 

What a start to my day.  You can BET I took my pills (antidepressant, vitamin C, Ginger root, and multi) the second I could. 

These days I will take all the help I can get; and I am seriously thinking about asking for help at nights, with Ron.  Someone else can deal with his confusion while I get my 8 hours.  And Ron gets to stay at home with his beloved Varmint. 

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Nothing works on the bathtub grime

I guess I am going to prison, I tried all the cleansers on it.  I did clean the rest of the house, I need to sweep but other than that done, litter boxes and everything. 

I even tried the stuff with bleach.  No luck. 

About taking help, I am swinging around to where I might take it.  It depends how it is offered and how much information we have to give but I will consider it. 

I had a pretty good nap after I did the laundry.  Ron and I decided not to mend the old pants, it would have been an obvious seam and they are old, $12 pants.  I can just go to Wallyworld on Tuesday.  I know what he likes, I can just get that without taking him. 

He also mentioned getting some plants for a small garden, which I can do.  I am putting the tomatoes in the back, though.  I could use some more towels for the "washing up Ron" basket. 

Things I can't talk about, things I can.  Ron needed some help he fell getting in his wheelchair, he called, I went running back.  I had my Youtube music streaming and it was playing "Lean on me" and then went to "Get on up" which I found absolutely hysterical.  I didn't laugh because Ron might have thought I was laughing AT him but I was just laughing at the whole scenario this man trying to get up and the music going 'GET ON UP" 

I thought it was funny, it's up to you if you think so too.  I did get Ron up and he is fine, it wasn't a hard fall. 

I got my masks, finally.  They sent them first class which explains the delay.  But I got them, 6, nice soft fabric, washable, I made a video. 

You can hear me and Ron talking.  When I talk about "kicking" Baby Girl (we also call her Varmint), I mean stretching his foot out in bed and bumping her.  He would never "kick" her, but in this case he sneezed and that's what spooked her. 

So here it is.