Thursday, April 21, 2016

What matters

When I tell the story of how I found Biscuit and Gravy, some people get very angry I didn't call the police about their abuser.  Yes, she was kicking them.  Yes, that is a felony. 

Why didn't I do it?  Well, for one I was primarily focused on the starving kittens, feeding them and making sure Biscuit stopped licking out the empty "tin" and ate his half of the "loaf".  I was focused on keeping her away from them.  I actually got between her and them when she came over to watch them eat. 

She was waiting to ride a bus, and she did just that.  Once she got on the bus "we" couldn't catch her.  She could have gone anywhere.  All I could have said was that she was a young black woman.  There are a lot of young black women riding the bus in Houston!  I'm more the aberration!

I also wasn't angry at the time, I was more focused, as I said, on helping the cats.  God will deal with her. 

God also used her to show me what would happen to them if I didn't take them.  That, I think, was her purpose in all of this. 

Not to get arrested, or in trouble, but just to draw my attention to the fact these cats would die if I didn't help them. 

If you believe in God you know He will repay (Hebrews 10:30).  If you believe in "the universe", karma, whatever you know she will get all that hate back in her life in a very profound manner. 

Also, "they" would have taken the kittens away to a shelter.  Once they made their cruelty case they  would have taken them, tried to adopt them, and then most likely put them down.  They were older kittens with average markings, "nothing special".  I doubt that would have ended well for them. 

As it is, Gravy had a short life but he was spoiled rotten.  I wish you could have seen Ron giving treats to all 4 cats at the same time, it was epic. 

Biscuit still vomits on my furniture on a regular basis, he has a sensitive tummy, but I can live with that.  He knows his litter box. 

And that's what matters. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

bless your fuzzy heart!! I am so happy you rescued those kitties! So happy to know you even through the internet and I love that you do an "old school" blog! it is so nice to read something that does not have ads shooting around, I would understand if you did run ads but wow am I glad you dont it is nice.

I can not imagine eating if my animals did not have enough. Or sleeping if my animals could not be warm and dry .. We had a very mentally ill guy locally who took 3 dogs he found on the streets in and built them a trailer, fed them first and died when he died the community came together and found them a home together. Even an homeless gravely mentally ill man was able to undertand how important animals are on this earth.

I agree only blessings comes from taking in animals...(it is sad when we loose them but I have learned to live with it am older than you so have had more time I miss them all but it is perspective now ) .and only bad should come from hurting them. They depend on us and that is a very powerful place to be in this world

how are they doing in the catIo is it done yet? so excited to see more photos !