Tuesday, April 19, 2016

The waters recede

Sorry to be a tease, the internet was a butt and I couldn't get online. 

I guess epic flooding messes up the works. 

Anyway, the water went down.  After I posted the photos I took a nap.  What could I do? 

#6 decided to play some music so I moved to the pullout, thinking it was a bad idea to sleep on the floor during a flood.  I had a pretty good nap until Ron woke me up asking questions. 

After I bit him (!) I got up and looked.  The water was down about halfway.  Praise God. 

I took another nap.  When I got up the water was almost totally down in the street, and gapers were walking around looking at the flood damage.  Rude. 

This happened after the hurricane, too. 

Yes, I had power the entire time, but about 100K people didn't.  That's not bad, considering.  Houston is about 4 Million.  I do have flashlights and a battery operated lamp. Ron has a wind up radio he loves.  He also has a battery operated fan.  My noisemaker is battery operated, as is my alarm clock.  It only runs on batteries and does not plug in at all. 

But we kept the fridge and contents, we had some flickers but nothing bad.  Our electric provider, Centerpoint, gets a gold star in my book. 

Our plumbing worked too.  Ron flushed and remarked how happy he was it worked.  Yeah, really. 

Sometimes the plumbing will fail during a flood.  Now, we have water stored, but flushing is a pretty big deal! 

Especially for Ron!  :) 

The cats were fine, they kept trying to go out front, ran up against the water, and came back in.  I had a hard time keeping them in but I didn't want them to float away. 

I saw various things like pieces of wood and beer bottles floating by.  One piece of wood beached itself in my front garden (just a jasmine on a trellis) and I threw it back by the tree.  It made a thunk and a splash, and floated off. 

I ate part of a TV dinner, for dinner, but I could tell I would get sick to my stomach if I ate it.  Pork and I don't really agree at this dosage of lithium.  Which is a shame, because I really loved pork. 

Not even bacon. 

I threw away the uneaten part after offering it to Ron, but he had already eaten a lot of Chinese food we ordered on Sunday.  I ate a bowl of cereal and that was fine. 

I need to get some more powdered milk if we lose power.  I would want powdered milk, and we're coming up on hurricane season. 

Please, God, let it be a boring year. 

I am so, so, grateful to God for sparing us.  This could have been an epic mess, but it wasn't.  It's like he put his hand in front of my house and garage. 

I still don't see how the garage stayed dry.  Even #6 was shocked when I told him. 


Anonymous said...

I am so happy you got out of this with out much trouble! What a trip to watch floodwaters ! I keep a 3 day ( but couldl make it lasy a week) bin of essentials. I remember the Red Cross saying to be sure to pack foid you live to eat. But i keep taking the cookies out and calling it " rotation" i have a tub bag that will turn thw tub into emergency water supply . How do i fill it if i have no water? I think it was a manic purchase.
Many hugs to you Ron and the kitties! So glad you are all just fine

Heather Knits said...

I got one of those bags for my parents in earthquake country. One thing people don't consider is pet food. I make sure I have enough for a while because my gang doesn't like to miss a meal.