Saturday, April 23, 2016

A whole lot smaller

I think I need to start drinking coffee in the morning. 

I drink some of that stuff at work and wow, I am good for hours.  I am trying to decide if that is a good thing or whether my natural state of fatigue is more "natural". 

I don't want to run around, cranked up on stimulants.  But I need to work! 

If I do start drinking it I will get it in instant. 

I overslept this morning, waking up at 6:15 instead of 5 AM!  You can bet I had a very short and thorough shower! 

I fixed up the cooler for Greg the Handyman and made sure everything looked OK for him.  Satisfied, I left. 

We headed off to the warehouse, which was, happily, fully stocked.  I was worried the flood relief efforts might have depleted the ready-to-eat snack foods.  They even had full supplies of water! 

I got all the inventory, including some stuff I had been needing.  For instance, last week I "tried" some biscotti, which has been hugely popular.  It has a good cost to me, and a good value to them.  It is new, and delicious, so they bought it all.  I got another bucket today. 

I also had to get some more trail mix, another popular seller. 

We went to work and unloaded (!).  I was really glad I had remembered to take a salt tablet, as I got pretty sweaty.  I felt pretty disgusting and unattractive, but I looked mildly mussed when I checked my reflection in a mirror.  Good. 

Then the stock.  Did that, helped Ron. 

On the way home, I had a revelation, 

This will compromise my OPSEC (Operational Security) but I think this is worth it.  The Army Corps of Engineers is building a huge detention pond very near my home, about a half mile downstream on the bayou.  It is about 30-40 acres, excavated about 30-40 feet deep. 

It was full to the top the day after the flood.  If they hadn't been working on it, we would have had all that in my house! 

Thank God they decided to start the project when they did!  They have been pumping it out for days now. 

That is all God and I have to give him praises for that.  It is also nice to know this detention project will alleviate future flood issues. 

Worth a little loss of secrecy to share that! 

I tried to take a nap but I was too wound up from the coffee I had checked at work.  I wanted to be sure the machine was behaving.  That has also got me thinking about maybe doing coffee in the morning, as it seems to make me more alert than a caffeinated diet soda. 

I have never been a fan of coffee, but I like a dark roast when I do. 

I got up, did my God time (no time this morning!) and got ready to go out to dinner.  We had a good time.  After dinner we went by a tool place and I found a folding cart rated to 150 pounds.  That would be fun to try to load 145 pounds of Bibles onto a handcart!  Even BETTER to distribute them all in one handout!  Ah! 

We came home.  The catio is finished, and Baby Girl was "out".  She finally came home and I put her in the house.  She is sleeping under the kitchen table, Torbie is with Ron, and Biscuit is on his kitty condo. 

They all seem to be adjusting well but they generally like to go out at night.  It's going to be a very interesting evening when they figure out "outside" just got a whole lot smaller. 

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