Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Only 2?

Here's a look at my leg. 

It looks like I got burned!  I didn't! 

I have some "lesser" hives on the back of my right thigh.  But, I think I figured it out. 

That is the spot where Biscuit likes to rub against me when he comes in from outside.  Today, I was told my leg looked like poison ivy. 

I can just see poor dumb little Biscuit rolling around in poison ivy and bringing it home, rubbing it all over my leg! 

At least I don't have to freak out about allergies (unless I get powerful evidence to the contrary).  I don't care, it doesn't really bother me. 

I think the FAS has given me a gift of tuning out signals from my body.  I can turn down, or off, input. It's mildly itchy sitting here but that's it.  I will clean it with an unscented wet wipe and apply more, 1% cortisone cream, before I go to bed.  I bought a couple tubes for 88 cents each, today. 

It was hard shaving, and uncomfortable in the hot shower water, but otherwise OK. 

We got up early.  Well, Ron woke me up an hour before our pickup.  My alarm didn't go off. 

I took my shower, ate, took my meds. 

Out the door and off to work.  I snapped at Ron because we didn't have enough time.  It's very frustrating trying to do (for instance) 10 hours of work when you only have 5 to do it.  Something is going to suffer. 

It looked "OK" when we left but I didn't do the complete snack inventory like I would have wanted. 

We left and went to Walmart.  I had my favorite! driver again.  Jose is great.  I was delighted to see him and showed it. 

He chuckled at me as he loaded Ron's walker.  We eventually got to the Walmart and found a kiddie cart (the one with the seat on the back of a standard shopping cart, for Ron - you can see it in my slideshow). 

We started shopping.  I paid the pharmacy for the thing they didn't charge me for.  I got some funny looks, but I told her I have to answer to God.  I got Hydrocortisone cream.  The generic 88 cent brand is working fine so I got more.  I noticed the poison ivy remedies were pretty wiped out.  It appears I am not the only one suffering.  I made my deposit.  I got gravy lover cat food, which has been a spectacular hit.  Biscuit didn't even puke and he ate 2 cans. 

I got Ron some wet wipes and cat treats.  4 pounds.  Literally.  Whatever you want to say about Ron he knows how to "treat" a cat!  He also feeds the dry food. 

I got some diet soda and chips, but not many.  I got tampons, detergent, and air fresheners.  Ron's room smells like old feet.  I got more Benadryl (we are almost out).  I got milk and cereal.  I was forgetting something. 

I saw my knitting bag under the cart.  Oh, yarn!  I went to the craft aisle.  I noticed they had the loom sets.  I have wanted one.  Why, I couldn't tell you, but maybe it would be fun to something besides knit and crochet, for a change. 

"Do I need two sets of: 10 mm, 14 inch, knitting needles?" I asked Ron "Help me out." 
"I don't care" he replied. 
"You're right." I responded.  "What if I want to work on two projects?"  I stuck them in the cart.   Generally speaking, I like to have a couple projects going at once. 

I prefer aluminum straights, and plastic crochet hooks.  I bought a pair of plastic straights, I will see how I like them.  If I do it is easy enough to buy a whole set. 

I got a few other food items and we checked out.  We were stuck in line behind a man who had a lot of fruit, laxative tablets, and severe cold remedy.  I hope I don't catch it, whatever it is. 

I hope he was buying it for someone else. 

We got some takeout on the way home (Ron arranged for someone to pick us up) and I ate that, trying not to drip tacos supreme all over my shirt.  I finally took all my clothes off and was happy with the solution. 

I took a nap.  I woke up when someone knocked on the door.  Ron's bed had arrived.  We aren't assembling it tonight, I propped it up in the hall. 

I did evict Ron, throw him in the tub, strip his bed, remake it, wash the old sheets, and do some other loads of laundry.  Ron complained about "the scrubbing".  I told him if he soaked long enough I wouldn't need to scrub.  I turned up the heater. 

He soaked, and washed, emerging squeaky clean.  It is really hard to bathe a person with neuropathy issues.  Any kind of rubbing or touching causes extreme discomfort.  The crater in his leg still looks terrible, but it is healing. 

He has a nice fresh bed with fabric softener in a tropical aroma.  I fluffed up his memory foam pillow (it has memory foam pieces and can be fluffed).  He's loafing in bed right now, enjoying it. 

I need to clean his carpet but other than that it looks OK. 

My room is pretty crowded along the "walkway", so I need to clear that out and figure out what can stay and what needs to go somewhere else.  I also need to take the heated mattress pad off the bed (nice as it was when I was sick) and put that in the closet or garage.  Wash my fleece blanket - pretty funny, I'm a crafter and I prefer a cheap store blanket - get that stored away. 

I just checked my email.  Our coffee machine is coming on Tuesday so that will be interesting.  I looked up our wholesaler and got the order information for stuff like creamer, hot chocolate, French vanilla powders.  I need to see if Ron wants stuff like mocha or Irish Cream in addition to the regular lineup. 

We, the building, are getting 2 coffee machines so the customers should be happy, but when I told one he said "Only two?" 

"Do you know how much these things cost?" I retorted. 

Some people are never happy. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"old feet" is a warning sign smell of infections, you are so sharp! you maybe again saved his life. If the wounds are not getting better and you smell old feet in there? get him in for a culture.
he is so lucky to have you

Oh Heather watch that wound and so sorry about the hives