Monday, March 7, 2016

A lot about the cats

Biscuit walked all over my computer desk "Purr, purr".  He wanted a num-num.  He butted against my hands as I typed.  "Purr purr".  He threw in a meow for good measure, and gazed at me adoringly with his big green eyes. 

I was busy.  Biscuit picked the real attention getter; walk on the keyboard. 

He stepped on one key and then another.  ZZZIP.  Suddenly my display went from "landscape" to "portrait" - sideways.  Even the mouse wasn't working right. 

I was FURIOUS.  I picked Biscuit up and gave him to Ron, still purring.  "I'm very angry at him, if he comes begging again I'll yell at him."  Biscuit purred and meowed the whole time, totally clueless of the havoc he had caused.  He kept coming back to me and meowing for his num num, but I wasn't about to reward bad behavior. 

I didn't yell but I did scold him.  I also told him he wasn't getting a num num.  If he was hungry, I informed him, he'd better go eat some dry food. 

Ron kept telling me I was being "mean".  Do you know how long it took me to shut down my computer? 

I told Ron this was his fault and he was paying for it. 

He pointed out, logically, I was the one allowing the cats on the computer desk.  Not anymore, I told him. 

Ron got me a squirt bottle full of water, which I have at hand. 

Biscuit kept being his charming little (12 pound) self.  I finally relented and forgave him, but he was gone. 

I opened up a num-num anyway, Gravy Lovers, one of his favorites.  I went to bed. 

I heard the click-click of the pet door later, and I talked nicely to whatever cat (?) had arrived.  It went off to the front of the house.  Another cat followed shortly.  I repeated my behavior, and it also went to the front room. 

A few minutes later, Biscuit climbed into bed, purring and rubbing against me joyfully.  Clearly, he found his num-num and had figured out I had forgiven him. 

He has no idea what he did, and it is my fault.  Lesson learned, don't let the cat anywhere near the computer.  He slept with me, at least some of the time, last night.  He also slept with me during my nap. 

I gave him another num-num for breakfast.  Boy my spell checker hates num num.  I need to add it to the dictionary.  That, Torbie, and paratransit. 

I slept OK last night but I had some odd, "Lord of the Rings" inspired dreams.  I had been watching the show yesterday. 

Torbie has been sleeping a lot, by my head.  In my experience it indicates a very elderly cat about to "graduate".  On the one hand, if a cat deserves heaven it is Torbie.  On the other hand, I am selfish and want to keep her to myself.  I just pray, when it's her time, it is a painless transition. 

That's the only time I ever wished for a gun, when I had a dying cat on my hands.  But there's always the chance they can save it, at the animal hospital, and you have to try. 

Of course, with Bubba, the treatment would only "Prolong" and not "cure", so I had no problem letting him go.  I didn't need to ask to know he did not want a needle stuck in his chest and "aspirated", only to have the fluid come back and suffocate him again. 

I feel poor little Baby Girl was traumatized by Bubba's death, he was her buddy.  He taught her everything and she took it pretty hard.  Then I brought Torbie home to "replace" him. 

NOT a happy Baby Girl. 

Anyway, everyone else seems fine. 

I just spotted Biscuit in the doorway so I gave him his num.  He pesters me and walks on the keyboard because he is hungry.  If I feed him preemptively, perhaps he won't pester me.  I gave him another can of Gravy Lovers. 

I can hear bugs hitting against the window.  Since we have severe weather inbound tomorrow, I rolled up the sunshades so they don't bang against the house and break a window, or just keep us up. 

I have some fun things coming tomorrow.  A performance tshirt and some crochet hooks, I think.  One of my books has also shipped but they (online used booksellers) tend to use very slow shipping methods. 

We went to work, much of which was preparation for our "new" equipment arriving tomorrow.  Ron, happily, had the thought to call the boss who told us, "We're not bringing your stuff for another month". 

OK, that's fine, but it totally revamps the schedule. 

After work, we went to the bank.  Ron made a comment about needing to pay the computer repairman.  Happily we don't need him now. 

Ron needs to call him and cancel. 

We went out to lunch and came home.  I managed to get a good nap with a couple of cats. 

I got up and we used the dinosaur computer (I swear I can hear them roar when I turn it on) to do the accounting report.  That took a while, especially when I tried to log into blogger. 

Blogger crashed the old computer, but it did warn me when I logged in.  "Unpredictable behavior".  Yeah. 

So I had to reboot the computer (that bad!) and it takes forever, cause it's a dinosaur.  A good one. 

I did the report and tried to do some things on it, but it wasn't working. 

Then I prayed about it, turned on the new computer.  I figured it had to be in the display settings, and I was right.  But why in the name of microchips would anyone want to set their monitor display to "portrait?"  Why?  Frisky housecats, yes, human beings, no.  I can't think of one good reason. 

Anyway, it's working NOW.  Thank God. 

I pray tomorrow is boring.  However, severe weather on the inbound.  Should be interesting. 

Tomorrow I will tell you about the naked lady on the truck and how that goes back to properly medicated. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I read over the past week got to your last comment about a less than optimally medicated naked lady..... And spit coffee, it was a hysterical image, i live/ worked inner city most of my life. So i know what you are saying and looking forward to more evidence that compliant dosing for crazy people is mandatory! I always am sad, but i laugh as well because it is a constant reminder it could be any one of us. There but for a pill go we! Loved the kitty gossip, it was nice to have a physical update on Ron. Glad he is still trying to maintain his strength and the new bed, knitting haul sounds like fun and good for both of you.

It is nice you do watch shows together